I don't know that there are too many people whose lives would be negatively impacted beyond services rendered if their life didn't include mine.
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Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Aunt Arctica
I'm really much cooler before you actually get to know me.
You have no clue what it feels like to totally own someone by sheer logical and intellectual superiority on the level that you will experience once you've dealt with some one like me!
Wait, is that what I meant to say?...
Apply as needed
I'm never really bothered all that much by the traffic, at least not until I'm a part of the traffic that I then find so bothersome.
Please accept this in lieu of the desired emotionally charged response this article intends to evoke and insert the standard hate and anger disguised as concern here >
Of course it will be made off the cuff and with no further inquiry on the matter due to my confidence that nothing is misrepresented on the Internet that can be summed up in a meme or even a few paragraphs from a single source.
It will also consist of almost recognizable soundbites that I will parrot and claim as my own thinking on the matter.
To round out my commentary, validate my view and confirm my intellect it will be followed by a random irrelevant quote also taken out of context and made by a dead person that I took more time to find on Google than I did to confirm the story I'm commenting on.
You don't have to tell me I'm right because I'm positive that I am. Agreeing will be seen as competing and disagreeing validation of my superiority.
Fuck you very much.
Monday, July 21, 2014
A Beer Faced Culture
The consideration of the appearance that it might be otherwise is wishful thinking at best and self defeating at worst.
They need the will to live.
They need the strength to live.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Sharon & Karen
You shouldn't be too disappointed just because people don't care as much as you care.
You really can't even expect people to care just because you care.
But ask yourself this, why in the world should anyone care at all if you don't...?
Monday, July 14, 2014
The Seedling (A Parable)
With love and a whole lot of attention, over the course of time, a man came to grow a most unique plant. It grew quite large and blossomed beautifully with a sweet fragrance that could be smelled for blocks if the wind was right, and every season it produced delicious fruit.
It was in fact the most beautiful plant he'd ever seen and he loved it. He genrously shared the fruit with his neighbors, who often remarked on its beauty and fragrance.
It had been difficult to cultivate and keep alive. He was quite proud of having managed to do so. But as the tree matured, its beauty increased and so too did the level of effort it took to maintain it.
Eventually the day came when the man became certain somehow that it was as beautiful as it would ever be, it was perfect.
So, he uprooted the tree from his yard, to encase it in resin so that it would never again change and he could continue to admire it in it's perfect state.
He continued to display it to others with great pride, prompting them to admire how it remained unchanged and beautiful.
His neighbors by indulged his self dillusion, pretending it still smelled as sweet as it once did and never mentioning the fruit it no longer bore.
As they walked away sadly they would shake their heads at what he had done. They could plainly see what he apparently could not...