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Friday, August 31, 2012

Verbose (or The First Person Tense)

I speak for your benefit , I write for mine...

Recently, someone said to me:  

do you seriously talk like that in person??? it's almost as weird as talking about yourself in 1st person :p

To you sir, I submit this:

I do in deed try to perpetuate a higher degree of literacy and intellect in my writing, rather than using the vernacular of vagueness and idiocy which I speak in daily.

I doing this I hope to ensure that the acceptance of lowering of my standards in daily speech to accurately articulate my thoughts (which seems to have become the social norm) does not then becomes my inability to articulate my thoughts by virtue of my own complacency.

As someone once said to me,
"Precision in language is precision in thought.".

In other words, NO, I don't write like I speak.
Why perpetuate stupidity and spiral ever deeper into it?

However I do speak of myself in the first person...weird.

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.