Q) How old was Jesus?
A) 4 and he can hear you.
Tonight's SAG Awards are not doing at all for my body image, what their name implies they should.
I don't feel any better at all.
I saw the Damned back in high school at the Celebrity Theater.
It was a raucous night to say the least.
I'll bet we were called "those dammed kids" by old folks, and that night it would have been more accurate than they could have realized.
I have to wonder, if someone is willing to kill for their stuff, what is it they wouldn't kill for? That seems to set the bar pretty low.
Follow that line of logic and you'll find that mentality falls in line with that of many abortions.
So what difference does a few shitty years make?
We love our stuff, don't we?
Guns don't kill people...but suction tubes and saline solution do?
Is that what we're saying?
Justify it however you want...
Seems to me that anyone with half a brain in real estate should be able to make a bundle by selectively playing the whole global warming card.
...in a month, my life could be your life. A cushy, $38,000 a year branch manager who is personal friends with Tom Skeritt? Not a bad life, is it?
You might see all the cards and you might make all the right moves, yet in spite of it all you still might wind up losing.
It's just a fact.
Going to the Golden State
to make a living on my back.
Crashed in downtown Phoenix,
at a place named just for that.
Where did I stay?
The lady at the store said they were out but that a lot of people like this better.
Ok I said. I'll give it a shot...
... and that's why I don't trust a lot of people.
Tomorrow will be the second day of the rest of my life so I guess yesterday was the last day of the past of my life.
I don't have any idea what all that is supposed to mean or inspire, but I have found this, no matter what day it is, at the end of everyday is a "y" and usually a "why?" as well.
Jesus used violence to save people.
So, shouldn't we?
It appears a lot of people, Jesus loving people are stocking up under the premise of doing the same.
But its not the same at all.
So sad.
Think about it.
The likely-hood of experiencing a random occurrence is largely dependent on the ignorance level of the observer regarding the circumstances surrounding it.
“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty and we must rise – with the occasion. As our case is new so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves and then we shall save our country.”
- Abraham Lincoln 1862
There's always a really good reason not to do the things we say we will, or know we should.
I've actually put together a list of some of the best reasons I've found to put things off until it's just too late.
Well, I was going to...
Lots of people will tell you how proud they are of where they're from.
They'll tell you stories, show you pictures, you know.
But, when you think about it, I don't think anyone can be all that proud of where they're REALLY from.
And, when you think about it a little more, that's probably better.
No one want to hear stories about it and they sure don't want to see any pictures.
PS Tell your Mom I said Hi.
I'm tired...
I post a lot, and I'll keep blogging long after you get bored of reading. I don't write for you, I write for me. What you find here are parts of me, but not all of me. (Not many can endure that.) So don't mistake liking this, for liking me.
For me it's right now or write never. You'll know this is true by all the incomplete thoughts, leaps in logic, partial sentences, typos, revisions, and in my general disregard for any offense I may cause. Whatev...I should probably care more than I do about that.
Heck, I should care about a good number of other things too I suppose. But I don't...and decreasingly so as the years go by. I used to, but I'm not really sure why I did. It made sense once, I think.
Anyway, no one comments, (3 in the last month) and I get it. No one wants to put it all out there, I didn't either at first.
Sure, the lack of commentary can be a bit discouraging in one sense, but it's really somewhat liberating in another.
It's like the room is empty. No one is looking. So I'm dancing and singing my heart out while no one is looking, because I couldn't do either with an audience. I can just do my thing with no matter to me about how stupid I might look or feel if I knew someone actually saw me.
That's denial though...because to paraphrase Fat Boy Slim: I see you baby, checking my stats. What they tell me is that a lot of people (3,000 in the last month) read this. I'm not sure why anyone would care. I'm not really anyone whose thoughts are worthy of that sort of consideration. History has shown me this much, maybe history doesn't always have to repeat.
So yes, sometimes it really is easier to love a stranger.
They let you be yourself.
You let them be themselves.
In rare cases we each get to see that true self, that ugly self, in each other and for some reason that freedom doesn't end.
That's when strangers become friends, when you can dance and sing terribly, and feel like it's ok.
Solo Cristo Salva
"Love means never having to say you're sorry."
Isn't that nice?
Lots of people think so...
But not me.
I think that's a bunch of shit.
I think what love means is that we extend forgiveness without ever needing to hear the words, "I'm sorry." to do so.
It's letting go, and not using the past as a weapon in the future.
It also means making sure that a "sorry" is sincerely extended by us.
Because apologies aren't always about wrong or right as much as they might be about preserving the relationship at the expense of our pride.
Love means giving our best, doing our best, always assuming, trusting, hoping that the other person is as well. Whatever that best may be on any given day.
It's also helping others to realize their best for themselves, when they cannot find it within themselves.
Love is about extending the benefit of the doubt and love...really, it's about a lot of things.
But love certainly does not mean never having to say ,"I'm sorry".
To the contrary, it means always having to say, "I'm sorry", even and especially when it really sucks.
To miss something and to simply not be present for it are two very different things.
For example:
I rarely miss work.
I make sure I don't miss it when there's work to be had.
I surely don't miss it when there's none.
The experience of speaking to some people is probably in a sense, what it must feel like to be in space.
Blah, blah, blah...
I've never been in space but I imagine that stepping outside the capsule for a breath of fresh air is about the emotional and mental equivalent of those conversations.
I have the spiritual gift of offense.
If I'm every not a dick, it's only because God had spared both me and you from form that which comes so naturally to me.
So, maybe next time we don't get so lucky, huh?
You could surrender everything to God, but if you haven't surrendered your own will to pursue God's, you've surrendered nothing that wasn't God's anyway.
A dog is a dog and you can't kick a dog for being a dog. They're really just doing the best they can, and they are after all dogs.
Still, even knowing that doesn't make it a whole lot easier to endure those times when it's dark and I step in their shit, or when they continually bark at nothing...
PS, this isn't at all about dogs.
Know what I mean?
Hope, it's the only thing stronger than fear.
A little hope is effective, but a lot of hope is dangerous.
A spark is fine, as long as it's contained.
-The Hunger Games
And that's how it works.
In giving our all, doing what's right, and in doing our best, there is found a resulting inner contentment. Whatever the result of those efforts may be, there is reward to be found simply because we know what we have done and how we have done it.
At work, at home or abroad, in living and giving this way, we will grow, and will find the strength to continue doing them in even greater quantity and quality.
The world will be a better place for our having done so and that in itself is the greatest reward to be found, and reason enough for us to continue living in this way through every aspect of our lives and in every environment.
Take time to think about these things and remember them before you open your paycheck.
Thank You,
It's funny to think that my age, and looking the way that I do, I can still drive the girls crazy!
Don't believe me?
Just ask my daughters or my wife. They'll confirm it.
I've experienced a good number of things which were not good, learned a good deal of lessons which were not good, all through a good number of people who were not good, but none of it was, in the end, bad...It simply was.
Insurance companies are the mafia of morals, and the extortionists of love. The smell of fear is money to them.
Between fear and love, it is fear that generates the greater profit margin.
If your desire is only to generate great profit margins, with little actual return or accountability, appeal to the culture of fear.
Its a fact, maintaining good health means maintaining a balanced diet. As the saying goes garbage in, garbage out.
If we have a diet of only those things of which bring us pleasure, we may find down the road that it had left us with certain deficiencies whose thefts may be difficult if not impossible to recover from.
Unfortunately, this means that on occasion we have to eat things we don't enjoy, simply because they are good for us, and we know we should.
Certain things will never taste good, their taste makes them difficult to even swallow.
No matter how well seasoned, or how they're prepared, or how nicer the presentation, pleasure in consuming them will never be found.
And so it is on occasion with our words too.
Today is the last day of the past of your life.
Nothing takes the past away like the future.
The legality of an action is not the determining factor in regard to the morality of it.
When it comes to good decision making having an overwhelming amount of information can be equally as detrimental as having too little information.
Relevant information is the key element in making good decisions.
In the past 300 years almost 200 people have died from documented cases of SHC (spontaneous human combustion).
That's 2 people every 3 years! You probably know someone, who knows someone, who's heard of someone that's been affected by SHC.
Let's not wait for another 300 years and 200 more unnecessary tragedies.
No one should have to spontaneously combust.
You can't make anyone feel or think what they are not to by their own conviction and will.
You may change their mind, but never their heart.
There really aren't too many situations in which the blame for it couldn't be assigned as the result of irresponsibility, some other character defect, or just flat out sin.
When that can't be done, well then, self preservation is always a perfectly reasonable and legitimate reason not to do the right thing.
So, I wouldn't worry really about it too much.
Just turn up the music, look the other way, or think about some other good deed you've done in the past to console yourself.
The guilt will pass.
It's not your fault.
This is a public service announcement (with guitars)
1. You have the right not to be killed. Murder is a crime, unless it is done by a policeman, or an aristocrat.
2. You have the right to food money, providing of course, you don't mind a little investigation, humiliation, and, if you cross your fingers, rehabilitation.
3. The right to free speech (as long as you're not dumb enough to actually try it)
Know your rights
These are your rights
All three of 'em
Note, it has been suggested
In some quarters
that this is not enough!
Get off the streets
Get off the streets
You don't have a home to go to?
Finally then I will read you your rights
You have the right to remain silent
You are warned that anything you say
Can and will be taken down
And used as evidence against you
Listen to this...
Faith, family, friends, in that order, everything else is just filler. Be good to yourselves, but more importantly, be good to each other.
Often misunderstood, Devo was in fact a band that had quite a bit to say about the nature of people in their lyrics.
Here's just a couple of examples, both songs by the way are fantastic musically, as is with most of Devo's music.
Look around, you'll find that you're listening to Mark Mothersbaugh (singer/sing writer of Devo) a lot more than you may realize.
Enjoy or don't, whatev...
Devo: Freedom of Choice
a victim of collision on the open sea nobody ever said that life was free sank, swam, go down with the ship but use your freedom of choice
I'll say it again in the land of the free use your freedom of choice your freedom of choice
In ancient Rome there was a poem about a dog who found two bones he picked at one he licked the other he went in circles he dropped dead
freedom of choice is what you got freedom of choice!
then if you got it you don't want it seems to be the rule of thumb don't be tricked by what you see you got two ways to go
I'll say it again in the land of the free use your freedom of choice freedom of choice
freedom of choice is what you got freedom of choice!
In ancient Rome there was a poem about a dog who found two bones he picked at one he licked the other he went in circles he dropped dead
freedom of choice is what you got freedom from choice is what you want
freedom of choice is what you got freedom from choice is what you want
Devo: Enough Said
none of you would help me when i baked my bread now all of you would help me eat it i can see that you are very well fed this indicates that you don't need it
enough said enough said stop and let me tell you what tomorrow holds for you stop and let me tell you 'bout a plan i have for you
take all the leaders from around the world put them together in a great big ring televise it as the lowest show on earth and let them fight like hell to see who's king
gather up the pieces when the fight is done then you'll find out living really can be fun
the next thing i say to you will be true the last thing i said was false remember to do nothing when you don't know what to do
you wanted a world you could figure out but something happened while you were asleep you wanted a good life you could brag about too bad they took the parts you wanted to keep
enough said enough said stop and let me tell you what tomorrow holds for you stop and let me tell you 'bout a plan i have for you
take all the leaders from around the world put them together in a great big ring televise it as the lowest show on earth and let them fight like hell to see who's king
gather up the pieces when the fight is done then you'll find out living really can be fun
enough said
Remember, every day that you don't wind up spontaneously combusting...silently and helplessly smouldering to death, well that's a day that really could have been a lot worse...
...just a little perspective.
It is important not to forget, but...as long as you remember to spin the chamber each time, before putting the gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger, simply loading a bullet, or even two, and pulling the trigger does NOT automatically mean that you're going to get shot...even if you do there's a chance that you still might not die.
Drill, spill & kill for the till...if money doesn't ease your conscience...that's why we make these pills.
Certainly that which doesn't kill us may in deed make us stronger in certain ways.
That is one option...
Another very real option however, is that which does not kill us might, in the end, just leave us really fucked up, and wishing it had just finished job.
Nothing takes the past away like the future.
I never used to think about the past so much, but then again I never used to have so much past to think about either.
Time is the one resource we are afforded in very finite and unknown quantity, and yet we treat it as though we knew ours was infinite.
If time were truly money, would we spend it the same way?
It is often a need to be absent that brings to light the need to be present.
Moderation in all things is simply the extremism of one thing.
All things in moderation is the means to mediocrity.
Unless you are content with mediocrity in all things, you must be extreme in at least some of them.
Some are afraid of dying, some of living. Some fear both, and some neither. Some have their certainties, and some their doubts. But we all have our reasons...
We did not get the choice to live and so we will have no choice but to die, but we have many choices in between that will greatly affect how, and why we do either.
A tidal wave is the ocean's way of saying goodbye and a title wave is a repo man's way of saying goodbye.
One of two things needs to happen:
A) Amendment 2.1 The Culture of Fear Act
B) A well regulated citizen's militia army needs to be established.
Because that's the only reason that the right of gun ownership is established under.
All of us it seems, in spite of our own perceived differences, for some reason or another, at some point or another will ask ourselves questions, common questions, which may be very difficult and yet very important.
We may be unwillingly compelled, we may simply be curious, or we may seek to fill some void within ourselves.
Whatever the case, generally speaking it seems that somehow we instinctively know that in seeking these answers we might then know our origin and thus our destination. Consequently then we might too find purpose, clarity and ultimately peace for our lives.
In my experience, if these questions could be categorized by their answers, there are really only three kinds:
1) Those questions for whom a simple provision the answer is sufficient for us.
2) Those questions for whom no answer will ever be sufficient for us.
3) Those questions whose answers will not be sufficiently understood or applied, without our own experience and/or discovery of them. Answers that require patience and test our desire. We must work and wait.
For the last category it seems that merely handing us those sorts of answers is a disservice to the inquirer, as we tend to discredit certain things by virtue of our vanity, and the certainty that our own experiences have afforded us a sufficient perspective for understanding those things we have not experienced.
Although collectively we may ask the very same questions for which there are the very same answers, I believe it is the nature of our inquiry and the condition of our hearts that will determine which category our questions will fall into.
Just thinking...
Hear me out. I'm not judging, but I am asking a couple of serious questions here.
I'm not against gun ownership although I don't think I'll ever own one because of my own moral conflicts, but that's my issue and not yours.
It seems to me, according my understanding, that there are really very few arguments that a Christian can make for gun ownership without a certain compromise of faith.
That said the arguments that could be made outside of a religious context are actually very strong very strong in deed. (Which is part of my inner conflict in this.) I just rarely hear the strongest of them being used.
I don't know anyone that has to hunt for food. (actually I do know one family). Many may choose to but they don't have to. That's probably particular to my geographic region though.
So the next best argument it seems is also the one people use in the worst possible way. The Second Amendment.
Why is it that gun owners never, at least to my recollection never, site the Second Amendment verbatim when using it as their defense for owning a gun? They simply say "the second amendment" like they've never read it or even understand it. They then go on to say all sorts of reasons that aren't at all covered under the second amendment, basically it's insurance in a fear based culture. What if this, what if that.
It's actually pretty short, and simple. It wouldn't be all that hard to memorize.
They could simply say that they're preparing to be part of a citizen's militia army to defend the state should such a time come and the second amendment states they should do so, which why they have this freedom in the first place. Who could argue that?
But they don't say that.
I don't know why, so I won't speculate.
So here are my two questions:
1) From the American pov. If you read this and advocate gun ownership as an American right (which it is) maybe you could help me out here. Why not use the verbiage of the second amendment as part of the defense? Seems like a solid argument.
2) From the religious pov. If there is a case to be made from a Christian stance about gun (weapons of defense) ownership I'd like to hear that too.
Doesn't matter which side of the issue to me, just one side or the other. What does your conviction of faith say?
(Please don't try to tie in patriotism with faith it's really too inconsistent. Strictly faith based please.)
People read this stuff and never comment, but it doesn't hurt to ask I suppose.
I'm not trying to argue with anyone, just asking.
Life, the experiences of it, and the wisdom of age, well let's just say that it's a lot like the pixels on this screen.
If I were ever in a situation, where for some reason I was forced to consume my own hands, I imagine that shortly there after my stomach would uncontrollably and forcibly reject them.
It might be projectile, and so I just might throw them up in the air, but not heave them like I didn't care...I use those things everyday.
I just had a dream in which I told someone I had Disassosiative Disease.
A disease in which no symptom had relation to any other symptom.
That was weird.