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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Fear vs Love

While fear may move us to right action for a time, only love can move us to right motive for eternity. d(-_-)b :: Solo Cristo Salva

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Sofa King

I would like to actually do something.
Go somewhere.

To live like there's more than the option of work and/or more work with bills that will never be satisfied.

Like there's more to be experienced in the world than even an hd screen can reveal.

To spend time with my family that isn't me being tired, and sandwiched between work and/or more work, schedules and more schedules.

I need to.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

If status quo is your investment then status quo will be your return.

No Rest For the Wicked

But there's plenty of coffee.

An Air in Judgement

If we are not here to ease each other's sufferings, insecurities and emotional issues I'm not really sure why we're here at all.

I mean beyond that what could the point of all this possibly be?


Nothing More Than Fellings

I would really like not to be in pain every single fucking day.

I would also really like to not feel sick.

There are a lot of things I would actually like to feel too.

(PS If you didn't pick it up, Google it, but it's not a typo.)

My Grandma's Tea Party

Take the Tea out of taxes and it's axes.


Want what you have and you'll have what you want.

You Only Die Once, Maybe

You don't have a choice about whether or not you die, but you have decide everyday whether or not you'll live.

So ask yourself, is this actually living or is it simply passing time while you wait for the inevitable?

That answer is up to you, and only you.


Objectification is Not Validation

The wild flower has no concern about whether or not its beauty is regarded by passers by.
It does what it does as only it can.
It blooms where it's planted and it's all the better for not having been noticed and picked.
The vital never suffering for the vain.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Every Baker is Kneady

It is good to be needed, but it better to be wanted.
I'm not sure I'm either right now.

Heaven or Hell matters not

...since that much is not up to me.
In the end, my question will always be,
"What, in God's name, was the point of all this?"

And Ashtrays

To some people change is a huge pain in the ass.

To those people I would simply say two words:


Not Much How About You

A 150 pound person would require about 1,400mg of Aderall as a fatal dose.

Wow, I would have thought a lot less would have done the trick.

Desire and Demand

Afford others what you desire and afford yourself what you give others.

The Joy Division

I am closer than I've ever been.

So are you though.

Day 21 & Counting

YODO Bitch

The current self is comprised of the many previous stages and fragments of the past self.

It is however only a tiny glimpse of and a fading memory (prone to inaccurate recall) to, our future self.

Now, if only I had remembered that before realizing it just now, I wonder how different things might have been in the years to come.

I know this much by now though...
1. Everything, EVERYTHING, comes at a price.
2. I will never make anyone happy and nobody will ever make me happy.
This much we must do for ourselves and so live accordingly remembering that the greater happiness often comes at the expense of the lesser.

We must ask ourselves...
What is success and what is failure?
Is the reward worth the cost?

Whatever we may surmise about either in our lifetimes, right or wrong, true or false, will be in all likelihood unknowable.

The road to insurmountable difficulty is paved with almost irresistible ease, so we are better served to count the cost, make our choices and move on in our efforts to make anything "better" (whatever that means).

Be wary however, no man is an island unto themselves and many choices to affect change are mere crap shoots since they require a best guess versus actually knowing what the response might actually be.

Consequently in our quest for what seems better we may unknowingly and irreversibly sacrifice what was actually best... God only knows.

So the finite struggles to understand the infinite and in the process winds up wasting so much opportunity to simply enjoy what the infinite has intended us to.

The truth is a beautiful mirror which those who see dare not look into for fear of truly seeing themselves. Only the blind or insanely delusional are capable of staring ceaselessly at their own reflection.

You live everyday.
You only die once.

Dying is easy.
Living is a bitch.