Someone once told me I have a tendency to over think things.
I had to noodle on that one quite a while...
Someone once told me I have a tendency to over think things.
I had to noodle on that one quite a while...
I don't actually want people to think I'm a dick, but I'm not afraid of them thinking it either.
I'll do what it takes.
Most people are afraid of being frank and honest. They see all confrontation as hostile. Quite honestly I don't know how they get through life.
Most of those people, in my experience, just avoid understanding a lot of people and subjects, and revel in speaking ignorantly about them.
The lies escalate.
The situation compounds.
First thoughts are usually:
1. It's far more complicated.
2. It's not that complicated.
1. You really have no idea what you're talking about, do you?
2. Now you're flat out lying and you know it.
It's difficult to figure out when to say something and when to just say whatever.
It's really a matter of figuring out who's intentional and who's accidental.
Either choice can be regrettable.
Here's my proof, for any of you who've doubted my crazy story about Abby our beagle that adopted kittens, began lactating, and wouldn't let anyone near them.
Not even their mom.
BTW, I really came to hate that dog. She was moody and irrational. A real bitch you might say.
Never buy a beagle, no matter how cute.
Consider yourself warned.
Your whole life you've asked yourself,
" Why am I here? What am I doing?"
We like to complicate things.
We overlook the obvious.
But it's so simple... and it's easier than you might think.
Now, here, I will share with you what has been revealed to me.
From start to finish, beginning to end the purpose of your life comes down to you only having to do one thing:
The right thing.
When you fail at that, and you will, then accepting God's grace is also the right thing.
There must be a place in this world that will make sense to me and of me.
I can't wait until I find it.
Is going to be great... maybe.
I love the feeling of accomplishment that comes from spending lots of time and energy fixing stuff that I thought was broken beyond repair... and then that feeling that follows when I realize it actually was.
Poor people learn more than rich people, if only out of necessity.
Some words stick around forever, some words pass by unnoticed.
The problem is that which we wish were the case hardly seems to be.
when snuffed was once
a burning flame
the glow of the wick
the light that remains
we watch it fade
as we know it will
the peaceful reveal
how they silently killed
we will stumble alone
helpless and blind
through the blackest of nights
and our folly unwinds
It's not what you said, it's how you said it... yeah sometimes.
But sometimes it's simply that you said it, no matter how you said it.
Just because it's true doesn't mean it has to be stated, and the more obvious the issue is the less you probably need to point it out.
Not all thoughts are good thoughts and before anything can be said, it has to be thought.
So take a second to do a little more thinking before you take that next step and say anything at all. Remember in many instances shutting up usually bears less consequence than speaking up.
What's did is did.
You will move in the direction of your vision.
Unclear vision yields unclear direction.
and you can have it.
No one has it together nearly as much as they'd like you to think.
In fact, from what I've seen of most people's lives, the better it looks on the surface the uglier it is underneath.
Don't waste your life trying to be someone else. Pursue your own brand of crazy and learn from theirs, but theirs will never be yours.
You should be happy about that.
Text with a graphic, who could argue it?
So here we have some words that Gandhi is supposed to have said. People love to say,"Oh, that Gandhi was so profound! What a great guy. I almost watched that whole movie." when they hear this little snippet.
In reality we don't have any context surrounding this statement. Enamored by his greatness, we are left to do what we always do to each other anyway, and apply our perception as his reality.
If I've learned anything about how people communicate I've learned this: Don't hear what isn't being said, but certainly listen for it.
People like to imagine Gandhi a lot like they imagine Jesus, always so nice and lovely, never angry or hostile toward anything or anyone.
But anyone who knows about either of those guys knows those are bogus notions. Both of them, they got down right angry. They were passionate about their faith.
Now, it's well known that Gandhi wasn't a Christian and in fact right here he's saying "I don't like Christians". Forget about the justification he offers, this is what he's literally saying, I can't stand Christians... all Christians. Jesus, although I reject the notion of his claims, was a nice enough dude.
People love Gandhi, he can't stand Christians and we love it everytime someone reminds us of that. Do you get it?
Gandhi was a master of language. He didn't say some, or most, he was all inclusive. So this broad stereo type about ALL Christians was no "mistake".
So, Gandhi doesn't like Christians. Why?
They have nothing in common with Jesus... and so consider what if, just what if, at the heart of Gandhi's profound statement that we like to ooh and aah at, was actually this: We got rid of Jesus, why can't we get rid of these people too?
Hey, I'm just thinking.
I could certainly be wrong.
All that said, it's certainly ironic that this meme was shared by "The Christian Left". If that's the case then where did they go?
Gandhi sure would be happy.
Where does the logic of so many intelligent people go when they start taking about God?
No rational person would ever say:
I don't believe in the sun, because it seems to me if the sun were the sort of star I could believe exists it certainly wouldn't put out so much radiation and kill my garden.
That's silly.
But they apply that very rational when they talk about God, and they do it all the time.
Science had taught me this about God:
When we consider things far larger than ourselves, things that exist regardless of us, it doesn't really matter what we think they should or shouldn't do. They do what they do regardless of what we think.
Yet somehow we believe God is exempt from this. All seven billion of us think that God should be exactly what we desire as we desire it.
I can only really conclude that we think so because we don't want to recognize God as being bigger than us, like a black hole, that would somehow take away our control.
We'd rather see him something more like an ant whose existence depends on whether or not we feel like allowing it on any given day.
On a bad day we might kill it for no real reason, but, if it doesn't bite us we could easily enough just ignore it and pretend that it doesn't exist at all.
Oh, but it does.
solo Cristo salva
There are some who can never admire the wonder of God's work all around them because they can't stop admiring the wonder of his work within them.
Often times being a good witness simply means being a good friend, and being a good friend often times means simply not being a dick.
Don't get so caught up in finding the devil in the fine print that you completely miss finding God in the bold print.
He's there, you just have to look.
I get anywhere from about 50-100 hits a day on my blog.
A lot of my posts are pretty controversial and polarizing, I know.
But, I've been watching the trends and what I'm finding is that it's a pretty even split among my audience.
About half those people who check it out generally don't comment while the other half simply don't say anything at all.
All I can figure is that I'm either a genius or an idiot.
Given the critical nature of most people, and the insecurity of this one, I'm going with that first option.
Do what needs to get done and do it well, but don't expect anyone to notice because they won't...
...until you stop.
According to Google there are over 7 billion people in the world.
So, it seems pretty reasonable to think that God will change who he is to accommodate your thoughts about what he should be doing.
Hang in there... I'm sure he'll get to you.
Then all will be right with the world and you'll finally have what you've always wanted... a God you can believe in!
Well, at least until someone else is born.
But, won't that be awesome while it lasts?!
Hope you brought a book. I've got 66 you can check out while you wait. It's up to you... whatevs.
When I turn out the lights on my way to bed and then stub my toe or trip, of course I blame the lights for forcing me to walk in darkness and the sun for causing the night... and then there's that switch that gave me a choice in the first place.
Why do so many people combine their certainty of the omnipotence of God with the concept of luck?
So what.
Who the fuck cares?
No one has time to listen to hear your bullshit about "quiet desperation".
Boo Hoo
You don't think we all got shit to deal with? Just get your shit done and shut the fuck up.
You never talk anymore, what's wrong with you?
It's like your shutting me out.
We can't keep doing this...
Open mouth, begin again.
You certainly don't need religion to be self righteous.
Religion however is the only place willing to rebuke that character flaw within itself so flagrantly.
Both the religious and the non religious glorify their Gods. It's just a matter of distinguishing which God it is they're glorifying.
To the religious, God is God, to the non religious man is God.
Therein lies the difference.
Self righteousness may be found in either thinking, but it is inherent to only one.
A minority of people will find what they were never even looking for because they have the courage and strength to be honest with themselves and others. They will battle the odds, face great adversity for truth and change the world.
History mentions some of them by name, and is full of these people.
But the majority of people will find only and exactly what they are looking for simply because they had great resolve in their denial. They will lead a comfortable life of mediocrity and blind acceptance, going on to change nothing.
History is full of these people too, in a certain way I suppose...
In 1986, a group of Americans were being held hostage by a terrorist group with ties to Iran. In an attempt to free the hostages, Ronald Reagan secretly sold arms and money to Iran. Much of the money that was received from the trade went to fund the Nicaragua Contra rebels who were in a war with the Sandinista government of Nicaragua. When the scandal broke in the Untied States it became the biggest story in the country, Reagan tried to down play what happened, but never fully recovered.
The attacks on 9/11 by al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden brought new attention to international terrorism. All of a sudden, Americans coast to coast wore their American flag pins, ate their freedom fries and couldn't wait to go to war with anyone who looked like a Muslim. What Americans didn't realize was that the same group that attacked the United States on 9/11 was funded by Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. Prepping for a possible war with the Soviet Union, Ronald Reagan spent billions of dollars funding the Islamist mujahidin Freedom Fighters in Afghanistan. With billions of American dollars, weapons and training coming their way, the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden took everything they were given and gave it back to the United States over a decade later in the worst possible way imaginable.
When you talk about someone before (or without) talking to them, that's not concern, it's gossip. It's not constructive, it's destructive.
I hear about it all the time.
Good things happen to bad people.
Bad things happen to good people.
Good people make bad choices.
Bad people make good choices.
That's always the next question.
It seems like a fair question, but I thinks it's the wrong question.
Let's face it, in this application the terms good and bad simply mean that which we approve or disapprove of by virtue of our own understanding. Fair by our own standards of such.
So, since there is no unanimous collective standard, and no one knows everything about anyone, or any situation, let's remove those words, and this is what we get:
Things happen to people.
People make choices.
At the heart of it that is all that is really happening.
Everything else then is just perspective.
Here comes another car, get out of the road...
Although not a tall person, I am taller than my kids. I live in a college town so there are always cars parked up and down my street. I also live in a family neighborhood so there are also kids who play on the street as well. The height of the cars parked in the street can often make it difficult for a driver to see the much smaller kids, or the kids to see them.
They may each be oblivious to the other but they still exist and one is about to affect the other drastically.
A car could in all reality come speeding through the neighborhood, and never even see those kids until it was too late.
I however, having the advantage of a bigger view see far more than either the kids or the driver who is about to put them in mortal danger simply by poor judgment.
So let's picture this, the kids are playing, a car is battling toward them... what should I do?
Seeing both the kids and the mortal danger they were potentially in, I would without hesitation yell to them to get out of the street.
"Get out of the street, NOW!"
My own children, the children that knew me, would listen, without question, without hesitation they would obey, because they trust in me and my motivation.
They know me, and I know them. It is the benefit of relationship.
The driver would recklessly drive on, unaware of the havoc their actions are creating for others.
But it's not just my kids that live in the neighborhood. So let's say that kids that are not my kids are also out there.
If I yelled the same to them they may be prone to question both my motivation and reasoning, by virtue of my tone and their lack of familiarity with me.
We have no familiarity or relationship. They might not understand why it is this stranger is yelling at them...
"This is a public street. Stop yelling at us, we can play wherever we want and you can't stop us! You go away!"
They're right...
So I shrug my shoulders and say," You're right. My bad. Sorry about all the yelling. Carry on."
Of course not. As persistent as they may be about not taking action, I would be equally as persistent that they do. I see and understand what they simply can't.
So if time permitted I would again, in even stronger tone and wording, repeat the same warning.
"Get out of the street, NOW!"
Now they're mad. Who am I to tell them anything?
"It's none of your business where we play! You can't tell us what to do and we're not moving. What's your problem!?"
The point? Love isn't always lovely in appearance.
Love can actually sound a lot like anger, for our own lack of perception, trust and understanding of the motivation and desperation behind the words.
If you can look beyond the wording of the messenger to the heart of the message, you may find that you are in a far different situation than you ever imagined.
Trust, it's what relationships are built on, as they grow so does trust, but trust comes first.
Faith is not a postcard from some exotic foreign land. Faith is the picture you never took because that's just where you live.
We believe we should not be forced like robots to obey God.
We believe we should have the right to freewill, to choose between right and wrong. That if we have chosen wrongly, it is the fault of God for giving us freewill in the first place, and dooming us to fail.
We believe we should be able to freely at our leisure, choose whatever we might desire. That God which allows us to suffer the natural consequence of doing so is no God at all.
We believe God who does not remove the injustice of consequence from our decisions (as we see fit) is not worthy of worship.
We believe that the infinite should meet the expectations of the finite. That the will of God should conform to the logic and timing of man. If we fail to recognize it, it does not exist.
We believe God should be made in our image. If God does not look like us, sound like us, feel like us, that there is then no God.
We believe fairness is measured by our standards alone. We alone parcel out grace in measured doses.
We believe all of this because in reality, we believe that we are in fact God. That God stands before us in judgment.
We will live until we die, apart from God, as we have chosen. Then we will complain once more when he allows us to continue doing so.
God does not love us... not like we deserve.
Is that about right?
I'm certainly glad God doesn't give up on us as quickly as we tend to give up on him.
You always have a choice, but it it's wise to remember that nothing is free.
It is always at the very least one thing in exchange for the another. That is the price we pay.
Some choices lead to positions that may limit future choices, but there is always a choice to be made.
You just have to ask yourself,
"Is the gain worth the give?"
Sometimes it is...
I'm going to die and it won't matter when.
There's no way around it.
No time will never be an OK time, so I suppose anytime is an OK time.
The white noise of advice from parent to child suddenly becomes a revelation of profound wisdom when it is heard for the first time from almost any other source.
Children become immune to the voices of their parents when their words no longer engage them.
Stay involved in the lives of your children, it's not ground that can be regained once it's gone, it's gone.
The divide expands...
If you want to have success in a relationship simply have undisclosed expectations of others, and let them know they should have no expectations of you.
However, of your relationships aren't about success, then just be honest.
Blessed are those that can ignore the bullshit of others and continue to do what's right.
If I were a space alien and upon stepping off of my ship I saw people everywhere doing this, I think I would be dumb founded about what strange power over people it was that dogs must have.
I as I wrote my report to send back to the people of my planet I think it would probably conclude something like this:
...and so, although contrary to every other evidence, it seems clear, from having observed so many scenes like this, that dogs must somehow be the superior life form.
I have yet to find a complimentary item that actually offers any compliments.
"Here take this with our compliments." but then never does a compliment follow.
"Here have this with our compliments." and then a list of nice things that people have said about you. That's what complimentary should mean, otherwise just say,"Here you go, we'll pick up the cost." and I'll say thanks.
There are conflicts in nature that we will never see until we are willing to look within ourselves.
If I had to guess, I think the reason that being nice seems to get so old, so fast, is that being an asshole apparently never gets old... ever.
It's just a very wrong notion that being pro birth or even anti death is in practice being pro life.
If anyone claims to be pro life, they should be pro life at every stage of it.
That is we are all endowed, BY OUR CREATOR with inherent value.
I've heard tell of an incident in which undisclosed members of the fairer gender have, in the past, made remarks very much the same as yours in wording, however it applied to a situation far more personal in nature.
From what I can see, when it comes to power, politics or public persons, people want to love it or hate it, simply liking or disliking, agreeing or disagreeing doesn't seem to suffice.
They need something or someone to believe in, or a common enemy to work against.
They need a hero or a villain, a savior or satan. If they can have both, all the better.
Yep, most people would rather believe almost anything outside of the boring, uninspiring truth... That the world is mostly just filled with people no better or worse than they are.
Nope, I didn't think I cool when I would ride my home made bmx bike in the park, blasting the tunes on one of these bad boys!
And although no one said so out loud, I knew it by the look in the eyes of the people I passed, I was the envy of everyone who saw me.
Nope, I didn't think I was cool, I knew I was.
Having to put your pet down is like taking a solid kick in the nuts.
It really doesn't mater how prepared your are beforehand, or how many times you've experienced it before, it always, ALWAYS hurts.
Why does anyone even bother posting about the never qualified, decreasingly relevant political rantings of Ted Nugent?
If he were a man of his word, he wouldn't even live here. But he does, and people love the drama of a perpetu-hater.
Then again, he did have those couple of good songs 3 or 4 decades ago... like Stranglehold. Such a profoundly thoughtful provoking song.
Why do I love the music of Thomas Newman?
I think the real question is why don't you?
Relax, take a listen, you'll understand.
The first video is great music with stunning video.
The second is just great music, much slower than it was originally played.
Thomas Newman - Brooks Was Here [HD Time Lapse Video]
Thomas Newman - Any Other Name (800% Slower)
Shhh...Relax, Listen
You'll get it.