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Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Hole is Larger Than the Some

I often dream of a time when I might go somewhere without constantly having what could be a great experience ruined by some asshole...

... but I am at a loss for how I might escape myself.

This Sad Music [Steve Scott]

There are people sprawled on the beaches
chained together by "HUMAN IMAGINATION"
All the music has bled out of them,
drained from the ends of their fingers
splashed from the loudspeakers of their wallets

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

New York, My Ass

No one can make anyone feel, believe or do anything they aren't predisposed to feeling, believing or doing anyway.

There is no one to blame for who we are.
No one can blame us for who they are.

Let go of the guilt and the blame.
We make our own decisions.
We make our own mistakes.

So make them,
own them
and move on.

You can't carry that burden forever...