Just racked up a brilliant score of 184 on Lexathon. Found 116 out of 239 words (49%) at 3.58 words per minute. http://bit.ly/lexathon Beat that!
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Increasing the volume: 041413
dick justice - henry lee - YouTube
dick justice - henry lee (from "anthology of american folk music", 1952)
"Get down, get down, little Henry Lee, and stay all night with me.
The very best lodging I can afford will be fare better'n thee."
"I can't get down, and I won't get down, and stay all night with thee,
For the girl I have in that merry green land, I love far better'n thee."
She leaned herself against a fence, just for a kiss or two;
With a little pen-knife held in her hand, she plugged him through and through.
"Come all you ladies in the town, a secret for me keep,
With a diamond ring held on my hand I'll never will forsake."
"Some take him by his lily-white hand, some take him by his feet.
We'll throw him in this deep, deep well, more than one hundred feet.
Lie there, lie there, loving Henry Lee, till the flesh drops from your bones.
The girl you have in that merry green land still waits for your return."
"Fly down, fly down, you little bird, and alight on my right knee.
Your cage will be of purest gold, in deed of property."
"I can't fly down, or I won't fly down, and alight on your right knee.
A girl would murder her own true love would kill a little bird like me."
"If I had my bend and bow, my arrow and my string,
I'd pierce a dart so nigh your heart your wobble would be in vain."
"If you had your bend and bow, your arrow and your string,
I'd fly away to the merry green land and tell what I have seen."
I am not yet complete
I am a caterpillar,
a very hungry caterpillar.
In this cocoon for a time
I must learn
which leaves are good for sustenance
And which will slowly kill me
One glorious day I will be released
To be the butterfly I was created to be
But that day is not this one
I am a fish
caught by the fisher of men
I have been released
Not into a bowl
to live a life of comfort and confinement
But into the ocean
to live freely
Swimming among the sharks,
who would love to devour me
I have been slow to learn of the cruel fishermen
That would leave me to drown in their nets
That would feast on my carcass,
and throw away my remains
I am not the prize catch
After their hunger is satisfied,
They will,
and do,
move on to their next.
I understand this now.
I am dust,
and I will be blown away with the wind.
When the life breathed into me,
is taken from me,
returned to its giver,
I will return to the earth
from which I came
I am only one part,
not unlike the millions of others
I am barely a even a factor in the equation
I am almost nothing,
and yet I exist
My thoughts and words mean little, to most
But they are all I have in defining who I am
And if, in the quest for understanding I Am,
I can not be honest
Well then...
I can not truly BE anything worth being at all
This Post is Not About Ants
People don't usually undertake much in the way of inconvenience when it comes to not stepping on an ant. You might step on an ant and never even notice.
People will however undertake a good deal of inconvenience when it comes to not stepping on an anthill. Step on an anthill and you will notice in a very big way.
The Hear and Now
If you want to totally miss hearing the true answer, just keep looking for the one you were hoping to hear instead.
Salty Bottoms
A friend of mine once said to me that no artist worth their salt is anyone you'd want to know on a personal level. He's pretty much right.
I've been thinking about that along with contemplating the dual tragedy that the death of so much great talent is often a result of self over-medicating (of sorts) by their own hand, and the "artists" that seem only to go on and on living all the while polluting the world with evermore mediocrity.
I medicate for pretty severe ADHD. Having that affliction had been both blessing and curse, but it is one of the reasons I'm prone to some rather odd creativity and a love of music.
As my therapist once said, my not thinking like everyone else means I do my thinking mostly outside the box.
Sure that can make things thought, bit it's fine because I've seen normal and you can have it!
I don't imagine however if I had pursued a career in music that I would have the sort of health care that I do now, thus medication wouldn't be an option to me. Honestly without it, I'm such an easy person to be around I get really depressed, really quickly.
But in thinking about all of this, I also have to imagine that an inability to medicate might not have been the worst thing either from a creative stand point had I gone that direction. Of course who knows what my life would have looked like our how long I might have lived either.
All of this to say, I think one of the reasons we have so much creative talent in this country is that we've let health care become such an unaffordable luxury for the working poor that they can't afford to legally medicate. So they self medicate and as their afflictions continue to grow so does their creative process.
I knew a depressed singer/song writer that got insurance and went on Prozac. After being on it a while, I asked him how he liked it. He said he felt a lot better but went in to say that he hadn't been able to write a good song since he started on it either.
History shows that mental afflictions, and chemical imbalances are quite conducive to great art.
So please America, of you care about the business of art at all, continue to disregard the welfare of the artists by continuing to making health care out of reach for them.
Oh sure a lot of people might suffer and die, but consider at all this great art and how it's value increases once the artist finally does die.
It's always about the money....always.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Luck pt 2
(Original post)
So, my daughter Maddy (9) comes in to the house and casually and says, "Hey, look what I just found, a four leaf clover."
Thinking that she didn't understand the rarity of her find, I told her that throughout my childhood, I used to spend hours looking for just one of these.
Her response?
"Well, I just looked down and there it was."
There must be a lesson in there somewhere...
The lesson?
Well after thinking about it for a while, and examining my own life, I'd have to say:
1) Some of life's best memories happen when plans don't go as we had hoped and we can manage roll with that.
2) Some of the best things to be found in life are found when we aren't even looking for them.
So, my daughter Maddy (9) comes in to the house and casually and says, "Hey, look what I just found, a four leaf clover."
Thinking that she didn't understand the rarity of her find, I told her that throughout my childhood, I used to spend hours looking for just one of these.
Her response?
"Well, I just looked down and there it was."
There must be a lesson in there somewhere.
Pitchfork on my Back
If you find this shirt in XL let me know.
It's one of my favorites and it's certainly seen better days.
The World is an Unfair Place
I'm not sure how out why this merits a headline, when I do the exact same thing everyday without a coach.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Increasing the Volume: 041213
Big Rock Candy Mountain - YouTube
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains by Harry McClintock
One evening as the sun went down
And the jungle fires were burning,
Down the track came a hobo hiking,
And he said, "Boys, I'm not turning
I'm headed for a land that's far away
Besides the crystal fountains
So come with me, we'll go and see
The Big Rock Candy Mountains
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains,
There's a land that's fair and bright,
Where the handouts grow on bushes
And you sleep out every night.
Where the boxcars all are empty
And the sun shines every day
And the birds and the bees
And the cigarette trees
The lemonade springs
Where the bluebird sings
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains.
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
All the cops have wooden legs
And the bulldogs all have rubber teeth
And the hens lay soft-boiled eggs
The farmers' trees are full of fruit
And the barns are full of hay
Oh I'm bound to go
Where there ain't no snow
Where the rain don't fall
The winds don't blow
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains.
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
You never change your socks
And the little streams of alcohol
Come trickling down the rocks
The brakemen have to tip their hats
And the railway bulls are blind
There's a lake of stew
And of whiskey too
You can paddle all around it
In a big canoe
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains,
The jails are made of tin.
And you can walk right out again,
As soon as you are in.
There ain't no short-handled shovels,
No axes, saws nor picks,
I'm bound to stay
Where you sleep all day,
Where they hung the jerk
That invented work
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains.
I'll see you all this coming fall
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
I'll see you in Hell
Don't blame me.
It's in the Bible...
Love the Lord your God with all your heart.
If you have seen me you have seen the Father.
If you love me you will keep my commandments.
Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.
No one is perfect.
No one loves Jesus.
Everyone is going to Hell
Now then, isn't taking things out of context fun?
I think I'll start a church...
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Of Men And Machines
Machines must be maintained.
They require time to cool down and down time for service.
A machine can only work so hard for so long. Eventually it starts to fall apart or something inside finally just snaps and it quits working all together.
Twice the Ride at Half the Fare
How long can the show go on giving evening performances at matinee prices?
Especially when those who are paying think they should get popcorn and a drink included.
Twice the ride at half the fare?
It can't last long.
The actors demand their wage.
Costumes must be bought.
Rent must be paid.
Welcome to the real world
If you're 40, and I let you down, I might feel momentarily bad at best. But if you're 4 and I let you down, well that's just crushing.
Sorry, I know you can't read, but I'm sorry.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Hello Lover
If I had to be counted among either, I would by far rather be someone who was hated for loving over someone who was loved for hating.
More Summery Than Fallen
Summery versus Summary & Then versus Than
Apply as Needed
With what you've done, with what you have....
When you're sure it can't possibly be enough, it will probably be more than enough.
When you're sure that it's way too much , it will probably not be nearly enough.
Just One Pepsi
The longer a person lives with any dysfunction, the more normal it seems. Especially if they have, in their own world, nothing to base normal off of.
My youth afforded me plenty of dysfunction...
As I began, I started to realize that my own dysfunctions were just that, (my own) and as I started to see what healthy people lived like, looked like. I could begin to change.
In other words, in order to understand just how messed up I was, I had to understand just how it was that I was so messed up.
That journey began long ago, however changing doesn't get easier over time, the surface symptoms simply become less apparent that's all.
So that in my journey I find that the greater my understanding about the nature of my depravity, the greater my realization of its depth as well.
As time goes on, I find I am able to move beyond the lesser but more obvious problems, but consequently I then become all the more aware of far greater and yet less obvious problems.
The more I come to know really only serves to underscore how very little I know.
It is by God's grace alone am I able to continue on in what I would otherwise regard as a pointless and unwinnable fight.
As I have said on the past, I will say again now:
What's gone is gone
What's done is done
The battle rages
But the war is won
Games without Frontiers
Just racked up an excellent score of 235 on Lexathon. Found 110 out of 169 words (65%) at 3.25 words per minute. http://bit.ly/lexathon Beat that!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Destroy Your Enemies
This was supposed to be a post about how we treat each other, including our enemies. So read this first....
Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends? - Abraham Lincoln
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. - Jesus
So the point is made, but look again at that last sentence
You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Is the suggestion here that we can actually be perfect? I don't think that's possible.
Jesus commands us to do the impossible? or is it possible? How? What do you think?
It sure does seem odd, doesn't it?
Increasing the Volume: 040913
Coldplay: Warning Sign
Listen to the words, but more so listen through the words.
I have, since day one, heard this song as a very personal and heart wrenching prayer .
Click here to listen: Coldplay: Warning Sign
Lyrics here:
"Warning Sign"
A warning sign
I missed the good part,
then I realised
I started looking
and the bubble burst
I started looking
for excuses...
Come on in
I've gotta tell you
what a state I'm in
I've gotta tell you
in my loudest tones
That I started looking
for a warning sign
When the truth is,
I miss you
Yeah the truth is,
that I miss you so...
A warning sign
It came back to haunt me,
and I realised
That you were an island
and I passed you by
You were an island
to discover
Come on in
I've gotta tell you
what a state I'm in
I've gotta tell you
in my loudest tones
That I started looking
for a warning sign
When the truth is,
I miss you
Yeah the truth is,
that I miss you so
And I'm tired,
I should not have let you go
So I crawl back
into your open arms
Yes I crawl back
into your open arms
And I crawl back
into your open arms
Yes I crawl back...
into your
open arms.
A Moment Unlike Any Other
It's difficult for me to imagine that other people love their kids as much as I love mine.
It's so deep that at times it's almost overwhelmingly painful, just to look at them and think about them. That sounds strange, I know.
But I'm sure they must though.
I post the disfigured, out of perspective, sloppy art of my kids from time to time, just like a lot of other parents.
They say love is blind...look at this stuff, it must be.
When I was a little younger, and other people did that, I thought it was obnoxious. Stupid. Boring.
I didn't really get it.
Because to me it wasn't any more than a piece of crap that any kid makes when they're trying to figure it all out...and really it is.
I know this about posting my own kid's crap.
But I've learned a thing or two over the years. Perhaps more accurately I've applied what I've always known differently as my perspective had shifted.
I've learned the only real difference between a beautiful work of art and a waste of money and materials is simply the meaning of it to you.
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder...it's true. The depth of real art isn't realized with the senses, but in how it speaks to your heart.
Nothing more, nothing less.
It is the only qualifying, distinguishing factor.
To me this art, the art of my children, represents a moment in a life that is close to my heart. A moment that in all the history of all the world has never been experienced quite like that before, and will never be experienced quite like that again...and I got to be there.
That's what all good art does, it speaks to the heart.
So I post it.
Sure you could say it's an ugly piece of trash. It's plain, ordinary, boring, whatever, and not knowing the artist you'd certainly be right.
But it doesn't matter to me what you think.
It's art...
No critic is qualified to discredit it.
Not even me.
piece db
Monday, April 8, 2013
Have you ever been lied to?
It doesn't feel good.
Most of the time it feels like a betrayal.
But why?
The nature and purpose of lies is in the distortion of truth.
Thus all lies contain within them, and have their base in, truth.
If the containment of truth is only to establish a base trust from which to work.
So, if we are able to know a lie, it is only logical to conclude that it is because we are able to know the truth that it is intended to distort.
Those who refuse to accept the concept of objective truth, are consequently unable to refute the lies intended to distort them, as there is then no basis for doing so.
The refusal to acknowledge one or the other or both, means that both become equal and the same.They are seen as unknowable, inseparable, indistinguishable. But we know that the truth is not a lie or the other way around.
If we have any moral compass to appeal to in arguing civil rights, or to appeal to any sense of fair in how we might deal with or treat one another, it must be based in some common understanding of such truth.
That we have that common understanding of what truth is, points to an origin (or source) of truth beyond dna engrained within all of us.
Many religions call this many things, but I call it God.
That this truth has an origin and is found within all of us, then too points to the conclusion that we too have a common point of origin. That we are not accidental beings with coincidental moral commonalities.
Hence a creator.
Here too many religions call this many things, but I call it being made in God's image.
It is this distortion of truth that is the nature of sin.
That is to say if we exercise our freewill to speak anything other than the truth, intentionally or not, indicates that though we are created in the image of God, we are also separated from him.
Again many religions call this many things, but I call it fallen.
This inherent understanding of truth, I believe, is the reason many of us seem convicted to expose lies when we find them. Because our origin is in truth, consciously acknowledged or not, we are moved to defend it. This I believe is in part why we might feel violated when we are lied to.
That we know truth causes us to be concerned with exposing the distortion thereof...lies.
We are sorely mistaken to think that simply exposing lies is also communicating truth. It's not.
However speak the truth out of love and you will not only have communicated the truth, but as a result exposed the liars.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Cat Skeeter
Originally named the impossible to pronounce (by a four year old), "Tennessee Tuxedo", he is now renamed "Cat Skeeter" by that same (now) five year old.
A stray, he adopted us as a kitten. Behold the power of the laser pointer.
He's about the nicest cat I've ever met, and this is what he looks like to Maddy.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
it's nice to be nice to the nice
I've never met one, that I know of and I don't know that I'd realize it if I did, but there's apparently a whole race of people I never even realized existed.
I don't know who the Wood Jews are and I'm not even sure how I should feel about meeting them, but I am curious.
They are apparently people that are deserving of respect and hospitality for some reason.
In fact, so much so that for as far back as I can remember people I don't even know, have been continually telling me just how I might be a good host to them, by advising me about what they like.
They say to me, "Wood Jew, like this or that."
They're clearly an easy going people.
I hope to meet them one day.
a curiosity that kills
they are loving and nurturing while still being finely honed killing machines.
they have a very keen sense of awareness for their surroundings and themselves.
Canduit for Success
There's always a good reason it can't be done. Thankfully that never stopped the people who got it done.
Anyone can find problems.
Finding solutions that is the CanDoIt for success.
The Passed
1) The past may be either an anchor or a rudder depending how it is applied to the future, and while it's true that sometimes a ship needs an anchor, more often it needs a rudder, if it is to do anything more than collect barnacles.
2) The past is not the weapon of the future except for those who would live in it.
One and Won and Too
i'm not sure i'm your guy
i drink
i smoke
i swear
i am not found in the record books as a regular Sunday morning attendee at any building
i am ugly on the inside and out
just like everyone in those buildings
i don't really agree or even care for many Christians as far as their alignment with the politics of militant conservatism and their faith.
i'm a smart ass.
I'm pro gay marriage
i voted without regret, for Obama
i am pro life, but pro choice
i don't believe in applying the standards of my own faith to the lives of other in order to justify my judgment
i wrote this:
a statement about the biggest problem in the church and our nation, it's occupants
without doubt that too is me
and yet in spite of all this,
i believe
if there is hope for any of us at all
it is this
solo cristo salva
christ alone saves
reconsider your invitation
you may not want me at your party
and once i'm there,
you won't know how
to politely ask me to leave...
as you're other guests slip out
Friday, April 5, 2013
I'm No Better I know better
I don't think I'm better or worse than anyone else.
Knowing this however is exactly the qualifying factor that relieves my guilt in thinking that people generally suck, left to their own devices.
Which makes it all the more surprising when they don't.
It's Not a Bad Day
The approach makes all the difference in the landing.
Ladies and Gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts.
We're in for a bumpy ride.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
If the cameras are rolling, on a man whose greatest fears become his consuming reality, it is called entertainment.
With the cameras off, with no one watching, the magnitude and weight of reality set in.
Then a man whose greatest fears become his all consuming reality is simply called the desperately slow suicide of life.
It happens everyday right before our eyes.
It's happening now.
Like Anyone Else I Suppose
the more I buy
the more I'm bought
the more I'm bought
the less I cost
- Joe Pugh (Hymn 101)
i watch
my life passes before me
a fading memory
a distant shadow
sold at such a price
that barely affords
the luxury
of living it
i return home
i watch people i love
i once knew
these people
they were my world
but i barely exist in there's
and they
in mine
they are becoming
strangers to me
as i am becoming
a stranger to them
my life is spent
to make a living
when it is finally over
when I am able to stop
i fear
i will have missed everything
i was working for
these days pass
to return never more
for a majority of these days
i will have clocked out
to be been clocked in
i am the provider
i am the money
i am the dad
but never quite
as it should be
as it is expected to be
as it needed to be
i have never
been enough
my life is sold
by the hour
one hour at a time
for 13 and 20
for that
is the market value
of life
of my life
i am a valuable asset
i am experienced
so i am told
because they know
i will commit
but commitment
is not on the table
not for me
because there are
a thousand more
just like me
right behind me
they will settle for less
and i am certain this is true
and so i simply say
good morning family
and good night family
it is time to get some rest
tomorrow is another day
it will come quickly
it will pass quickly
will be
the same
as yesterday
the same
as today
and if tomorrow never comes
well that...
that will be
the least of my problems
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Increasing the Volume: 040313
Pedro the Lion: Backwoods Nation
Calling all rednecks
to put down their sluggers
Turn their attention
from beating the buggers
Pick up machine guns
and kill camel fuckers
Backwoods nation...
Calling all doctors of spin
and the smoke screen
To whip the new hate riots into a frenzy
Of good versus evil
ignoring the history
Of the Backwoods Nation
Ain't it a shame
When due process
Stands in the way of swift justice
Calling all frat' boys
To trade in their hazing
Their keggers and cocaine
And casual date raping
For cabinet appointments
And rose-garden tapings
Backwoods, backwoods,
Increasing the Volume: 040213
i thought about what you said
and i'm not sorry for a thing
you do not understand this
or what it means to me
cannot discard this as emotion
this is more than another passing stage
you'll have to prove it's just opinion
in defense of everything this is my everything
could it be that you have stumbled
tripped and fallen over something more than faith
this is a matter of life and death
would you step up to the line
but please don't just talk this time
i want what you ask of me
i want what you ask of me this time
step up to the line
action begs reaction
anything less has all been done before
to put to rest what you've been wondering
if you could take my life
would you still ask for more
something occurred to me
you wouldn't ask me to turn my back on anything
if you believed that I believe
truth is I would love to show you
take "faith & works" to another higher stage
so there is little time for words you've heard
life and death are only steps, I'm not afraid of what comes next
what is enough in your opinion
perhaps my death would bring some substance to my claims
life, love, art & sex
each breath you breathe is
grasping at the wind
about right and wrong
and God and man
right and wrong and God and man
please step up to the line
He's my everything
action begs reaction
anything less has all been done before
so put to rest your wondering
you'd still ask for more
Near the gateway to Mojave
I saw a place
Both beautiful and blistering
And cruel and cold the same
The sun was like a lion
Bearing down upon it's prey
Death valley stained in crimson
For the moon to wash away
And I envisioned rows of gallows
For the world to look upon
One step to bringing order
To a planet tempting chaos
The righteous wrath of God
Revealed from out of heaven
For the innocent blood
Crying from the ground
And glory in these days
As if their ways were hidden
As if they had escaped
We have lost our sense of justice
Smearing lines of right and wrong
Despising any standards
We blindly stumble on
Bleeding hearts may scream compassion
What of those that cannot cry
Justice...merciful and blind
Is crying from the ground
The Bitter Truth
The Nose Knows
The Impossible Dream
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Fart Batter
Monday, April 1, 2013
Increasing the Volume: 040113
mewithoutYou "Messes Of Men"
I do not exist, but faithfully insist
Sailing in our separate ships
and from each tiny caravelle
Tiring and trying there's unnecessary dying
like the horseshoe crab in its proper seasons sheds its shell
Such distance from our friends
like a scratch across a lens,
made everything look wrong from anywhere we stood
and our paper blew away before we'd left the bay,
so half-blind we wrote these songs on sheets of salty wood
Caught me making eyes at the other boatman's wives,
and heard me laughing louder at the jokes told by their daughters
I'd set my course for land,
but you well understand
it takes a steady hand to navigate adulterous waters
The propeller's spinning blades held acquaintance with the waves
as there's mistakes I've made no rowing could outrun
The cloth blowing on the mast like to say I've got no past
but I'm nonetheless the librarian and secretary's son
with tarnish on my brass and mildew on my glass,
I'd never want someone so crass as to want someone like me
but a few leagues off the shore, I bit a flashing lure
and I assure you, it was not what I expected it to be!
I still taste its kiss, that dull hook in my lip
is a memory as useless as a rod without a reel
To an anchor ever-dropped, seasick yet still docked
Captain spotted napping with his first mate at the wheel,
floating forgetfully along, with no need to be strong
We keep our confessions long and when we pray we keep it short
I drank a thimble full of fire and I'm not ever coming back
Oh, my God!
I do not exist we faithfully insist
while watching sink the heavy ship of everything we knew
If ever you come near I'll hold up high a mirror
Lord, I could never show you anything as beautiful as You