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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Nothing More than Feelings

That we do not feel about things, the same way only says that we do not feel things in the same way, nothing more.

Patience before Patients

As was driving along this morning to work, I became irritated at another driver.

Which of course got me to thinking (as usual), so here's what I thought:

Perhaps the world would be a much better place for all, if our capacity for patience toward other people were based less on our perceived needs, and more on the potential needs of others.

Like I said, just thinking.


The Doctor is Out

I just got home from the party at my neighbor's down the alley.


Totally epic party ...they had a super loud band, and a fire pit in the back yard where you could get super drunk and then talk and laugh really loudly.

Yeah, epic, at least that's how it sounded, super big, super loud, suuuuper loooong.

Totally epic party but people are always sad to see me go and I'll bet it won't be the same now that I've left.

It better not be at least.

I bet it would have been more fun to actually be there instead of just listening to it from my bedroom while I tossed and turned.

Then I could talk about that dick who came over and squashed all the fun instead of being the dick who squashed all the fun.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Ease of one at the Expense of the Other

Matthew 20:1-16

New International Version (NIV)
The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard

20 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. 2 He agreed to pay them a denarius[a] for the day and sent them into his vineyard.

3 “About nine in the morning he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing. 4 He told them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ 5 So they went.

“He went out again about noon and about three in the afternoon and did the same thing. 6 About five in the afternoon he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, ‘Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’

7 “‘Because no one has hired us,’ they answered.

“He said to them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard.’

8 “When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’

9 “The workers who were hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius. 10 So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. 11 When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. 12 ‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’

13 “But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? 14 Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. 15 Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’

16 “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”


So I was asked once what I thought the meaning of this parable was.

I replied that what I got from it was that God will do what he decides with his resources.

The response was that this was part of the lesson, but the other part of the lesson was that when someone employs another they are to pay that person a liveable wage. My inquirer noted that a
denarius was a day's wage. 

A liveable wage.
The wage that each worker was paid at the end of the day.

Judging by the responses of those who had been there longest, this wasn't always the practice of employers. And that still seems to be the case today as well.

As I consider this, and contrast it to the experience of my own life, I also have to wonder how it is that employers feel justified, offering employment doing a job that requires a full time commitment, but doesn't feel any obligation in paying the person who would commit to doing that job a liveable wage?

How do they sleep at night? I suppose it is the benefit they receive from the burden of another, that they can afford comfort at the cost of another. 

The ease of one at the expense of the other.

I believe that Jesus saying that the poor would always be with us was never meant to imply that we should cease to be concerned for their suffering. Nor was it meant to offer assurance of an endless supply of cheap labor for those who would seek wealth at the expense of their welfare.

In considering all of this, I have to conclude that any employer that would not offer a liveable wage to its employees does not at all care about their people nearly as much as their profits. 

The failure to do so is simply the exploitation of labor for ill gotten luxuries.

Just as so many of my jobs have shown me, it is a very short span of time before the extra mile becomes the expected mile. Employees and employers, both feel at some level they deserve more and the other less, and each has discontent with the other when they expresses their version of fair.

More often though I have found the sentiment of business summed up in the message a friend of mine received when he asked the advice of his superior about an employee he had that was asking for and very deserving of a raise, but that there was no money in the budget to give him one.

The advise of my friend's superior?

"That's easy. You simply explain to him in no uncertain terms that most people are worth more than they are paid, but nearly as much as they think they are."

It's such a quandary and my heart should probably break for the rich... businesses want to make money and they need people to do it, but people cost money that must then be taken from the business. So what do they do?

That's easy too...

People are labor, and labor is a resource. To increase profits find or create cheaper resources. 

That's just good business. 

Perhaps this, among many other reasons is why I will never be rich.



People who work in offices step outside to talk on their cell phones.

Why is this funny to me?

No Jaun's Laughing

In Mexico, carnival workers eat Carni-Asada

I'm a Sap, I Know

I think if a very pregnant lady with a big smile of contentment doesn't warm your heart probably nothing will.

Increasing the Volume 1030

From the 2001 album The 5th Exotic on the Tru Thoughts label.

One of my favorites by Quantic, but honestly there isn't a single bad track to be found on this, or any album really, at least that I've found.

Here's the video and a couple of more below:

Quantic - Time is the Enemy

Quantic - Infinite Regression

Quantic - Life in the rain

And here's the official site:

By the way, when I post this stuff, it's because it's what I'm listening to at that very moment. 

There's a ton of great stuff out there. I don't have the market on it.

I've just found that I'm usually more likely to enjoy the music of others than they are to enjoy mine, so I just thought I'd share this stuff.

I love finding new music, maybe you do to?
Let's hope so.

Enjoy...or don't...whatever.

No bear left unpainted

Almost there

Just need to come up with a way to fit it on.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Oh, Brave Sir Robin

There are good number of things that Jesus didn't mention, at least that we have record of. (see John 21:25)

Believe it or not  there are quite a few "Christian" web sites and face book pages using this fact to indicate that by virtue of omission we then have permission.

What do you think?
Here's what I think.

I can find no rational logical that would lead me to conclude that there is divine blessing (permission) by virtue of omission  on any subject, from Jesus teachings and especially on issues that have been previously addressed in the Old Testament.

Let's be real, Jesus didn't mention a lot of things. It really only seems to indicate that what stood, still stands.

Yet we seem to want to pick and choose which teachings, or lack there of in this case, as we go along to support whatever it its we wish to be true and ignore the parts of the Bible which makes us uncomfortable or don't fit our sense of justice.

But then, what about Matthew 5:17 where Jesus says “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."

It seems to me Jesus is directly stating saying that the law, God's law, stands but that Jesus is the completion of it, no? Or are we perhaps suggesting that God changed his mind somewhere along the line about those things which are offensive to him?

There are a good number of questions that Jesus is noted as not having answered in his life. Does this mean that we are to answer for him since he did not? I don't think so.

Perhaps that Jesus doesn't mention any particular subject only means he knew he had 3 brief years of ministry and didn't want to waste time addressing subjects that people already knew about (or should have known). Things that, as mentioned, had already been addressed.

If we consider Jesus as an authority we must to then consider that he was a Jew and subscribed to Jewish law.

I certainly don't imagine that anyone would suggest that their authority to be greater than God's so should we say ,"Jesus never directly said for children to obey their parents, so do what you'd like kids."? Good luck raising those kids.

But this is exactly the same logic used by Satan in the garden by bringing doubt to the table on issues we already know the answers to.

For example, when he asks Eve "Did God really say you should not eat of any tree in the garden?" Of course God didn't say that and that is where the whole fall starts, by bringing into question that which was never said by God.

So, if permission by omission is your stance, you should be prepared to allow any number of evils to occur and know that you are not at all at liberty to address them because Jesus didn't.


Just thinking.

Embrace Your Failure

Increasing the Volume 1029

Here's a little Sunshine for your Monday...

Ethel Merman sings "Everything's Coming Up Roses"

Momma Rose
[Speaking] Finished? We're just beginning and there's no stopping us this time!

[Singing] I had a dream, a dream about you, baby.
It's gonna come true, baby.
They think that we're through, but baby,

You'll be swell! You'll be great!
Gonna have the whole world on the plate!
Starting here, starting now,
honey, everything's coming up roses!

Clear the decks! Clear the tracks!
You've got nothing to do but relax.
Blow a kiss. Take a bow.
Honey, everything's coming up roses!

Now's your inning. Stand the world on it's ear!
Set it spinning! That'll be just the beginning!
Curtain up! Light the lights!
You got nothing to hit but the heights!
You'll be swell. You'll be great.
I can tell. Just you wait.
That lucky star I talk about is due!
Honey, everything's coming up roses for me and for you!

You can do it, all you need is a hand.
We can do it, Mama is gonna see to it!
Curtain up! Light the lights!
We got nothing to hit but the heights!
I can tell, wait and see.
There's the bell! Follow me!
And nothing's gonna stop us 'til we're through!
Honey, everything's coming up roses and daffodils!
Everything's coming up sunshine and Santa Claus!
Everything's gonna be bright lights and lollipops!
Everything's coming up roses for me and for you!

Bye Bye Birdie - Put On A Happy Face

Gray skies are gonna clear up,
Put on a happy face;
Brush off the clouds and cheer up,
Put on a happy face.
Take off the gloomy mask of tragedy,
It's not your style;
You'll look so good that you'll be glad
Ya' decide to smile!
Pick out a pleasant outlook,
Stick out that noble chin;
Wipe off that "full of doubt" look,
Slap on a happy grin!
And spread sunshine all over the place,
Just put on a happy face!
Put on a happy face
Put on a happy face
And if you're feeling cross and bitterish
Don't sit and whine
Think of banana split and licorice
And you'll feel fine
I knew a girl so glooming
She'd never laugh or sing
She wouldn't listen to me
Now she's a mean old thing
So spread sunshine all over the place
Just put on a happy face
So, put on a happy face

True Love Waits

Oh sorry, I guess I spelled that wrong.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


The other day I found a pair of pants of mine from when I was in grade school.

Turns out they still had a PBJ in the pocket...

And I thought to myself, "Man, now that's some old school jam right there."


Just because I'm right doesn't mean that I always have to prove it. Sometimes the extension of grace has required that I be content simply knowing what I know and leaving it at that.

Some people don't see it that way and that seems to work fine for them, but it doesn't make feel good at all when someone else is wrong.

I will say though, what does feel good  is to know that once in a while it is not I who am wrong.

Heck, I don't need to be right all the time, I just don't want to be wrong all the time.

Right 2

I think we need to focus a lot less time and energy on making sure that other people know they're wrong and why, so we can spend more of it on simply making sure that we're actually right and understanding why (or why not) that's the case.

This way we can ultimately focus more on solutions than we do on problems, and we can feel good because we are able to build people up rather than feeling good because we were able to tear them down.

Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later

Spent my whole growing up scrapping for what I wanted and needed, and I learned to figure out what I wanted was far different from what I needed as result.

I learned what it meant to be rejected by being rejected and so I learned the value of simply accepting someone.

I learned what it meant to go without if you wasted anything, by going without.

I learned how make things last and not to waste, because I knew when it was gone it was gone and that was it.

I learned the value of a dollar by having to work and save for what I needed and wanted. That no amount of asking was going to change answer because no amount of wishing can put money in the bank.

I also learned the value of smart spending by finding that buying cheap crap just means you're going to get cheap crap and you will spend that same amount but it twice as you would if you had just bought the right thing.

That it is better to wait for what you want, and to go without what I didn't need, and to live within my means.

I learned the value of work ethic because I knew what was on the line if didn't work.

I learned the love of a parent by experiencing a large lack of it, and trying to always remember what that felt like so that my own kids would not have to receive the same from me if I could help it.

All of these struggles and more have made me what I am today, and yet for some reason I work as hard as I can so that my children will not have experience the same.

I would not wish for my kids to experience much of my life, but sometimes, and it is strange I know, but I wonder if in some way I may be doing them a disservice that they have avoided so much of my life as well.

I hope not.

Eat Desert First

Friend of mine had this to say to me tonight when I had inquired about his meal this evening:

Ah, let's see Roberto... I have eaten too much today... currently have vegetables and chicken heating in the microwave... but had some cake prior to that ... I know that I should do dessert after the main course, but I tend to do dessert first sometimes in case I die before I am done with the meal...

I heard this as some rather good advice and here's how I replied:

I admire your foresight. You don't hear about people choking on cake, they choke on chicken bones all the time though.

I can't imagine my final thought being," Shoot, I guess I won't be eating that that cake."

Life is like desert, enjoy when it can be enjoyed.

Pray for Your Enemies

That doesn't mean Old Testament style, like "smite my enemies oh Lord.".

It will make you think the next time I say I'll pray for you though, won't it?


Money It's a Hit 2

It's been said, and rightfully so, that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.

However true that may be, I would also note that the desperation that comes from a lack of it doesn't put one in any better situation as far as moral quandaries about getting it goes.

Today's Project 2

Week so far it looks like no sheets are in danger of being cut up.

I couldn't be happier, but there's still plenty that could go wrong.

6:07pm and the hardest parts are done. It certainly is lovely when things go right once in a while.

I'd Hit That

Trolling for Doll Hairs

When I was a kid this it's what we called trolling.

Today's project

This is going to be Maddy's Halloween costume...or a sheet with eye holes, depending on how well it goes.

Here's hoping we wind up with s costume that says ,"Hey,I'm creative!" rather than one that says," Yep, I'm broke.".
I remember that feeling as a kid, it sucked.

So much parental creative pressure..

If you need to hide it, lie about it, or apologize for it, then really should reconsider it.

Money It's a Hit

This is not politics this is simply an observation.

When I consider the times in life I've had more rather than less, I will say that life, simply living, is far less expensive when you have money than when you don't.

When you have money you don't need to spend nearly as much of it, because you can afford to avoid problems, rather than hoping for the best and dealing with them as they come...and they do come.

A poor person will spend $3in resources to get $2 in cash if it means keeping the power on for one more day, a decision that would not make sense to someone who had money.

It becomes a spiral downward that perpetuates itself.

The spending habits of either makes no sense to the other. The rich don't need to spend money that way and the poor simply can't spend money that way.

The biggest problem with money between either is the same though, that they are both preoccupied with it.

One for lack there of, the for it's excess.

The lives of the industrious and the lives of the lazy, both require work.

Heart Dove Earring 3

Watching a cooking show and the lady said she always has a bag of chocolate chips in her arse....nal

Heart Dove Earring 2

The TV volume always seems to be at that perfect level, not too soft, not too loud.

You know what I'm talking about, that level that forces you to choose between chewing your food or hearing the dialogue.

Heart Dove Earring

The other day I was watching a show when I thought I heard the guy on TV say," I left home with a back pack, a couple hundred books, and a huge tree."

Turns out what he actually said was a couple hundred bucks and a huge dream.

That made a lot more sense...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

30 Seconds From Now

Here,I will make a prediction about your future.

Scratch that, I will state with great certainty an event that will come to pass in your future.

You let me know when it actually does come to pass (as I'm sure it will).

If we haven't seen each other in years it will be the perfect excuse to call.

One day, as you reflect upon your past, you will recall this very moment and as you do, it will cause you to smile.

When that day comes, you may perhaps even laugh...out loud and tell this story.

Because when that happens you will think to yourself:

Well, what do you know?
Dave was right.

Knit Wit

Quick wit often indicates slow logic.

People are far more likely to have a snappy retort based on what they think they have heard, than they are to try and understand what is actually being said from the heart of a message, consider it fully and then respond accordingly.

Especially if the heart of that message is too close for comfort to their own.

The ability to combine both, and apply them effectively requires careful skill in selection and a certain depth of humility.

It is difficult, but it can be done.

Dispensed in the right proportion it can be a fantastic means of communication because it can be disarming enough to actually force those, who might be inclined to do otherwise, to actually listen and think more deeply.

Step carefully through these mine fields though, for you will walk a fine line between wisdom and foolishness in the process.

Even the hardest stones can be broken, but it is most often a slow, labor intensive process and not for those without the patience to see it through.

The Law

Sometimes I obey the letter of the law, because it affords me what the spirit of it never would.

Sometimes I obey the spirit of the law because it affords me what the letter never could.

Although not nearly as cost effective obeying the spirit of the law is always better for everyone in the end.

Do what is right, not what is expected.


You would be wise to question the validity of this statement.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Increasing the Volume 1026

Balkan Beat Box...I love the band.

What Matters

It is not the friends on our list, but the friends on our heart, that matter most.

The Rowing Song By Roald Dahl

Until a certain conversation which I had today, I never really knew what this poem meant.

Throughout the course of the conversation when my points could not be refuted the subject would be changed by the other party and all logic lost.

Then a light went off, I at first thought of the expression," Never argue with a fool. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."and then this poem came to mind.

Now I know exactly what it means or at least what I think it does.


The Rowing Song By Roald Dahl

Round the world and home again That's the sailor's way
Faster faster, faster faster

There's no earthly way of knowing Which direction we are going
There's no knowing where we're rowing
Or which way the river's flowing

Is it raining, is it snowing
Is a hurricane a–blowing

Not a speck of light is showing
So the danger must be growing
Are the fires of Hell a–glowing
Is the grisly reaper mowing

Yes, the danger must be growing
For the rowers keep on rowing
And they're certainly not showing Any signs that they are slowing.

Truth in the Trees (Pt. 2)

This was never meant to be a two part post, but this exchange is exactly why what I spoke about in the first "Truth in Trees" is so important. 
(sharing a bible based faith without having to use the bible to support it) 

It should also help emphasize what a friend of mine once said,"Precision in language is precision in thought.". 

Here's a link, in case you missed it: Failure in the Victory Garden: Truth in the Trees Oct 05, 2012

Sheep among sheep

The inclination as "sheep" to simply follow other "sheep" would not seem nearly as enticing, if we would simply make the effort to position ourselves within the "flock" to see and follow the "shepherd". 


Sowing the Seeds of Love

How much seed a farmer has is irrelevant. If he simply stores it it will only rot and if it is never planted it will never grow.

So it is with love.

It's not how much you have, it's what you do with it that matters.

Unknown Factor

Who can know which day will be their last or sometime else's?

Why are we so insistent on making it so hard for each other?

Grace, mercy, compassion, why do we hold back?

Where's the love, people?!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thin Skinned and Bleeding Inside 1

In my life I been made very aware of many things, about the world, about the people in it and about my place in it.

I know that I am not much.

I don't really excel in most of my endeavors, (or at anything really) and certainly the things I do best are not the sorts of things that will do much to increase my creature comforts or social standing.

I have learned to be ok with that, knowing that God has a plan for me. Some way, some how I will be used.

The reality is simply that I am one of billions, barely a factor at all yet I exist. On my best days I feel almost, but not quite, adequate and this should lend some insight to my bad days.

I was raised in an abusive home, and when my parents fought I was most often simply glad that this time it wasn't me getting the beating. I learned a relationship with music through it as I often turn up my head phones until it all passed.

I was also raised in a home that was without religion our religious influence, barring perhaps the practice of black arts by my mother.

My stepfather hated religion and made no bones about it. (Two divorces growing up, the second of which came as news on one fateful Christmas day.)

I was often told and shown my inadequacies, by my parents, peers and authority figures throughout my growing up years and even still today.

I'm certain that this was in large part due to my struggle with a condition of which very little was known at the time, ADHD. The "H" really standing more for a lack of impulse control more than anything else. This couldn't have made me an easy kid to raise, and I imagine it was the catalyst for many of my parents frustrations and abuses toward me.

It certainly didn't make things easy for me either.

I had very little filter between my inner dialogue and what came out of my mouth most of the time and so I was more (and probably inappropriately) honest than I think most people would have expected from a kid or knew how to handle.

I still struggle with these things but as I grow older God had shown my weaknesses to be his strengths.

The situation(s) during my growing up years was further compounded by living in the town of Mesa, AZ, a block from the Morman Temple. Mesa, if you don't know, is a town who's Morman population was only barely exceeded by that of the Catholic population. I was neither.

I should add also, for your understanding of who I am that we were...well let's just say I was referred to as the poorest kid in Mesa. No air conditioning, no heat, no car, no phone, no lots of things.Yet another factor in making me less than desirable to many.

I was a kid who never fit in... anywhere, try as I might.

I didn't care about sports or cars, I didn't care to rough house, I just wasn't like most boys my age, and finding friends was difficult. (still is)

As I was so misunderstood I was also then excluded from many "normal" things, by my peers. It was a huge struggle to find my place, and figure out just who I was because I was unlike most anyone I knew. As it was then so it is today and in many ways I am still that kid.

All of this to say, if I understand anything at all about grace, it is because I have experienced such a great lack of it at certain times, and a great amount of it at others.

The source of either has always been at the most unexpected times and from the most unlikely of people. So I do not discount the potential of anyone to display either at any given point. We all have good and bad days, some days grace comes with ease, some days it is a struggle, some days it does not exist within us at all to extend, and so it is with me. Forgive me if this is ever the case.

In looking back I see that grace in my life was extended more often than I may have realized at the time. Often the largest grace comes from those who give it secretly.

These, as with many of my experiences were difficult to comprehend at the time but I see now, that having gone through them, they make up in large part who I am today and are probably the reason why I am so sensitive to certain things and callused to others.

That I am alive today and only as messed up as I am is, again, by the grace of God and the faithfulness off his people.

We often only know and appreciate the great wealth we possess when we have known a great lack of it, physically and spiritually speaking.

However, the grace I received was not only from Christians. In fact most of the examples I have of the extreme lack of grace that I have known over my lifetime has in large part been from those professing faith in Jesus and concern for his cause as their motive. Maybe I just remember those experiences more because that is where I thought I should probably have received grace most, so making all the more impact on me when contrary was the case.

I extend the benefit of the doubt when I say that although perhaps well intentioned, the actions of many Christians are very misdirected, and often serve more destructive rather than constructive ends. It does not serve their witness well.

From wherever it was received though, it was a blessing from God. Blessing that are, I believe, the only reason I an as well off as I am today.

I will end here, and continue later.
Think about it.
I'll be back.


You left without saying good bye

Tuesday evening I received a gift of great magnitude from a friend of mine. It was profound and touched me deeper than words can express, but I will try here to tell you of it.

My biggest regret is that he isn't alive so that I can thank him for it.

My family and I just spent the evening with Derek's mom, sister and Mel.

They are doing better than I would have expected as they are in town to pack up his stuff.

We met at Cracker Barrel for coffee and desert, and although I suppose I should have expected it had I given it much thought, I really wasn't quite ready to go down memory lane about him. I guess I really don't know what I thought we would do or talk about, but discussing the one thing we had in common, the one thing that had brought us together, wasn't something I was really prepared for.

Our relationship with Derek was (from what I can tell) very different in nature from that which many seemed to have had with him. We didn't drink to excess, party, or do drugs. We didn't get tattoos, get caught in strange situations or foreign places.

He was most often just a guest at our house, for evenings or nights. We would eat dinner together, talk, have beer or two, maybe sit by the fire. But mostly we just talked.

He loved my family and we loved him. Our relationship was the result of, what I would call at times, one of many in my character defects. The immediate feeling that someone will or will not be my friend. I knew when I first met him we would be long time friends in some way or another.

I could not have known how long, or what level. Or even what impact he would have on me, and just how much a part of our lives he would become over time. He was a loyal friend and great support in difficult times.

Derek was flighty by virtue of his addictions and his own character defects I suppose. We all have them. So we would only ever see him sporadically and on his terms mostly. Probably out of love and respect, but he did not come around when he was under the influence as far as I could ever tell.

He meant a lot to me, us. He felt life more deeply than most, and as with many people who feel so deeply he struggled simply to live life and be happy often times. Eventually this struggle took his life.

Although he lived recklessly and not without regret, he was exactly who he was without apology and it was all out there for anyone who cared to see it.

That in my opinion and experience is a rare thing to actually encounter,  a thing to be appreciated and embraced when found in another. It was surely found in him.

I would like to have been a better friend to him somehow, but it was never an option that I, or a lot of people apparently, were ever really afforded. That's Derek I guess.

As we talked about Derek, his mom, sister and Mel began telling us about the times that Derek had spent with our family. 

You should know, that prior to this night I had not known or spoken to any of the three people I was now with and so it struck me as odd that they knew so much of us and our relationship with Derek.

As with so many of my friends, I never considered myself to be much of a friend, not to the depth I would like to be at least.

I told a few people of this regret, who knew Derek, and they noted otherwise to me, but this night it was not words that moved me to understand that in fact I/we meant something much more to him, than we ever knew during his life.

So, on the drive, (the long drive) home it set me to thinking, and of course one thing lead to another and I thought this...

I love a lot of people. People who really do mean the world to me. And while I love them it is a strange concept to consider when I occasionally get a deeper glimpse into the reality that I might actually mean something to them as well.

I feel very unworthy of such affections. I know it seems strange and it's probably just insecurity, but whatever the case may be, it is all the same very overwhelming when it actually hits home like it did on this night. 

I don't know that this will even make sense to anyone else, but it is exactly where I'm at right now.

As with Derek, I wish I could be the sort of friend that's, I don't know, just better.

I seem to know a lot of people who feel life deeply and simply living it takes a large toll on them, because they often care for others far more than they care for themselves. Like I said, for Derek it took his life.

I am often concerned about them but what can I do?  Pray?

It seems like there should be more somehow, but I can't figure out just what that would be. It leaves me at a loss.

All of this said, as we go through life, I would ask you to keep in mind that  we're all just trying to figure out this mess called life as we stumble through it. Really none of us can know deep down what sort of turmoil is the heart of another, regardless of what outward appearances might seem.

Some of us have received a greater measure of grace throughout our journey I suppose, which makes it easier for some than others, but we all have our struggles, just as we all have an impact on each other in ways we may never understand.

So please, I ask of you, be kind to each other, so as not to make things any worse or more difficult than life already may be for them.

It is sad to me that Derek was able to give me such a gift and that he's not even around for me to thank him for it.

It was in fact his death that had brought these people I had never met in my 15 (?) plus years of knowing Derek on this one night.

That too made me think....

I probably have the most diverse group of friends of anyone I know. Many of whom don't get along with or even like each other. They don't always see in themselves or each other what I see in all of them.

But one day too, as we all will, I'll die. My hope is that it will be an occasion that would bring people together, like this night, who would not otherwise have occasion to meet.

And when that day comes, as it will, I hope to you say to yourselves, "Man, Dave really had some awesome people in his life." because I do.

Be good to yourselves, but more importantly, be good to each other.

Peace be with you,

Sock it...two of me

Dear Maddy,

I have just arrived at work only to realize that I have arrived without my socks or shoes.

If there was any doubt before, now we know for sure where you get it.

So sorry. It lasts a lifetime.

Love, Dad


Got to work and was greeted with this. Nice.

Bad Words

Some words might be considered vulgar by their nature, regardless of how they are used. 
We replace them with softer words which simply serve to please our ears, but they are the same in their intention, regardless of how they sound.

The "offensive" words don't cause me nearly as much concern. as the more acceptable words used in everyday language, which become far more vulgar by virtue of their application.

So, here's a little blast from my past.
Enjoy, d(-_-)b

Circle Jerks - Bad Words

bad words
use them when you're sad
use them when you're mad
use them when you're happy
use them on your dad

bad words
they come in all shapes
they come in all sizes
from the tough
to the weak
they're not words
you want to speak

bad words
they come in all shapes
they come in all sizes
from the rich to the poor
they're not words
you want to use

bad words

Something Good

Something good will happen to you today, even if you don't recognize it.

Today the truck started without hesitation. I didn't even think about it until I was almost at work.

I guess that's how life is.
We don't appreciate things when they go just as we expect they should.
We don't know what's really good until it's not.

So what good thing has happened to you today?

Just Thinking

The discourse and wisdom of ages is often summed up quite neatly in the catch phrases of the grade school playground.
It takes one to know one.
Self explanatory.
I am rubber  you are glue. Words bounce of me and stick to you.

What you say of me you are really saying of yourself.
I know you are but what am I?

What you don't realize is that what you are saying of me, I see that you are really saying of yourself, and you don't know me well enough to make these accusations of me.

There's a ton of them if you think about it.

Increasing the Volume 1025

1025 Lesson Plan consists simply of today's playlist:

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Walked out to the car last night and saw this in dust, on the drivers side back window.

Ok, not that you asked for it

Q) What kinds of snacks will you find in the bedroom of a haunted house?

A) Dust Truffles

What we de-serve

I was just wondering on the drive home tonight, "Why preceding the word "grace" with the word "unmerited" isn't seen as being redundant? Why is it needed there at all?"

I then began to wonder if this isn't something bigger than just language.

That perhaps grace has become so foreign to receive or extend anymore that we may have forgotten that the very nature of grace indicates that it is unmerited.

After all if it were merited, that wouldn't be grace at all, it would simply be getting what you had coming anyway...

what is de-served

Just thinking...

What happens when Fishermen go deaf?

The get a new herring aid.

Increasing the Volume No 1024

Junip is a great band for you to check out. 
Here's a sample:

Junip - In every Direction:

still protecting the magic feather
holding tight to a supporting crutch
writing scripts on worn out leather
still waiting on a divine touch

try to ride on waves of activity
in every direction
you're the center and you're always free
in every direction

feeling safe enough to abandon the void
ban the zero, ban the noise
quiet sounds picked up and dissected
all faint shadows reflected

try to ride on waves of activity
in every direction
you're the center and you're always free
in every direction

It's not much for visual, but I included it for the lyrics and because it's pretty representative of their style over all. 

So here's another Junip song with an awesome video:

Junip - Always (Official Video)

droning chords and distant bells
humming over empty shells
holding on tight onto a dead sky
nomadic moves across a lawn
inch by inch into the dawn
holding on tight onto a dead sky

turn a deaf ear no matter what they might say
turn a deaf ear pushing you further away

droning chords and distant bells
to what's been over since the fall
holding tight to what's been felt
holding on tight onto a dead sky

turn a deaf ear no matter what they might say
turn a deaf ear pushing you further away


Jose Gonzales is their singer. 

I liked Jose Gonzales, then I liked Junip,
Then I really liked Junip when I figured out Jose Gonzales was their singer.

Jose Gonzales remakes Massive Attack's Teardrop beautifully here:
It's quite a nice video.

Here is the original version of Massive Attack's Teardrop. 
(in case you're not familiar with it)

Also a very cool video

Love, love is a verb
Love is a doing word
Fearless on my breath
Gentle impulsion
Shakes me, makes me lighter
Fearless on my breath

Teardrop on the fire
Fearless on my breath

Nine night of matter
Black flowers blossom
Fearless on my breath
Black flowers blossom
Fearless on my breath

Teardrop on the fire
Fearless on my...

Water is my eye
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire
Of a confession
Fearless on my breath
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath

Teardrop on the fire
Fearless on my breath

You're stumbling down
You're stumbling down

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Collard Greens

they're just a little more formal.

Love Fulfills the Law

But grace covers the gap.

Observations 2

What do we know, that we haven't been told?

What have we bought, that we haven't been sold?

Why do we think that we won't pay the price,
for ignoring the truth and rolling the dice?

Look at the world and the people it holds.

The sick and the starving, the young and the old.

Look at the earth, it's poisoned and sick.

Now, ask yourself "why?"
...because money did this.

What you want, I can't give you.

What you need, you won't take.

For you love what will kill you.

What will save you, you hate...

The Five Point Plan

Let's count to five...

1. Find failing business.
2. Assume control of that business.
3. Liquidate assets, exhaust credit for personal gain.
4. Terminate and export jobs for cheaper labor costs.
5. Sell business leaving someone else to hold the bag.

Hooray, we did it!
We have a president!

Let's stop all this nonsense about Romney not having revealed his plan, for he has by his record revealed his plan.

This is business man we want to run our country?

Think people...

Monday, October 22, 2012

I'm sane in the membrane

I used to think that as long as one retained the ability to question their sanity that it was an indication that sanity was still retained.

As I've grown older though I see that questioning one's sanity is probably more an indication that the definition of sanity may be changing more than one may be actually retaining what was once their definition of sanity.

This is a political post

If you don't like "O"range Soda, and I don't like "R"oot Beer, it seems kind of pointless then to try and sell me on the virtues of "R"oot Beer, or tell me how terrible "O"range Soda is, thinking somehow my tastes will change.

Don't you think?

So, why don't we just sit quietly with each other, you with your "R"oot Beer and me with my "O"range Soda, we can talk about other stuff and we'll be just fine.

Cool enough?


Bible Versus

This is no social crisis just another tricky day for you... -The Who


1 Corinthians 10:13 There has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

What's so funny


Fart: Bipartisan

There rarely any worldly advantage in keeping company with the poor.
equally as rare is the spiritual advantage in keeping company with the rich.

Mosquitos make mosquitos

The other day Maddy had a friend over.

They were playing in the front yard and we were out there with them, when the friend asked if I would shut of the hose (which was watering the tree). I asked why and she told me that her mom said that water makes mosquitos.

I was confused as to why anyone would mislead their children by telling them something that was, if not untrue, certainly a misrepresentation of the truth?

Thinking about it, I thought it was somewhat cruel because having been misinformed by what should have been a reliable source,  that girl would now have to rethink every factor in that situation.

So I told her, "Water doesn't make mosquitos. Mosquitos make mosquitos, and they use water."

So, did I overstep my bounds? Maybe, but I have to think a greater service was done for the child than possible offense to the parent, so I'll take it.

Farted: Ryan

Farted: Obama

Farted: Romney

Farted: Biden

The problem with pride and parenting

If we are to encounter smaller failures on the road to greater success, rather than smaller successes on the road to greater failure, we must be prepared and equipped to experience both.

Just made this up

Q) What happened to the soldier who hired a prostitute?

A) He received a dishonorable discharge.

The Volume of Music

I love the way that sounds!
I'm going to use it for something. I don't know for sure what, but I have an idea.

Before you jump to the worst possible conclusion about someone, do everyone a favor and extend the benefit of the doubt, respond kindly and simply ask.
We might find a life of less conflict and world of people who aren't nearly as bad as we would be lead to believe.

Some gestures mean little to nothing if they aren't organic and must be suggested.
That said it also seems like a fantastic way to start a relationship on the path ruin, to have disappointment about unmet, and unexpressed expectations.
What good can come of that?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Yeshua said to him, “Why do you call me good? There is no one good except the one God.”

Binding me with Silence

Silence is not always consent.

Sometimes it is compassion.

Sometimes it is grace.

Sometimes it is mercy.

Sometimes it is not wasting time.

We are forced to listen, not with our ears, but with our heart, to that which not being said.

That's the beauty of silence.

Beauty is a beast, isn't she?

I magine

I imagine any starving dog would attack their master for indulging in a meal while the dog was forced to looked on.

I also imagine that any rational person would find the fault to fall on the master more than the dog.

And, I imagine anyone who was thinking would see that this not at all a story about a pet and it's owner.

It is I Am

Don't rush it, wait for it.
Don't fear it, welcome it.
Don't avoid it, embrace it.
Don't argue it, listen to it.
Don't refute it, accept it.
Don't hide from, seek it.
Don't deny it, acknowledge it.

Listen to what it is telling you.
Consider why it is telling you.
Do not hear what it is not telling you.

It is there for you.
Be there for it.

Learn from it.
Use it.
Apply it.
Experience it.
Live it.
Hope in it.
Share it.

It is what it is.
It does not change.
It changes you.

Accept it.
Do it.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Dead Already

I was talking to a friend of mine last night about the irony of the statement "good Christian" as anyone I considered to be so would not say it of themselves.

Then he said something to me I had never considered..."The only good Christian is a dead Christian."

I agreed whole-heartedly because, as fellow believer, I knew what he meant.

However, I imagined that to anyone within the faith this could be understood quite differently from those who are not, and any agreement on that statement might be very different in sentiment and attitude depending on your view.

If you read my blog you now know the nature of my face book status for tomorrow. It seems like it has the potential to be an interesting dialogue. Perhaps I'll get the chance to hear some diverse views and learn a thing it two.

Could be good. You might even enjoy it,  but don't mess it up because you just can't get over yourself. Just relax and let it happen. Who knows, you might even learn a thing or two.


Good sarcasm, in my opinion is an art used by thinking people to make a larger point through a smaller situation. It is often confused with mockery and insult, tools of the ignorant who wish to believe they are thinking far more than they actually are.

Most of the time

It seems many of my most enjoyable and productive meditations and introspection come by simply picking up a tool and setting to task.

Thoughts on Joseph

I'm not sure why, or that it even matters, but I find a God deal of comfort in seeing who God has called to his purpose throughout history, when I read the Bible. That he choose so many that to me and apparently many others as well, who seemed so unlikely and unqualified to accomplish so many great things gives me hope that I too may do something for him.

I relate to these ordinary people and all of their short comings and so I'm glad that unlike many accounts of history, the Bible shows that failure too may be critical factor in eventual success. (Whatever that looks like.)

Many of what turned out to be the greatest people in the Bible were at one point or another also some of the worst as well.

When I consider Joseph, in his youth, as with so many others in the Bible, I don't honestly see a lot of the faults many others seem to so see so plainly. Perhaps this is because I imagine given his circumstance and up bringing I might have been a good deal like him, but probably not fairing nearly as well.

What I see when I look at Joseph is a kid acting and responding as a kid in his situation might be expected to, or at least how I might have.

As I read about him, I think that the majority of Joseph's short comings (or offenses) to my perspective are simply the result of youth and the sort of certainty and indiscretion that only the inexperience of youth affords us (all of us). It is seen over and over in the Bible and in everyday life.

For example, Maddy (my daughter) at age 6 decided that it was time for me to learn how to use the microwave. She sat me down and explained every button until she was sure I knew how to use it on my own. This is exactly the sort of mind set that I'm talking about.

That said, his "security" perhaps in large part by virtue of his favored status, certainly and naturally seems to have affected his character to some degree allowing him to speak and act as those who might not be as secure would dare.

But of all the faults that Joseph might be accused of, being either unfaithful or dishonest is not among them. When he spoke of his dreams to his family he was merely speaking the truth and I imagine being awestruck by his dreams his intention was to share and his excitement from them more than it was to convey his superiority. Never the less the latter rather than the former was the feeling his family got from it.

In sharing, he may have been oblivious to the insecurities of others, or thoughtless about the clear power struggle that existed with his brothers, but whatever the case, without concern for appealing to their pride or consideration for how they may respond he simply and plainly spoke the truth that God had revealed to him. In that I can certainly find no offense.

In fact it, as I see it, that may be in some part what Jesus meant when saying you must become as a child. Children unless and until they are taught otherwise will speak truth without regard for doing anything other than that. It is in large part a quality worthy of retaining or regaining if it has been lost over the years.

This truth, as with all truth that offends pride and /or threatens power, then became the focus his brothers anger and the impetus for the cruelty they would eventually subject him to. So it seems if there were guilt to be placed on anyone for intentional wrong doing, I would have to think none that guilt would  fall on him.

When I read of Joseph and his journey, I find that throughout his struggles and temptations we see a Joseph that remains true to his faith in God in spite of the consequences for doing so, and so God it seems remains faithful to him throughout as well.

Considering all of this, I have to imagine by the age of 30, when he rose to power...(by the way am I the only one finding so many parallels to Christ's own ministry in here?) he certainly must have been a far different person than the Joseph of his youth who was sold into slavery and left to fend for himself.

Was he right to speak and act as he did? Well, perhaps right is a poor choice of words, but then as I see it he certainly wasn't wrong either.

The lesson for me? Perhaps then it is better to be righteous for God than simply to be right among men.

Again, just my two cents.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Grow Our Profits

In GOP we trust?

Remember, while Jesus was in fact foremost concerned with people's spiritual needs, he also knew that meeting their physical needs had to be met before he could expect them to even consider their spiritual state.

Conquering the Divide

What follows is a response to the following face book status: 

When u have nothing to say. . Divide and conquer. Typical Lib tactic. More wealthy dems in congress and senate than repubs.

I never intended for it to be this long or to stay up so late writing it.

Enjoy or don't, whatever, just my 2 cents, which is now probably worth about half a cent and falling. This is simply my observation and if you are offended by what you read, know that i am also offended by what I see.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Not medium, extra large

I'm getting the sense that someone here is either dead or maybe related to someone that's died.

Either recently or some time in the past.

Is that you?

Oh, I knew that. Someone on the other side has a message for you.

Wait, now I'm getting a number, its fuzzy, mighty be even or odd...could even be a double digit.

Yes it is, double digit.

Does that have any significance?

Yes, that's exactly right, I see that now.

Now, I'm being told that your relative died suddenly when their life stopped.

Does that sound about right?

And there is some sort of material item you associate with their memory?

Yes, they told me that.

Now they're telling me that you've experienced some sort of negative emotion(s), either since their death or as a result of their death.

You know what they're talking about.

They say you've got to let that go and move on.

Your loved one also wants me to tell you that I'm not a fraud and always be sure to tip generously.

Right now they're hugging you.
That's nice...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

A lot of people seem to have faith confused with denial.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


"Seek the Lord while he may be found;

call upon him while he is near;

let the wicked forsake his way,

and the unrighteous man his thoughts;

let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him,

and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth,

so are my ways higher than your ways

and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Friday, October 12, 2012

If sheep are well behaved it usually out of sheer fear.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Juts Found out

I have $.07.

I'd say you probably don't want to experience 5 of them.

A Lesson from Cats

The best way to ensure the discontent of cats is by mistakenly thinking that their contentment is based on anything that you can do for them.

However much you may want the best for them, it will mean nothing to cats until they are willing and ready to receive your affections.

Cats will not be content as a result of anything you do unless the foremost of anything you do is to allow them to simply be.

Cats are not the company we keep nearly as much we are the company that they keep.

Now replace the word cat, with the word people.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

So Sorry

Well, I've found an irrefutable argument against gay marriage and adoption. It goes well beyond any belief system.

Look at this nation of ours, it's a messed up place. Sure we started out with great potential, we had hopes and dreams, but we've grown up since then, and I'm afraid that where we've arrived at is largely the result of same sex couples.

It's certain they had the best of intentions, but for the way we've turned out, I blame our four fathers.

God Gives Up

Romans 1:18-32 ESV

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Therefore...

God gave them up

in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. For this reason...

God gave them up

to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God,

God gave them up

to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though they know God's decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.

Life is for Living

If by chance you wake up and its a new day, do yourself a favor, be thankful for another day and celebrate it.

Treat yourself.

Wear that special cologne or perfume.

Maybe treat yourself or someone you love to ice cream or something.

Call someone you haven't talked to in a while.

Pay a stranger a compliment, whatever, but life's too short to just get through it.

Life is for living so do it while you have the chance and be thankful for each day.

Yes...even the tough ones.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Verses Versus

1 Timothy 6:9-10 ESV

But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.

What's Dave Listening To?

Well  I'll tell you....
      896 tracks in playlist,
average track length: 3:54
Estimated playlist length: 58 hours 27 minutes 23 seconds

Playlist files:

1. Too Much Pressure (2:48)
2. Rollins Band - Icon (3:41)
3. Barrett Strong - Money (That's What I Want) (2:39)
4. The Shins - Simple Song (4:13)
5. Folsom Prison Blues (2:50)
6. Meiso Instrumental Mix (4:29)
7. Pray Now (Lost Art) (3:16)
8. LTJ Bukem (9:21)
9. Aerosmith - Sweet Emotion (5:10)
10. Smashing Pumpkins - Today (3:19)
11. Getting Better (2:47)
12. Stereophonic Space Sound Unlim - 06 - You're a hurricane, I'm a (4:00)
13. Jack White - Love Interruption (2:46)
14. Bombay Bicycle Club - Leave It (3:54)
15. Then the Morning Comes (3:04)
16. Eddie Holland - Merry-Go-Round (2:15)
17. Dwight Yoakam - 05 - The Walls - The Israrliti (4:10)
18. The Beatles - When I'm Sixty-Four.mp3 (2:37)
19. Fling (2:33)
20. NEW MODEL ARMY - 02 - Stupid Questions - New Mo (3:26)
21. artist - Track 09 (6:16)
22. Mexican Radio (4:07)
23. Morcheeba - Morcheeba / Over And Over (2:22)
24. Simmer-Down (2:50)
25. Ice Cream (2:34)
26. La Femme d'argent (7:09)
27. Talking Heads - Girlfriend Is Better.mp3 (5:45)
28. - ramblin (2:23)
29. Sugar - If I Can't Change Your Mind (3:16)
30. Walt Disney - Winnie The Pooh (2:24)
31. macy-gray - 01 (3:12)
32. She's Got A Way .mp3
33. ring true.mp3
34. Smokescreen (slight return).mp3
35. Fame '90 Remix.mp3
36. Spanish Eyes.mp3
37. You're Wondering Now.mp3
38. Nothing Like A Train.mp3
39. F Up Beats.mp3
40. Peanut Butter and Jelly .mp3
41. Inhale Exhale.mp3
42. mike-knott - 07.mp3
43. I Want You to Want Me.mp3
44. 06 - Barrett Strong - Do The Very Best You Can.mp3
45. Maracana.mp3
46. Fascination street.mp3
47. Evil Ways.mp3
48. How Soon Is Now.mp3
49. Pinball Cha Cha.mp3
50. Shelter .mp3
51. The Saint Theme.mp3
52. The Slim.mp3
53. The World Can WaitOver The RhineFilms For Radio.mp3
54. great expectations.MP3
55. For Your Love-01.MP3
56. Power Pill Pacman.mp3
57. The Anchor Song.mp3
58. Lovesongs.mp3
59. How Insensitive.mp3
60. More Than This.mp3
61. sheryl-crow - 08.mp3
62. Rock & Roll Band.mp3
63. Waiting For My Real Life to BeginColin HayMan at Work.mp3
64. Mojave.mp3
65. Walt Disney - Ev'rybody Wants To Be a Cat (2:03)
66. Surrender.mp3
67. The Fool On The Hill.mp3
68. BackfireMuteMathArmistice.mp3
69. Praise You.mp3
70. 26 Undress Me Now.mp3
71. All Delighted People (Classic Rock Version)Sufjan StevensThe Greatest Folking Mix Ever Part 3.mp3
72. Saturday Night's Alright F.mp3
73. fire.mp3
74. Nothing To Fear (But Fear Itself).mp3
75. Hey Pachuco!.mp3
76. George's Answering Machine.mp3
77. Immigrant Song.mp3
78. The Trees .mp3
79. 16 Tension Is A Passing Note.mp3
80. salt-on-a-slug.mp3
81. Speak To Me - Breathe.mp3
82. Great Change since I've Been Born.mp3
83. Suzie Blue.mp3
84. Everlast 2 .mp3
85. Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck.mp3
86. The Bug.mp3
87. pedro the lion03.mp3
88. World Leader Pretend.mp3
89. Kimberly Austin.mp3
90. I Walk The Line.mp3
91. Old Man.mp3
92. Trippin' In Court.mp3
93. Trooth.mp3
94. It Don't Mean A Thing.mp3
95. Always Something Better (Trentemoller Remix)TrentemøllerThe Last Resort CD2.mp3
96. Superstition.mp3
97. Gimme Some Lovin'.MP3
98. Rubyaiyat.mp3
99. Never Tell.mp3
100. 16 - Barrett Strong - Oh I Apologize.mp3
101. 01. M. WARD - Transfiguration #1.mp3
102. superfriend.mp3
103. Mother.mp3
104. 000009-of Montreal-First Time High(ReconstructionistRemixAnEluardianInstance).mp3
105. 08. SUFJAN STEVENS - we won't need legs to stand.mp3
106. 11. M. WARD - Chinese Translation.mp3
107. Love Is the Drug.mp3
108. 07 - Chico Leverett - Solid Sender.mp3
109. Time .mp3
110. Photograph.mp3
111. Strongman.mp3
112. Track 2.mp3
113. Kool Thing.mp3
114. Kingston Sound.mp3
115. Ghost of David.mp3
116. Pure Massacre.mp3
117. What Would You Say (5:06)
118. Trenchtown Rock (previously unreleased Alternate Mix).mp3
119. God Shuffled His Feet.mp3
120. Let You Down.mp3
121. The Cure-More Than This.mp3
122. talk show host.mp3
123. shine.mp3
124. Twist & Crawl.mp3
125. Uno.mp3
126. Sober.mp3
127. every breathe you take - peter gunn theme.mp3
128. in the malls not of them.mp3
129. Go.mp3
130. Hell of a Hat.mp3
131. Silly Love Songs.mp3
132. Jet.mp3
133. Got Glint.mp3
134. i started at the bottom.mp3
135. Please Do Not Go.mp3
136. Venus in Tweeds.mp3
137. Evolution - Single Mix.mp3
138. Peter Murphy (1).mp3
139. The DistanceCakeLate Night with Conan O'Brien.mp3
140. Space Journey.mp3
141. Rocky Raccoon.mp3
142. True Happiness This Way Lies.mp3
143. Grimly Fiendish (The Bad Trip Mix).mp3
144. Navigator.mp3
145. October.mp3
146. Glenmalambo- Glenmore.mp3
147. The Night.mp3
148. 13. TIM BUCKLEY - The River.mp3
149. phototgaphs (rough mix).MP3
150. 14. RALPH STANLELY - O Death.mp3
151. Tomorrow.mp3
152. 17 Les Moulins De Mon Coeur.mp3
153. The Idiot Kings.mp3
154. Unloveable.mp3
155. What is Love Anyway (3:41)
156. 000059-matt and kim-daylight.mp3
157. Could Be A Lot WorseBill Mallonee & Vigilantes ofAudible Sigh (Compass Records).mp3
158. The 59th Street Bridge Song Feelin Groovy.mp3
159. You've Got A Friend.mp3
160. Guateque Campesino.mp3
161. Lord Raise Me UpMatisyahu.mp3
162. 00. THE TALLEST MAN ON EARTH - It Will Follow The Rain.mp3
163. 49 - Xiu Xiu - Hi.mp3
164. 62. THE SHINS - New Slang.mp3
165. Building Steam With A Grain Of SaltDj Shadowd(- -)b Play On Random.MP3
166. Impact (The Earth Is Burning).mp3
167. The One I Love.mp3
168. Siamese Quintuplets.mp3
169. Everlast 3.mp3
170. Message to my Girl.mp3
171. 12-Song of sand IINils Petter MolværKhmer - The Remixes.mp3
172. Madness.mp3
173. 01 - Rollins Band - Do It.mp3
174. Imposter.mp3
175. 01 Get Me Out.mp3
176. Let 'em In.mp3
177. Sacred Love.mp3
178. Hey Joe.mp3
179. Modem Song.mp3
180. I Don't Care Anymore.mp3
181. The Meaning of the World.mp3
182. 10 - Swinging Tigers - Snake Walk (Part 2).mp3
183. Hallowed Ground .mp3
184. vera.mp3
185. Peg.mp3
186. Hey Pachuco! (Reprise).mp3
187. he has made me glad.MP3
188. Invisible Sun.mp3
189. Hotel California.mp3
190. The Whole of the Moon.mp3
191. Through Being Cool.mp3
192. Sleepy Maggie.mp3
193. Rainshine.mp3
194. Mezzo.mp3
195. ThNowhere Man.mp3
196. Swamp.mp3
197. Oye Como Va.mp3
198. Why Can't We Be Friends.mp3
199. St. Louise Is Listening .mp3
200. Daft Punk - Around The World.mp3
201. Malkouns (Night on th.mp3
202. Walk Forever By My Side.mp3
203. Ranking Full Stop.mp3
204. Hey Nineteen.mp3
205. One Love-People Get Ready.mp3
206. 75 - Kaiser Chiefs - On The Run.mp3
207. Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want.mp3
208. London Calling.mp3
209. Superunknown.mp3
210. That's Good.mp3
211. 07 Love Songs.mp3
212. Platonic Years .mp3
213. 12. NIKE DRAKE - Northern Sky.mp3
214. Let's Dance.mp3
215. Russians.mp3
216. When The Levee Breaks - (7:07)
217. 13 - Satintones - Going To The Hop.mp3
218. The Woman in you.mp3
219. 37 Fallen Empires.mp3
220. Walkin' On The Sun (3:27)
221. Driftin' West.mp3
222. Vienna.mp3
223. Moto Centripeto.mp3
224. Villa Villa (4:19)
225. 11 The Killing Moon 1.mp3
226. Is Chicago, Is Not ChicagoSoul CoughingRuby Vroom.mp3
227. Green Onions.mp3
228. Let's Stay Together.mp3
229. Family.mp3
230. Fisherman's blues.mp3
231. Pennies From Heaven.mp3
232. I'm a Man You Don't Meet Every Day.mp3
233. Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word.mp3
234. If I Had $1000000.mp3
235. It's Not Funny.mp3
236. The Blues Collection-Vol.01 John Lee Hooker (Boogie Man)-02-Crawlin' King Snake.mp3
237. 13. JOHN FAHEY - Requiem For John Hurt.mp3
238. Ill Be There For You Long Version.mp3
239. Thick Of It All.mp3
240. So Many Ways.mp3
241. One Step Beyond.mp3
242. The Old Main Drag.mp3
243. Subdivisions.mp3
244. Love Plus One.mp3
245. And God Said....mp3
246. Still Dead.mp3
247. peace orchestra-peace orchestra-05-marakesh.mp3
248. 08. GRIZZLY BEAR- On a Neck, On.mp3
249. Lullaby.mp3
250. Foreplay-Long Time.mp3
251. The Sea.mp3
252. Washaway.mp3
253. 32 - Andrew Bird - Eyeoneye.mp3
254. Pow.mp3
255. dreams.mp3
256. The Battle Of Evermore .mp3
257. House of Fun.mp3
258. Rock And Roll Ain`t Noise Pollution.mp3
259. Joy to the World.mp3
260. Nobody's Fault But Mine.mp3
261. Measuring CupsAndrew BirdThe Mysterious Production of Eggs.mp3
262. Men & Women.mp3
263. White Girl .mp3
264. Like A Rolling Stone.mp3
265. Kiss Me, Son Of God .mp3
266. You got to see mama ev'ry night (or you can't see mama at all.mp3
267. 000063-Jeremy Enigk-Lifes Too Short.mp3
268. 02 Stupid Questions.mp3
269. I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide.mp3
270. No One Fear.mp3
271. Drive She Said.mp3
272. Natural Science.mp3
273. Gut Feeling.mp3
274. Everybody Needs Somebody.MP3
275. Tomorrow(Bono-Clayton).mp3
276. Somebody Touched Me.mp3
277. Hidden, Hidden.mp3
278. Prison Shoe Romp .mp3
279. Screenwriter`s BluesSoul CoughingRuby Vroom.mp3
280. Family Life.mp3
281. Gotta Serve Somebody.mp3
282. Son Of A Preacher Man.mp3
283. 15. JOHNNY CASH - The Mercy Seat (Nick Cave).mp3
284. Pale Shelter.mp3
285. plumbers convention.mp3
286. Tornado1.mp3
287. Let's Get A Taco.mp3
288. In My Life.mp3
289. The Big Music.mp3
290. las vegas.mp3
291. Slippery People.mp3
292. Super Markets.mp3
293. Rain Rain Rain.mp3
294. One.mp3
295. Jimmy Olsen's Blues.mp3
296. Lights Go Out.mp3
297. Even Better Than the Real Thing.mp3
298. Drugstores.mp3
299. Every Home A Prison.mp3
300. The Freshmen.mp3
301. necklace.mp3
302. Intergalactic (Daft Punk Mix).mp3
303. Rock Steady.mp3
304. Kung Fu Fighting.mp3
305. Toxic [Version Revisited]Mark RonsonVersion.mp3
306. I'll Have to Say I Love You in a Song.mp3
307. Horses.mp3
308. The Prickly Heat Telethon of Love.mp3
309. Gimme Sheldon.mp3
310. Sure As Not.mp3
311. Luscious Jackson - 05.mp3
312. Jinetes.mp3
313. 14. THE RACONTEURS - CarolinaDrama.mp3
314. Juno-Reactor-7.mp3
315. 02 Fool.mp3
316. Monogoloid.mp3
317. Phones.mp3
318. Feel Like Makin' Love.mp3
319. 02 Lights Go Out.mp3
320. trust in the lord.mp3
321. 08. MUMFORD & SONS - Timshel.mp3
322. Theme From Rawhide.mp3
323. 12 Sweet Disposition.mp3
324. Jungle Boogie.mp3
325. Too Much Information.mp3
326. I'm Yours, You're Mine .mp3
327. Phone call from Dianet.mp3
328. Turbovibe1.mp3
329. Veronica (Rare, Acoustic).mp3
330. Help!.mp3
331. unknown2.mp3
332. Silver & Gold.mp3
333. Nose Punch.mp3
334. I have a vision.mp3
335. Dire Straits - Industrial Disease .mp3 (5:54)
336. Tløn .mp3
337. I Am A Rock.mp3
338. 119-peter bjorn and john feat victoria bergsman-young folks.mp3
339. Glory box.mp3
340. Sunburn.mp3
341. Rocks in Your Head.mp3
342. Kick in the Eye.mp3
343. frank sinatra.mp3
344. 28 - Of Montreal - Dour Percentage.mp3
345. Jump Through the Hoops.mp3
346. 11 - Ron And Bill - It.mp3
347. untitled.mp3
348. Mad World.mp3
349. Mirror In The Bathroom.mp3
350. Locomotive Breath.mp3
351. Tommy The Cat.mp3
352. 221-owl city-fireflies.mp3
353. Mami Me Gustó.mp3
354. Jaya Jagadambe (She W.mp3
355. 09. WOVEN HAND - Your Russia.mp3
356. Simmer Down.mp3
357. 20 - Sleigh Bells - Comeback Kid.mp3
358. 10. GRIZZY BEAR - Deep Blue Sea (Daniel Rossen Home.mp3
359. I Wanna Be Like You.mp3
360. Seek Up.mp3
361. Sabrosa.mp3
362. Stoned Immaculate .mp3
363. Riot.mp3
364. Into Jesus.mp3
365. The Sound Of Silence.mp3
366. Come As You Are - (Jazz).mp3
367. This Big Hush.mp3
368. Hold Me.mp3
369. Olympics.mp3
370. Go Find John.mp3
371. 18 - Nick And The Jaguars - Cool And Crazy.mp3
372. Frankenstein.mp3
373. Eleanor Rigby.mp3
374. I Seen What I Saw .mp3
375. Shanty Town Version 1.mp3
376. I fart in your general direction.mp3
377. Why.mp3
378. Is It Like Today .mp3
379. 12 Shine.mp3
380. 19 Here Comes The Sun.mp3
381. Paxil.mp3
382. 1-01 Honour Your Mother And Father.mp3
383. 01 Disconnect.mp3
384. To Zion.mp3
385. The Blues Collection-Vol.01 John Lee Hooker (Boogie Man)-01-Boom Boom.mp3
386. Sour times.mp3
387. Give Thanks And Praise.mp3
388. Love Is Stronger Than DeathThe TheDusk (Remaster).mp3
389. Soul Surfing.mp3
390. lost in the k-hole.mp3
391. Tell Me How You Feel (Bonobo Mix)BonoboOne Offs...Remixes & B Sides.mp3
392. Undo me.mp3
393. Root Beer.mp3
394. I'm Not There- vigilantes-of-love.mp3
395. never as good as the first.mp3
396. The Devil Is Bad.mp3
397. LullabyThe CureBack To Mine (Mixed By Tricky).mp3
398. Live And Let Die.mp3
399. I Had my Chance.mp3
400. This Is The Night.mp3
401. I Know You (Part III).mp3
402. Long Stem.mp3
403. Sowing the Seeds of Love.mp3
404. (The Beat is) The Insanity Drug.mp3
405. Wishing Well.mp3
406. Small Axe.mp3
407. Drowning man.mp3
408. Last Night on Earth.mp3
409. Mean Eyed Cat.mp3
410. 05 - Barrett Strong - Let's Rock.mp3
411. one- jc covers u2.mp3
412. 34 Slow Moving Millie - Please, Please, Please, Let Me Ge.mp3
413. Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown).mp3
414. Rise N Shine.mp3
415. Playground Love .mp3
416. Ohio.mp3
417. 09 - Swinging Tigers - Snake Walk (Part 1).mp3
418. Trash, Trampoline And The Party Girl.mp3
419. Memphis Exorcism.mp3
420. Easy Skanking.mp3
421. The Things I Pray for.mp3
422. 01. GREAT LAKE SWIMMERS - Your Rocky Spine.mp3
423. All Things To All MenCinematic OrchestraEvery Day.mp3
424. Halloween.mp3
425. I Can't Stand It.mp3
426. pretty.mp3
427. Livin' What Jesus Spoke of.mp3
428. She's Calling You.mp3
429. Rock and Roll, Hoochie Koo.mp3
430. 08 - Chico Leverett - I'll Never Love Again.mp3
431. IN THE FUTURE.mp3
432. Rejection.mp3
433. 03 51st State.mp3
434. professional show business.mp3
435. I Got You.mp3
436. Open Skies (Dirty Beats Mix)David Crowder BandSunsets & Sushi.mp3
437. The Blues Collection-Vol.01 John Lee Hooker (Boogie Man)-03-Boogie Chillun.mp3
438. Let Love Rule.mp3
439. 102-grits-hittin curves.mp3
440. Fell On Black Days.mp3
441. wonderwall.mp3
442. Good Times Roll.mp3
443. The Cold Part.mp3
444. 105-grits-ooh ahh.mp3
445. Tornado.mp3
446. More Than This.mp3
447. Steal my Kisses.mp3
448. JH-Fire.mp3
449. Rope On Fire .mp3
450. Kit Carson.mp3
451. imitation of life - rem.mp3
452. 12. I AM KLOOT - Same Deep Water As Me.mp3
453. Down the LineJose GonzalezIn Our Nature.mp3
454. Party With Me Punker.mp3
455. Entre Nous.mp3
456. Squirrel.mp3
457. Everlast 1.mp3
458. Killer In The Home.mp3
459. 218-outkast-hey ya.mp3
460. Ligotage.mp3
461. Macha.mp3
462. Fruit Bowl Ministry Tote Board.mp3
463. Great Today.mp3
464. OnethreesevenZoharOnethreeseven.mp3
465. Pedro And Man At The Drive-Inn.mp3
466. Talk About the Passion.mp3
467. My Own Prison (Acoustic).mp3
468. Rubber Biscuit.mp3
469. Save Tonight.mp3
470. Scarlet.mp3
471. His Cheeseburger.mp3
472. no ordinary love.mp3
473. 01 - Marv Johnson - Come To Me.mp3
474. Rain on the Scarecrow.mp3
475. Mean Eyed Cat.mp3
476. Pictures of You.mp3
477. undo-me.mp3
478. Lightning Crashes.mp3
479. PaintSoul CoughingLust in Phaze - The Best Of.mp3
480. 14 - Satintones - Motor City.mp3
481. Inhaler.mp3
482. Thirteen.mp3
483. Everything Zen.mp3
484. 27 Reality Check.mp3
485. Jacob's Ladder.mp3
486. The Look Of Love (1990 Remix).mp3
487. Yer Man from Athlone.mp3
488. Tequila Sunrise.mp3
489. Fly Me To The Moon.mp3
490. Shputnik in Glensheil.mp3
491. love-is-like-oxygen.mp3
492. You Just Haven't Earned It Yet, Baby.mp3
493. sweet lullaby.mp3
494. sun-eyed girl.mp3
495. mike-knott - 008.mp3
496. Let's Lynch the Landlord.mp3
497. Speed Your Love To MeSimple MindsThe Best Of Simple Minds Cd1.mp3
498. love is stronger than pride.mp3
499. McDonald's.mp3
500. peace orchestra-peace orchestra-02-meister petz.mp3
501. oops.mp3
502. It's Bad You Know.mp3
503. Young People's Ethnic Ministry.mp3
504. Porpoise Head.mp3
505. Stink.mp3
506. 04 Civilized.mp3
507. Innervoice.mp3
508. mike-knott - 05.mp3
509. mike-knott - 12.mp3
510. Stand And Deliver.mp3
511. Juno-Reactor-5 .mp3
512. Master Race.mp3
513. When The World Is Running Down, You Make The Best Of What's A (3:36)
514. Turning Japanese.mp3
515. Trust Your Mechanic.mp3
516. Mr. Big Stuff.mp3
517. New York's Alright If You Like Saxop.mp3
518. dream on (ep).mp3
519. One World (Not Three).mp3
520. Satellite.mp3
521. 04 - Eddie Holland - It Moves Me.mp3
522. Mrs. Robinson.mp3
523. unknown3.mp3
524. Things That Make You Go Hmmmm.....mp3
525. Liar .mp3
526. Just What I Needed.mp3
527. 06 Western Dream.mp3
528. Sea of LoveCat PowerThe Covers Record.mp3
529. Two hearts beat as one.mp3
530. Hallaig.mp3
531. Tu No Me QuieresGabriël RiosAngelhead.mp3
532. 21 On The Breath Of An Angel.mp3
533. 53. SNOW PATROL - Isolation.mp3
534. its-a-great-feeling.mp3
535. 110 - They Might Be Giants - Tubthumping.mp3
536. Walk With Me (3:15)
537. One Step Ahead.mp3
538. Leaving On A Jet Plane.mp3
539. Satellite1.mp3
540. mike-knott - 02.mp3
541. 01. LAURA MARLING - Devil's Spoke.mp3
542. fire orange.mp3
543. 11. MEAT PUPPETS - I'm A Mindless Idiot.mp3
544. Put A Lid On It.mp3
545. Even Flow.mp3
546. Phaedra.mp3
547. Come see the violence inhereting the system.mp3
548. 24 Tornado.mp3
549. my sympathies (rough mix).MP3
550. Man on the corner.mp3
551. my new pet snake2.mp3
552. track-02.mp3
553. 10. SUN KIL MOON - Trucker's Atlas.mp3
554. Stretch Out and Wait.mp3
555. Three Little Birds.mp3
556. Skinny Bones Jones.mp3
557. 11 Coldplay - Paradise.mp3
558. Talisman.mp3
559. Faded Flowers.mp3
560. You Think You're Radical.mp3
561. Jerry was a Race Car Driver.mp3
562. -Ohio.mp3
563. 02 - Rollins Band - Move Right In.mp3
564. 22 - Miracles - (You Can) Depend On Me [First Version].mp3
565. Well Paid Scientist (2:22)
566. DJ Shadow - 05 - What Does Your Soul Look Like (Part 4).MP3
567. Open Minded.mp3
568. 12. THE BRAVERY - The Ocean.mp3
569. Zero.mp3
570. 10. THE SWELL SEASON - Love That Conquers.mp3
571. song title unknown.mp3
572. Wishing WellBob MouldWorkbook.mp3
573. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.mp3
574. Outskirts.mp3
575. 33 Florence And The Machine - Shake It Out.mp3
576. Juno -Reactor-6.mp3
577. Medication.mp3
578. Wicked Game.mp3
579. 20 - Miracles - I Love Your Baby.mp3
580. You Ungrateful Slobs.mp3
581. Elemental.mp3
582. Fire and Rain.mp3
583. Fall On Me.mp3
584. Great Big Love.mp3
585. 14 Imagine Dragons - It's Time.mp3
586. Whistling Low-Errigal (4:08)
587. New World 1200.mp3
588. rusty cage.mp3
589. Luscious Jackson 13.mp3
590. 308-u2-beautiful day.mp3
591. I Know What I Know.mp3
592. We Got to Get Out of This Place.mp3
593. 14 Hard To Handle (Horns Remix).mp3
594. I'm Afraid of Americans version 4.mp3
595. Rare, Precious And Gone.mp3
596. Good Ol Boys.mp3
597. We Can Work It Out (2:16)
598. Armistice (2nd Line Version) feat. R.mp3
599. Senses Working Overtime.mp3
600. I feel happy.mp3
601. 05 Divine.mp3
602. 17 LMFAO - Sexy And I Know It.mp3
603. Little Miss Can't be Wrong.mp3
604. Portishead Plays UNKLE Mix.mp3
605. Carry On My Wayward Son.mp3
606. God Don't Never Change.mp3
607. 17 - Nick And The Jaguars - Ichi-Bon -1.mp3
608. It Must Be Love.mp3
609. Bus to BeelzebubSoul CoughingLust in Phaze - The Best Of.mp3
610. Luscious Jackson 07.mp3
611. Hello Goodbye.mp3
612. One Small Step.mp3
613. Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now.mp3
614. Misirlou.mp3
615. Taxman.mp3
616. I want You (Blood and Chocolate) .mp3
617. You Need Hands.mp3
618. How I Made My Milli.mp3
619. My Funny Valentine.mp3
620. Kiss The Wind.mp3
621. Head Over Heels.mp3
622. Like A Mirror .mp3
623. of course it's a good idea.mp3
624. 10 Bad Old World.mp3
625. Miss Gradenko.mp3
626. That's All Right.mp3
627. radio sole 1 (a).mp3
628. 01. ANGUS & JULIA STONE - The Beast.mp3
629. i believe in you.MP3
630. I Tried To Trust Tracey.mp3
631. En büyük Ask.mp3
632. Wire.mp3
633. More Than A Feeling.mp3
634. Love Is Stronger Than Death.mp3
635. Up On The Catwalk.mp3
636. Sita Ram.mp3
637. The Devil is Bad.mp3
638. Off the Hook.mp3
639. Street Spirit.mp3
640. aa-bondy-i-can-see-the-pines-are-dancing.mp3
641. Souvenir.mp3
642. No Reply at all.mp3
643. Loser.mp3
644. One Of These Nights.mp3
645. I Need God.mp3
646. 01. DEER TICK - Ashamed.mp3
647. Helpless.mp3
648. Hey Porter.mp3
649. Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad.mp3
650. 307-the killers-human.mp3
651. Maa ei kerro.mp3
652. I Want in That Place.mp3
653. On Stream .mp3
654. Three Days.mp3
655. Night Life.mp3
656. Good Intentions.mp3
657. Jane Says.mp3
658. Turbovibe.mp3
659. IM Too Sexy.mp3
660. Indian Love Call.MP3
661. 23 - Satintones - My Beloved [Without Strings].mp3
662. pop singer.mp3
663. 94 - Walk Off The Earth - Somebody That I Used To Know.mp3
664. setting sun.mp3
665. The Girl From Ipanema.mp3
666. Love and Rock(3).mp3
667. Monsters of Folk - Temazcal.mp3
668. Great expectations (The Peel Sessions).mp3
669. Suffragette City.mp3
670. Samba Pa Ti.mp3
671. Romantic Walk.mp3
672. Tahitian Moon.mp3
673. Noir Désir - Song For JLP.mp3
674. Ghosts 'n Stuff (feat. Rob Swire)Deadmau5For Lack of a Better Name.mp3
675. get small.mp3
676. ugly tree.mp3
677. 01 Gorillaz feat Andre 3000 & James Murphy - DoYaThing.mp3
678. This Aint No Picnic.mp3
679. With A Little Luck.mp3
680. Jimi Thing.mp3
681. I Know You (Part II).mp3
682. Rock And Roll All Nite.mp3
683. Hole In The Bucket.mp3
684. New Way to be Human.mp3
685. 09. BOMBAY BICYLCLE CLUB - My God.mp3
686. 05 - Rollins Band - Black and White.mp3
687. Diamante-Urban-Sampler - i am that i am-cross movement (4:58)
688. The Hunt.mp3
689. Rehumanize Yourself.mp3
690. I'll Get Even With Steven (Ste.mp3
691. 11 I've Been Everywhere.mp3
692. Just A Closer Walk With Thee.mp3
693. underwater.MP3
694. intellectual town.mp3
695. It's Not Bothering Me.mp3
696. 21 - Walkin' Out The Door.mp3
697. hate this & I'll love you.mp3
698. 2-04 Track 04.mp3
699. Woody N' You.mp3
700. Hell.mp3
701. Levon.mp3
702. I Won't Back Down.mp3
703. Who Do You Want To Be.mp3
704. Hosanna.mp3
705. Tomorrow's Just Another Day.mp3
706. 04 Purity.mp3
707. 305-lenny kravitz-are you gonna go my way.mp3
708. Timber.mp3
709. Wild Horses.mp3
710. New Math.mp3
711. 06 Liar.mp3
712. Sky Diving-The Helmet.mp3
713. Personality Goes A Long Way.mp3
714. 19. THE AVETT BROTHERS - Bonus Track.mp3
715. Rain King.mp3
716. Fiesta China.mp3
717. Toy DollKeith's A Thief.mp3
718. Tears Of A Clown.mp3
719. Perfect Blue Buildings.mp3
720. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.mp3
721. Like a song.mp3
722. 01-delta heavy-abort (original mix).mp3
723. Swedish Chef Song.MP3
724. Happy Trails.mp3
725. The questions three.mp3
726. Talisman1.mp3
727. 45 - The Ting Tings - Hang It Up.mp3
728. rocketman.mp3
729. Weapon of Choice.mp3
730. I Will Not Go Quietly.mp3
731. The World I Know.mp3
732. Papua New Guinea.mp3
733. The Jack-Ass Song.mp3
734. 10 I Wanna Be Like You.mp3
735. Jesus Is Just Alright.mp3
736. Everybodys Free To Wear Sunscreen ( 97 Mix ).mp3
737. 24 - Django Django - Default.mp3
738. Man To Man.mp3
739. Is There Anybody Out There.mp3
740. 09 - Wayne Shanklin - Jezebel.mp3
741. Rock Island Line.mp3
742. Hound Dog.mp3
743. 20 One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful.mp3
744. invasion of the.mp3
745. Stop Me Medley- Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before,You KDaniel MerriweatherVersion.mp3
746. peace orchestra-peace orchestra-09-the man 2.mp3
747. Freedom Of Choice.mp3
748. Vihmax (Vihma remix).mp3
749. Istanbul (Not Constantinople).mp3
750. Les Têtes Raides - L'hermaphrodite.mp3
751. 01 I Love the World.mp3
752. pedro - the lion 04.mp3
753. Scarborough Fair-Canticle.mp3
754. This Is Also The HookBSODAt Play 2.mp3
755. Foxy Lady.mp3
756. Jesus.mp3
757. 10-Secret of the Easy Yoke.mp3
758. 14. MOBY - Everloving.mp3
759. 19 - Miracles - Bad Girl.mp3
760. Ezekiel 25 - 17.mp3
761. 09. Die & Interface - Bright Lights (feat William Cartwright - Netsky remix).mp3
762. Omaha.mp3
763. Nobody's Fault But Mine2.mp3
764. Nothing Bad Ever Happens.mp3
765. Secret Journey.mp3
766. 10 Master Race.mp3
767. nothing can come between us.mp3
768. Iz Us.mp3
769. Money.mp3
770. Three's Company Theme.mp3
771. Omegaman.mp3
772. 01 - This Tornado Loves You.mp3
773. Hey Bulldog.mp3
774. Rikki Don't Lose That Number.mp3
775. Leave Home.mp3
776. With a shout.mp3
777. Spying Glass.mp3
778. 000034-Black Moth Super Rainbow - Born on a Day the Sun Didnt Rise.mp3
779. mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm.mp3
780. My Irn Lung (Import).mp3
781. Les Négresses Vertes - Zobi la Mouche.mp3
782. I Felt Like a Gringo.mp3
783. Turtle (Bonobo Mix)BonoboOne Offs...Remixes & B Sides.mp3
784. Waterfront.mp3
785. Rabbit In The Headlights.mp3
786. Dust In The Wind.mp3
787. Planet Claire (Francois Kev.mp3
788. Poison Street.mp3
789. Kill Will.mp3
790. Mighty Trucks of Midnight.mp3
791. in-the-secret(i-want-to-know-you).mp3
792. Train In Vain.mp3
793. Love Like Blood.mp3
794. Tom's Diner (Reprise).mp3
795. Western Dream.mp3
796. Eminence Front.mp3
797. 08 Heroes.mp3
798. Have You Ever Seen the Rain-.mp3
799. Moon Over Bourbon Street.mp3
800. I Know You (Part I).mp3
801. Promises, Promises.mp3
802. It's Coming DownCakeFashion Nugget.mp3
803. 01 - While My Guitar Gently Weeps.mp3
804. Gates Of Steel.mp3
805. 13. BLITZEN TRAPPER - Lady On the Water.mp3
806. Theme From Mission-Impossible.mp3
807. Spice - law.mp3
808. 21 - Miracles - The Feeling Is So Fine.mp3
809. thicker.MP3
810. 09 - We're Going To Be Friends.mp3
811. Neitonen.mp3
812. sheryl-crow - 06.mp3
813. Zacko!.mp3
814. 68 Fall (M83 Vs Big Black Delta Remix).mp3
815. Freewill.mp3
816. Refrigerator Car.mp3
817. Sabotage.mp3
818. God Gave Rock and Roll To You II.mp3
819. Forgotten Years.mp3
820. Someone, Somewhere In .mp3
821. Sodium Light Baby.mp3
822. entertaining-angels.mp3
823. Is It Really So Strange-.mp3
824. Luscious Jackson 09.mp3
825. mike-knott - 08.mp3
826. Lonely Planet.mp3
827. Spartanette.mp3
828. Marieta.mp3
829. Save it for Later.mp3
830. Godzilla.mp3
831. smooth death.MP3
832. Thank You Lord (original).mp3
833. Luscious Jackson - 01.mp3
834. Why I Don't believe in God.mp3
835. Song of Sand.mp3
836. 02 - Marv Johnson - Whisper.mp3
837. Wild World (3:19)
838. Latin Kings (3:51)
839. Worldwide (2:07)
840. Elton John - Honky Cat (5:13)
841. Amy Winehouse - Me & Mr Jones (2:33)
842. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away (2:11)
843. Pinch Me (4:45)
844. O My God (4:02)
845. Sixpence None The Richer - Love (3:56)
846. simply excellent 1.99 - Track 14 (4:44)
847. R.E.M. - Gardening At Night (Different Vocal Mix) (3:30)
848. Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me (3:30)
849. When You Come Back To Me - World Party (3:09)
850. Something In the Way She Moves (3:13)
851. Peter Gunn Theme (3:48)
852. Smashing Pumpkins - Where Boys Fear To Tread (4:22)
853. Misty mountain hop (4:38)
854. Grits - Here We Go (3:19)
855. Woke Up This Morning (Chosen One Mix) (4:04)
856. mike-knott - 10 (4:09)
857. The Night We Had The (3:40)
858. artist - Track 01 (14:11)
859. Burning Sensations - Pablo Picasso (4:03)
860. Ron And Bill - Don't Say Bye Bye (2:01)
861. Shawn McDonald - Take My Hand (3:45)
862. White, Discussion (6:08)
863. katy perry - firework (3:49)
864. Sequent C' (2:18)
865. Eighties (3:51)
866. Totally Tropical (4:23)
867. Father Explains (4:34)
868. Track 3 (2:57)
869. I Am ... I Said (3:34)
870. On Stream.mp3
871. Heart Of Gold.mp3
872. 15 White Coats.mp3
873. Ice Cream Man.mp3
874. Positive.mp3
875. Starve.mp3
876. Homeward Bound.mp3
877. I Shot The Sheriff.mp3
878. Shirley McClaine.mp3
879. Kalyanji & Anandji vs Automator & DJ Shadow-Punjabis Pimps & .mp3
880. Stay.mp3
881. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.mp3
882. It's My Life .mp3
883. 08. WOVEN HAND -Arrowhead.mp3
884. Light at the edge (reprise).mp3
885. High.mp3
886. Lunar - Ancestor Moon Mix.mp3
887. Setting Sun (Instrumental).mp3
888. Smells Like Teen Spirit.mp3
889. Macedonian Woman's Rant.mp3
890. peace orchestra-peace orchestra-03-double drums.mp3
891. Heimlich remover.mp3
892. Lemon.mp3
893. La Grange.mp3
894. Ruthie Lingle .mp3
895. Hey You.mp3
896. Super Bon Bon.mp3