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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Sunday Gig is Everyday

I haven't been to church in a while.
It's been an amazing catalyst for discussion and ministry to those who don't go to church.

I was recently told I should have a Sunday gig, and there was a day, but I think that day has passed.

I'm posting the below excerpt from a late night face book dialogue.

Because if you can have an honest dialogue, you can make a difference.
That's ministry...

    (Me) To be perfectly honest, I wasn't sure that I should have been perfectly honest.

(Them) There is nothing wrong with being honest. Maybe if more people were, then going to church would be what it should be, rather than what it is and the world would be a better place. [:)]

    (Me) I'm not sure church will ever be what it should be as long as it is filled with people, but I guess that's the point of it.

(Them) and pretty much why I don't like to go.....

    (Me) I don't know what the solution is, I only see what I think the problems are. I could be wrong.
        Honestly I'm not trying to solve anything, that's a fight I'm ill equipped to handle. I'm just trying to sort through my own stuff to get right with God, and let hi take care of the rest.
(Them) You aren't wrong. I know there are people who try to live thier lives as pure as they can but they really seem to be far and few within the organized religion walls. I don't know what the solution is any more than the next person.

    (Me) We are the problem and the solution. I just think the formula is wrong.
        I have a favorite song lyric that goes: Don't ask me for the answers, 'cause I've only found one. That a man leaves his darkness when he follows the Son.
(Them) I feel closer to God in the beauty he created, more so in the building man created. That's just me though. Some would argue that God gave man the ability to make those buildings in His honor. So, therefore, He ultimately created them.... I just know where I feel him the most.
        That is a good lyric.. [:)]

    (Me) It's a bit of a mantra for me.
             God is anywhere we are. If you find him in a building or in the forest, it doesn't matter. The real issue is that we rarely seek him, and he is so contrary to our natural inclinations that we become uncomfortable and retreat rather than understand why we are so uncomfortable and allow him to change us.

    (Me)Again, that's just me.

(Them)[:)] The one thing I have always liked about religion and God, is that there is so much to discover and talk about.

    (Me)and the more we discover about our creator, the more we discover about his creation...ourselves.

(Them)and how growth with our personal relationship with God is unmeasurable by any of our standards. [:)]

    (Me) yup.
        I love you guys. Thanks for sharing your heart with me.
        I should probably hit it. I've been in the church of FB too long already.
        (>  piece out

(Them) Love you guys as well! Hope you have a great day. We are just hanging around the house if you guys want to come over or get together. [:)]

    (Me) thx

Wasn't that easy enough? 
I mean really who couldn't have had a conversation on that level?
It's just talking to people. 
Being real, with them and with yourself.
Don't be scared to share the ugly bits too, because that's what keeps it real.

You ain't givin' what you ain't living.


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