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Friday, August 10, 2012

Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name

Sometimes in life I meet certain people I have an instant connection with or I just plain old like them.
Over the course of a few interactions however, I come to find that some of these people aren't at all the folks that I had initially thought them to be and that like turns to dislike.

So sad...

Of course then, there are also those people that upon our initial meeting, without any real or clear reason other than a gut feeling, I just instantly dislike.

Probably not their fault, but it is what it is.

Then, over the course of time and some casual interactions, I get to know them a little better and eventually I come to find...that I still just don't like them

Don't ask me to explain it to you. If you've never experienced it, you should step away from your computer, get off of facebook and go out into the world to meet some actual analog people (that's where all those comments on your status' come from, other people) a little more often.

But, in spite of my initial feelings, I've at least taken the time to get to know them and I understand  more about who they are and how they might have come to be those people. At times it has served to widen my perspective and change my thinking on certain things. (I don't know, but I can hope, that the relationship served both of us in this capacity.)

As long as we can be civil and maintain a relationship based on mutual respect, we can maintain an amiable disposition, (a.k.a. a casual relationship) and consequently not make things awkward at social events for our mutual friends.

I don't think we don't have to be friends with or even like everyone. I thinks that's OK. It's just not going to happen and quite honestly I don't have the time to be the kind of friend I wish I could be to the people I actually do have friendships with.

So the bottom line?

It's OK not to like someone, but it's not OK to be rude or thoughtless in your interactions with them, simply because you don't like them or can't agree on which political candidate is best, or which religious view is "right", or if dub step is really the worst music in the world...etc. Because whatever the issue may be any hope you might have of anyone else considering your thoughts as valid won't be accomplished by not considering the validity of theirs as well.

(> piece out

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.