Whenever I see Christians post that quote from Gandhi "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians..." I wonder if what they're saying is (a) If Gandhi calls you an A-hole that's awesome & you should post that publicly! or (b) I'm pretty sure the quote would have been much different if Gandhi had just met me first. Either way it baffles me. BTW the quote actually qoes on to say this: "...Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. The materialism of affluent Christian countries appears to contradict the claims of Jesus Christ that says it's not possible to worship both Mammon and God at the same time."
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Saturday, August 20, 2016
Monday, August 15, 2016
Doctor Frankenstein's Monster
The kids started school the Monday following the crash.
That first morning, unintentionally, I made one of Maddy's schoolmates (Race) cry on the playground before school.
When came up to say hi to me, with unbound enthusiasm, he too one look at my face and immediately buried his face in his mom's belly and started crying.
I've never thought of myself as good looking, but that was an all time low.
Making children cry at the mere sight of me. :(
Originally published 8/15/11
Friday, August 12, 2016
Monday, August 8, 2016
5 Words: I'm Glad I Met You
Life takes a lot more effort for some of us. Someone's best may bear a striking resemblance to your worst, and for some people it takes everything within them just to keep going.
It's easy to forget that, but you never really know what's happening deep beneath the surface and the depth of impact that a couple of words, or a simple gesture will make in the life of someone else.
So consider this: At any given time, when you have stopped realizing that anyone else sees and hears you, they do, and in that momemt you may be the tipping point for someone in realizing their fullest potential... and that's not always good.
It should be the one agenda that trumps every other, sometimes that includes logic.
Logical is about the last thing Jesus was to the people that met him and I can find no logic in the work of the cross, simply grace. Love cannot be our motive if it's not our method as well.
Do everyone a favor then, if you can't be kind, at least be constructive, and if you can't manage that much then try to silently pass unnoticed.
Be good to yourselves, be good to each other.
People, Places, Things
Once upon a time in a far away land there were things that could be fixed and they were worth fixing. And so that's what people did, to their stuff and to their relationships.
Knowing that what is treated like garbage eventually becomes garbage, they took great care in how they treated both and every thing and every body lived happily ever after.
The End
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Why People Hate Salesmen
Going into business to provide a good or service may yield money.
Going into sales is only about the money.
The Tightrope Walker
Learning to walk a tightrope is the greatest chance you'll have for success in achieving a happy life.
Good Enough for Now
The problem with "good enough for now" is that life gets busy and often is the case that "good enough for now" becomes "good enough forever" until it's not.