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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Get Out Your No 2 Pencil

You know how many people can be number one?

One...out of I don't know how many, and it doesn't matter,

That's it.

Lot's of people really seem to think they're going to be that one though. Correction, they know they will.

This, in spite of the fact that most of us have spent our whole lives not being number one. Even if we have been fortunate enough to have had those experiences, the glory and status are  usually short lived.

So the ratio between the number of those  who will place number one to those who will place in every following number should be a clear indicator about the reality of the situation we are likely to face.

Strangely though, we expend an inversely proportionate amount of effort toward for the unlikely position of number one  so that when we experience any of the other following numbers, we find ourselves ill-prepared to cope.

Good character is the result of intentional effort, not unintentional osmosis. In putting more of our focus on ensuring that we are persons of good character, we are more likely to be prepared for any circumstance.

Who we are is key in directing what we are, stabilizing our perspective so we can act rationally, even in irrational company.

In putting the quality and depth of our character to the test, success is just as likely as failure (if not more so) to have devastating consequences

Good character is stable in unstable times, poor character unstable at all times.

Thinking that you'll deal with it when it comes up, is a lot like saying you'll train for a marathon when you step up to the starting line for the race, and the starting gun goes off.

By then it's too late.
The race had already been lost.

Solo Cristo Salva


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