The purity of innocence is too easily exchanged for corruption of knowledge.
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Monday, December 25, 2017
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Aa You Wish
I showed you freedom
You showed me boundaries
I taught you to sing
You told me to be silent
I told you to speak
You told me to listen
We were alone and together
We were together and alone
Just Keep Swimming
There are those times when nothing seems to go our way, when nothing goes as planned or we just don't get what we want.
Only later to realize just how screwed we would have been had our wishes been granted.
It happens all the time for me.
Thank God for giving me what I need rather than what I want, as much as I may lament it in the moment.
It's tough for the finite to know sometimes, if getting what makes us content for now might just wind up making us miserable for years to come.
So when everything seems totally fucked, hang in there.
Your misery may only be one step in the process...
...then again, maybe you really are totally fucked.
Who knows?
You just gotta wait and see, I guess.