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Monday, November 16, 2015

Write or Wrong

The fewer the likes, the fewer the shares, and the fewer the comments, the greater I feel that what I've shared of my own thinking must bear at least some relevance, and a relevance which probably proves contrary to the popular concensus (which I have never lent much credence or cedibility  to anyway).

So, I am left to deicide for myself which is the case, whether I am either so indisputably correct, or so indisputably wrong, that no one cares to make the effort to comment whichever the case may be, I must decide.

In thinking the best of others and admittedly myself, I would prefer to think that I am am not so far beyond the effort of correction by those much wiser than myself, that being correct is what I am left with as resolution.

If it were otherwise I'm certain the people I know would have told to me.
I trust those around me to be bold enough to gently lead me to correction with compassion rather public chastisement for simply being wrong.

Solo Cristo Salva

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.