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Monday, December 25, 2017

The purity of innocence is too easily exchanged for corruption of knowledge.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

How quickly we forget the needy when they cease to make their needs known.

How quickly we grow complacent toward the needy who actually do make their needs known.

Please stop interrupting our meals to speak of your hunger.

I'm not in the mood for Christmas music and I'm not sure I will be. That could change I suppose.

I think that undertakers probably don't make many friends because they're always trying to put people into a box.

Aa You Wish

I showed you freedom
You showed me boundaries

I taught you to sing
You told me to be silent

I told you to speak
You told me to listen

We were alone and together
We were together and alone

Just Keep Swimming

There are those times when nothing seems to go our way, when nothing goes as planned or we just don't get what we want.
Only later to realize just how screwed we would have been had our wishes been granted.
It happens all the time for me.
Thank God for giving me what I need rather than what I want, as much as I may lament it in the moment.
It's tough for the finite to know sometimes, if getting what makes us content for now might just wind up making us miserable for years to come.
So when everything seems totally fucked, hang in there.
Your misery may only be one step in the process...
...then again, maybe you really are totally fucked.
Who knows?
You just gotta wait and see, I guess.

Thursday, November 2, 2017


An apology for an historically proven inability to throw a ball properly.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Someday I will be as important as a television show. Someday.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Is tonight the night?
I guess we'll know in the morning.

If what you're saying is being heard, then you aren't saying it loud enough.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Falls, Leaves

"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

A question that should not leave any question about the self important role humanity plays in creation.

All of my love

You take away my hands and think I refuse to tie your shoes

You take away my eyes and think that I can't still see you

You take out my heart and squeeze and think that I won't live

But don't think you're taking everything I choose to give

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Mud Balloons

If helium filled balloons were​ to represent the good in life, and mud the bad, then my life would be balloons as far as the eye could see.

You wouldn't even notice the mud until you were sinking hopelessly deeper into it.

A better version

A lot of people in the pillow industry are real downers.

Not a Real Green Dress

Sofia: I wish we had million dollars so we could buy the stuff we need.

Me: Me too buddy, me too.


Play Ping Pong... if you've got the balls for it.

Just Like my Dear Papa

A person who cuts down trees in their sleep is a slumber jack.

Greece is the Word

Mad magazine made a very lasting image on me when I was a kid with a comic featuring Olivia Neutron Bomb and John Revolting.

That's really all I remember about it, but that was enough.

Me My Mind

Once you've figured out all the answers, be sure to share them as a meme.

Bloody Mary Three Times Fast

I wish that saying "Bloody Mary" into a dimly lit mirror was all that was required to receive a Bloody Mary.

Band Joe

Listen to your inner banjo.

Drill Press Operator

Now that's a boring job.

The Pillow Case

There's a high suicide rate among pillow factory workers.

Turns out many of the jobs are real downers.

What's Up

I started reading a physics book about gravity but I couldn't finish it.

It was a real downer.

Get Up Stand Up

Stand up for your right to be complacent...or don't, whatever.


No money for a pay stall?
Urine denial.

De Nile

You're in denial...
The safest unfounded accusation you can make.

I'm Not Bacon This Up

In the rainforests of South America there is an area with an abundance of wild pigs.

Locals call it the Hamazon.

Sic Sick Sicks

I'm really sick of people calling me a hypochondriac.

The Bitchin' 114

I just rescued a foxy bitch.

Well to be fair, the dog's name was Foxy.

...and honestly, it wasn't really a rescue as much as a phone call and a brief walk.

Mostly I just wanted to say I was with a foxy bitch tonight.

Innocents Tossed

"Of course you say you're innocent,that's what guilty people always say!"

My "neighbor" (who proudly proclaimed to work in a legal office, though in what capacity was never mentioned) literally said this to me after I  denied her accusation of driving around and tossing cats out of my car!

You can't argue with logic like that.

American Whore Story

If a sex trade workers union were  formed I guess you'd call that whoreganized labor.

O & I

On is not difficult.
On is easy.
That is until it follows an extended Off.
Then On may prove difficult if not impossible.

Friday, September 22, 2017

House That Joke For You?

At a party one night, a guy met a banker and asked ,"How much money does it take to build a house?"

Later that night he met a real estate agent and asked, "How much land does it take to build a house?"

The both gave him the same response...

"A lot."

Back in the Saddle

A famous Obstetrician once said that their key to success was to use humor to help in making their clients comfortable.

When asked to explain just how that worked, they replied by saying that it was, "all in the delivery".

Standing in the Punchline

My wife thinks I put too much emphasis on sex, so I'm going start putting more emphasis on please and see how that goes.


Perhaps it as important as you think it to be or perhaps it is only important because you think it to be.

Alone Again Naturally

Food produced organically doesn't occur organically.

You must pull the weeds before you can plow the soil.

What is natural may or may not come naturally, but rarely does it come in life sustaining quantities, without at least some, if not great, effort.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Won By One

I don't seek anything that has been lost.

Struggling to regain the past is regression.

It is a longing for what may never have actually been.

What I seek is what I have yet to find, or what has yet to find me.

The past is a lie, and cannot be the compass by which we navigate our future.

Let the wreckage remain, in all of its ugliness.

Let it serve as reminder of where we have been, and a warning should we find ourselves wandering back again.

It is time to stop looking for what is lost in places it will never be found, in the comfort of our dysfunction.

It is time to start looking for what may be found in places we have yet to discover for fear of the unfamiliar.

100 Days of Rejection

Hell Oh

Who would ever need to ask for help if we would only value morals over money, ethics over ego, and people over profit.


If there is no room for trust in business, there can only be room for integrity.

The Real Sounds of Silence

You do not suffer in silence if you don't also forgive in silence.

Failing that much, you are simply storing up the ammunition of the past to be used as weapon of the future, because eventually silence will not be an option.

The object of your frustration will be forced to reckon, by sheer recall, a myriad of smaller problems, rolled into one unresolvable one, when it is most likely that simply addressing one issue, at the time of occurrence, might have sufficed to avoid every following offense.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

I caught my kid smoking pot....
This is probably one of the most common scenarios I talk about with other parents.
So, what do you do?  I don't know what you should do, but I can tell you what I've found over time.
The first thing to look at is what kind of relationship you have with your kid. I would consider:
Do they respect your aurhority?
Do you have a relationship that allows you to engage in an open dialog?
Does you kid see you as a person of integrity?
A person who can be painfully honest about yourself in order to relate to them.
Does your kid value your opinion?
Does you value your kid's opinion?
Are you relatable?
Or are you some iconic distant authority that's put of touch with their world, experiences and feelings?
Don't get defensive.
Don't give explanations.
Consider these questions from the perspective of a kid, your kid.
Even if they do care they certainly can't understand all the complexities of life you balance in order to provide for them, and honestly they shouldn't have to on a certain level. They are after all kids.
Parents are just people, and I think we all do the best we can at any given time so just be honest and think about yourself the way they seem to think of you.

Bee Tit

I'm not sure what I'm looking for anymore, but I know where I haven't found it.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Hay U

There's no grass in a hay field and no hay in a grass field, but cows eat them both.
I guess they were destined to meat at some point.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Drown Me Out

You cast me out to sea
You make me walk the plank
And when I am almost overcome by the waves
You pull me back in
Neither thanks or apology do I extend
And so it goes again
And over
Until it is over

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

What People Really Think

Want to know how people really view you?
Listen to them.
Watch how their inclusion and exclusion changes during the course of their dialogue.
Watch how "we" and "I" are used.
We do this, but I do that...when I do this and we do that.
Through their inconsistency, you'll learn just how fucked up things might really be.
Just saying, I sure as fuck have been noticing it lately.

Life Sentences

I have committed to a lifetime.
I have not committed to the length of that lifetime.

No "I" in "TEAM"

But, there is an "I" in "QUIT" and it's just after "U".

There's no "U" and "I" in "LOVE".

You could say," I'll be okay" without "U".

Monday, September 4, 2017

And Ore

Between suffering and sacrifice, efforts and energies, the atrributions must be inclusive or exclusive.
It must be one or the other, but it cannot be one and the other.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Eight Days A Weak

I'm going to make a plan.
A plan to have one day a week that isn't totally dominated by the aftermath of tragedy, where for the sake of others I smile and say,"It's okay, everything will be just fine."
It has to work, or I don't know what will happen, but nothing good at this pace.
My heart and mind are wearing thin and I'm not sure how much more of myself I have left to give.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Is everybody happy?

I would really just like to be happy being me.
I've forgotten what that feels like and I'm afraid it might be a lost cause.
I don't know how to get there but I'm trying.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Death on the Line

Catching for trophy is more messed up than catch and release, I suppose.
But "sport" isn't being slowly reeled in to your potential death by a hook through your mouth, while you fight with all your might to avoid your demise.
So really, they're both infinitely more  messed up than catch and eat, which is what catching was ever really supposed to be about.
(My stream of thought in the shower just now.)


The best help is always the help you don't have to ask for, from people that know you well enough to identify how they might strengthen what they already know to be your weaknesses. 
It's both extraordinarily humbling and uplifting at the same time.

You Can Do It

People who work in food preserves do what they can and can what they do.

Single Stroke Role

Heck, I'd settle for a single diddle.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Mirror Man

I never feel the alone that I do until I'm finally alone with you.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Hot Mess

You can't generate light without at least some heat, but you can generate a great deal of heat without producing any light at all.

When You Got Nothin'

With nothing to lose and nothing to gain, and failure the certain outcome of any given course of action, you have more freedom of choice than you could ever know.

Scoopy Scoopy Doo

Not one of three
Have called to see
The status of me
Or my family

Bullet the Blue Sky

Some decisions in life are about like choosing which bullet you would like to have shot though your skull and who you would like to pull the trigger.

Between the Black and White

Where there is light, there are shadows.
Where there is darkness there is only darkness.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Hollowed Be My Name

To feel needed but not wanted
To feel loved but not liked
To feel desire but not desired
These are hollow victories

What is the half life of hope?

It might be time to stop looking for what might be found, in places it seems it will probably never be found.

What Song?

Desperation makes sense of the senseless.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Black and White

Your story has been written.
You can finish it, or put the book down.
Put it down now and you'll never know if you were the villian or the hero...or both.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Living In A Gangster's Paradise

It is not the day to day decsions that we make, but in those we make under fire, when time is short, that reveal our truest selves.

That is when we reveal our most private and raw thought processes engrained in us by our own indulgences, based in our own biases and convictions.

Anyone can make a good decision when they have time to consider consequences.

Though many of us choose otherwise.

In times of ease and prosperity we forget who and what we actually are.

That is when it is easiest to convince ourselves that we are the masters of our own destiny and not subject to our Creator.

It eases our conscience to think that we, as well as those around us, do not, and will not suffer to the consequences of our wrong doings.

But we can live in a fool's paradise for only a short season.

Solo Cristo Salva

Saturday, August 5, 2017

What I lack in good looks and charm I make up for with incompentency and bad fashion sense.

No Apologies Required

Contrary to the old saying "Love means never having to SAY I'm sorry." I think more accurately stated "Love means never having to HEAR I'm sorry".

Not that it shouldn't be said...
because it should.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Ebb and Flow

My head is filled with noise and snow, and a stream of thoughts I can't let go.

There's constant ringing in my ears, and still voices are become clearer.

I feel the blood pulsing in my body, head to toe, but there are a million thoughts and feelings I'm sure I'll never know.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

I suppose if I could offer you only one piece of advice before I died...well,  I'd probably just remain silent as long as I could.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Tut Tut

Like two storm clouds that you could swear would come together, but eventually go onto become two very different storms.

Each unique to the other for, in spite of all appearances, they were in fact on two very different elevations.

Each goes on , oblivious to the other, to evolve into their own storm.

Each without the other, together in the same sky, but entirely separate.

Not one, but the same...

The lightning and thunder never really have the same impact as they might have together.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Prophet Margin

When availability is finally afforded but met with disinterest, we can be be certain we have withheld far past the point of increasing demand into obscurity.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Heads or Tales

People often desire forgiveness far more than they desire to forgive. They fail to perceive that forgiving and forgiveness are two sides of the same coin, not two separate coins.

The Thought

Not unlike millions of Americans, and probably many of you, I too have ice made from filtered water that chills my tall glass of filtered water.

I will drink that filtered water as I swim in a pool that costs a good deal to keep clean enough for me to simply put my ass in.

It is probably much cleaner than it would need to be for the thousands of people in this world that die everyday simply from lack of water...

Welcome to my thought process.

It's not always the thought that counts. Sometimes you gotta get off your ass and do something. After all... positive energy into the universe never filled anyone's glass with water.

The Wind and the Rock

How should someone believe of themselves what might be in larger measure, that which they cannot see as already existing, to some lesser measure?

The Face

We must face ourselves with honesty so we can face others with integrity.

Either way we will face the consequences.

Everything is a tradeoff, however the former is much easier to accept than the latter.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Next to Nothing

Sometimes doing nothing is the best and most important thing you can possibly do.

How You Play The Game

Sometimes, when you're a grown up, you work harder to intentionally throw the game, because the win for someone else may be the difference between devastation and inspiration... and what's one more win for you, really?

Now suppose that's a metaphor and take it to a deeper level.

Solo Cristo Salva

Saturday, July 8, 2017

I'm Okay, You're Okay

By no means are men simple in their thinking, desires or needs. If they aren't secure in being able to express any of those things, they won't take the risk of doing so...even if they're asked they will tell you it's okay. But that doesn't mean it is, it simply means they don't think their thoughts will be received well, understood, or that expressing them will be futile, and that's all okay really means most of the time.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

AssFault pt 2

Being sure of one's self is very different than being full of one's self. It's often easier to distinguish between the two from the outside than it is from the inside.
Solo Cristo Salva

Life is a Beach

Some things in life are like trying to dig a tunnel... at the beach... while the tide comes in... with a slurpee straw...


Much easier to see our faults in others than ourselves.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Mister Bungle

I've heard the expression, "It's never too late start over." That's a load of horse crap, because sometimes, for somethings, it really is too late to start over.
About the only thing it's never too late for is to screw things up.
So trust me kids, you can relax & take your time about it. No one will ever tell you that you've missed out on your chance to really bungle things.
You'll always have your whole life to do it and then every moment after that to try and fix it again.


They say the pen is mightier than the sword, but I've never heard of anyone falling upon their pen.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

I Is Important

There's no "i" in "plates".
There is an "i" in "pie".
But there's no such thing as "Pie Pilates" as far as I know.

I Have Only One Burning Desire

Pushing through the present
Because the future has begun
I'm nowhere close to finished
But I'm damn sure close to done


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Fear vs Love

While fear may move us to right action for a time, only love can move us to right motive for eternity. d(-_-)b :: Solo Cristo Salva

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Sofa King

I would like to actually do something.
Go somewhere.

To live like there's more than the option of work and/or more work with bills that will never be satisfied.

Like there's more to be experienced in the world than even an hd screen can reveal.

To spend time with my family that isn't me being tired, and sandwiched between work and/or more work, schedules and more schedules.

I need to.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

If status quo is your investment then status quo will be your return.

No Rest For the Wicked

But there's plenty of coffee.

An Air in Judgement

If we are not here to ease each other's sufferings, insecurities and emotional issues I'm not really sure why we're here at all.

I mean beyond that what could the point of all this possibly be?


Nothing More Than Fellings

I would really like not to be in pain every single fucking day.

I would also really like to not feel sick.

There are a lot of things I would actually like to feel too.

(PS If you didn't pick it up, Google it, but it's not a typo.)

My Grandma's Tea Party

Take the Tea out of taxes and it's axes.


Want what you have and you'll have what you want.

You Only Die Once, Maybe

You don't have a choice about whether or not you die, but you have decide everyday whether or not you'll live.

So ask yourself, is this actually living or is it simply passing time while you wait for the inevitable?

That answer is up to you, and only you.


Objectification is Not Validation

The wild flower has no concern about whether or not its beauty is regarded by passers by.
It does what it does as only it can.
It blooms where it's planted and it's all the better for not having been noticed and picked.
The vital never suffering for the vain.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Every Baker is Kneady

It is good to be needed, but it better to be wanted.
I'm not sure I'm either right now.

Heaven or Hell matters not

...since that much is not up to me.
In the end, my question will always be,
"What, in God's name, was the point of all this?"

And Ashtrays

To some people change is a huge pain in the ass.

To those people I would simply say two words:


Not Much How About You

A 150 pound person would require about 1,400mg of Aderall as a fatal dose.

Wow, I would have thought a lot less would have done the trick.

Desire and Demand

Afford others what you desire and afford yourself what you give others.

The Joy Division

I am closer than I've ever been.

So are you though.

Day 21 & Counting

YODO Bitch

The current self is comprised of the many previous stages and fragments of the past self.

It is however only a tiny glimpse of and a fading memory (prone to inaccurate recall) to, our future self.

Now, if only I had remembered that before realizing it just now, I wonder how different things might have been in the years to come.

I know this much by now though...
1. Everything, EVERYTHING, comes at a price.
2. I will never make anyone happy and nobody will ever make me happy.
This much we must do for ourselves and so live accordingly remembering that the greater happiness often comes at the expense of the lesser.

We must ask ourselves...
What is success and what is failure?
Is the reward worth the cost?

Whatever we may surmise about either in our lifetimes, right or wrong, true or false, will be in all likelihood unknowable.

The road to insurmountable difficulty is paved with almost irresistible ease, so we are better served to count the cost, make our choices and move on in our efforts to make anything "better" (whatever that means).

Be wary however, no man is an island unto themselves and many choices to affect change are mere crap shoots since they require a best guess versus actually knowing what the response might actually be.

Consequently in our quest for what seems better we may unknowingly and irreversibly sacrifice what was actually best... God only knows.

So the finite struggles to understand the infinite and in the process winds up wasting so much opportunity to simply enjoy what the infinite has intended us to.

The truth is a beautiful mirror which those who see dare not look into for fear of truly seeing themselves. Only the blind or insanely delusional are capable of staring ceaselessly at their own reflection.

You live everyday.
You only die once.

Dying is easy.
Living is a bitch.