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Friday, November 10, 2023


Imagine you aren't allowed to express your feelings to the person closest to you.

Imagine going to bed next to the only one you've ever wanted, know that they don't want you.

Imagine knowing that you never again see that look in your lover's eye.

Imagine knowing you've lost that chance and that maybe that one miraculous day it returns, your too old, it's too late.

Imagine spending most of your life with someone, knowing they never truly let you in, so you don't really know them, not really.

Imagine knowing that to their mind you are the very source of their lifetime's worth of discontent and misery.

Imagine you aren't allowed to express your feelings to the person closest to you.

Imagine they, in all reality, they don't actually want to know.

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.