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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Failure in the Victory Garden Defined

There are events in our own lives and those of others, that we may feel are certain defeats, people we may see as irreconcilable failures, and so many obstacles insurmoumtable.

I think there is hope however and we would be wise to remember that our assessment of anything is ours alone.

It is that of a finite limited perspective from we who may never live long enough to see the fruition of any one thing in its entirety as potentially being quite the contrary as seen in the unlimited  perspective of the infinite.

We must learn that the ultimate outcome and impact of all things, extends far beyond our vision, our lifespan, and our world. That our definition of success or failure is in a all likely hood, a far cry from the eternal definition of the same.

For me?

I say, assume nothing, prepare for anything, and pray for God's will in all things.

Strive to see each thing simply as it is, no more, no less and no judgement (for that is not our place).

Move on and allow others to do the same.

We cannot say with any certainty that any part is more or less valuable in the grand scheme, or what part it may ultimately play.

If we believe in design over default, then we should consciously acknowledge that somehow each indiviudual thing is inseparable from each other, as a part of the mysterious collective whole to manifest the design of the Creator.

Solo Cristo Salva

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