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Friday, August 31, 2012
Silence is consent
people believe they are right
I would prefer to be wrong
Thieves and Liars
How long should we seek love and accept hate?
How long should we ask for truth and accept lies?
How long should we ask for compassion to receive cruelty?
Let not the truth be silenced and liars given occasion to spew their venom among the masses.
The fight will be tiresome, for they will speak loudly and relentlessly because every liar knows that equal time for truth is not a luxury that can be afforded.
You must know that the liar and the thief are one and the same and their insatiable desires will only be satisfied when they have taken all they can, and even that is fleeting.
Speak the truth in love, exposing the liars and giving voice to those who cannot speak for themselves.
For if we fail to speak with the strength of the truth now while we can, the truth will be silenced and we then have lost the one thing that can make us truly free.
Before you passively surrender that, ask yourself in doing so, when the power of lies have taken over who then will be there, and how will they fight, if the thieves and liars then come for you?
And they will...
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Let not the truth be silenced
Let not the truth be silenced and occasion given to liars. For the liar and the thief are one and the same, each with the insatiable desire for ill gotten gain. d(-_-)b
Houston we have a problem
It seems to me that the problem with social media isn't so much that people have nothing to say about matters, the problem is that they seem to say so much about nothing that matters.
Precision in language is precision in thought
Number Eleven Thirty One
#1131 Religious sites are more likely to harm your computer with viruses than porn sites.
and as a result a discussion of idiocy ensues, then I'm going to do this to you: (my response)
Please remain seated
Welcome to the internet.
Where you can say whatever you want, and someone will believe you without question.
Number Eleven thirty
Prior to it's use on the internet, LOL meant "Lots of Love".
The popular redefinition of LOL is " Laughing Out Loud".
Maybe, or perhaps dots to be connected about the state of our culture?
You tell me...
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Just Because It's True...
<p>Doesn't mean you have to say it.</p>
<p>I usually say this to my kids when I'm taking to them about the importance tact.</p>
<p>But then I was also just thinking about how that might also be applied to so called news reporting.</p>
How that saying has become about anything except tact.
<p>And so the opposite seems to be true when it comes to the news as well...</p>
Any Given Sunday
There's No I in Team 2
There's No I in Team
The Nile
Yeah...whatever you say.
Who do they think they're fooling?!
Themselves maybe, but not me, that's for sure.
My Sunday Gig is Everyday
It's been an amazing catalyst for discussion and ministry to those who don't go to church.
Black Theology

Departing from traditional Christian Values and God's word
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
If you can't laugh at yourself
Song of the moment
by Die & Interface -
sent via Motorola
Idea No 601
Idea No 600
Hollagrams: Hip Hop / Rap greetings like singing telegrams.
Idea No 137
HollaGrahams: Graham crackers with hip hop style greetings.
Phase Shifter
Shiny and new, to you at least.
But then after it goes for a while, it really seems like it all just starts over again.
Like some sad sick joke that was really funny once a very long time ago.
It never really gets much better, but I guess it never really gets much worse either.
Same old questions, same old answers.
Same old products in a different package.
And it just keeps going ... and going ... and .... going.
I suppose maybe we should do the same until we can't that is.
That day comes...eventually, for all of us.
Hang in there.
It'll be over before you know it, and then you'll wonder where it all went so fast.
Monday, August 27, 2012
It's OK to Think, Really
The best way to ruin a good thing
It was a labor of love, an awesome mix, with lots of songs.
It was music she wanted to listen to and she enjoyed it...even after it got stuck in the CD player it was still an awesome mix.
What You Really Really Want
Nowhere Man
Sunday, August 26, 2012
We can be heroes
If for one day I could hear nothing at all about what people thought was important, I might be able to focus on what actually is important.
There will be blood
Saturday, August 25, 2012
I see this warning a lot...
I like kids.
Heck I've spent a lot off time dedicated to them.
I just can't understand why so many of them (apparently) want to choke and suffocate me by using plastic bags and wrappers.
The Buying and Selling of America
The media by careful marketing techniques capitalize and sensationalise those things that may or may not be the case.
They are in business and business need to generate profits.
While we cannot assume the actuality or any certainty of a situation based on the entertainment presented as news, we cannot entirely dismiss it either.
We are left to our own devices and discretion in discerning the truth.
This is exactly the confusion and uncertainty that religious leaders and politicians prey upon in swaying opinion and in gaining unmerited favor and credibility.
The tactic is to polarize us in order that we would do to each other what they know they alone cannot do.
So we are inundated with conflicting information and perpetuate it by passing along information we are uncertain is accurate further escalating the tension and widening the expanse in the division.
It is a divide and conquer technique based on their need to gather the single greatest resource we have, the one resource that they know they require, the strength and support found in the unity of the people compelled to action in an us against them mentality.
Never underestimate the strength and power found in the unity born of those believing they suffer mutual affliction especially when it is presented in the guise of some greater moral cause.
We must examine our own convictions to think and decide for ourselves or suffer the consequences of others who would gladly do it for us.
This is one of the greatest fears I have regarding what I see to be declining literacy in a culture of self entitled people so used indulged in immediate gratification.
If I Can't Be Right
And if you can't be wrong...
Then I can't be bothered to find the possibility of finding the truth about either of those things.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Get Right Get Left or Get Going
This is the best I could come up with to explain this statement:
There is no conservative or liberal Jesus, there is only Jesus.
Everyone believes that they are right, or at least deep down they must hope that they are.
This often seems especially true of those who too freely proclaim their certainties of God, His views, and just what it is He requires.
Often this will be the motivating factor in qualifying to their mind many reprehensible actions and reactions they might not otherwise feel compelled towards.
I am surely no exception.
I find it however quite disturbing when over the course of time I come to see that this God so many speak of with so great of certainty, seems to look remarkably like them.
Perhaps their confidence and certainties in speaking about who God is (or is not) then is based in personal experience.
More disturbing to me though is the further realization that God, their God, looks so very different from mine.
For I am quite certain that in actuality God looks and thinks remarkably like me, and as I change, so does He.
I have to believe however in considering all of this that we are merely the finite in quest of understanding the infinite.
It is a quest that we must admit and accept, will not come to resolve in this lifetime.
It is a process and in that process we tend to attribute the views and values gleaned from these very limited experiences and understandings as those of God's, for that is how we have come to know and relate to him.
We mistake the many steps in the process as each being the end of the process.
For this we should ask and extend forgiveness.
At the end of it all though, it is my sincere hope that we find He is very much unlike us, any of us.
That being the author of them, His views are not limited by time and experience as outs are.
So that He is able and willing to give us that which we actually need over that which we desire, or believe we need.
For which of us, if we are capable of being honest with ourselves, could measure up to the rigid standards that we, without thought or regard for the experience of others, seem so free about applying to them, as though our understanding and experiences should be theirs a well.
It is as though we seek a mutual understanding only on the term that it is our own understanding.
This will never do, for just as our lives are very different, we will certainly then each have our own callings and convictions which will manifest themselves differently in each of those lives.
We will each then have to account for our actions or lack there of in following them.
That we apply "liberal" and "conservative" to both politics and Christ mostly seems to confuse the nature of both, and serves more to divide than unite.
We err in judgement to take the view that the cause of Christ is served through politics.
If any actions that might seem parallel to the heart off Christ is found in any political party, or politically based actions, it is purely incidental because politicians (and consequently then politics) are rarely if ever concerned with His cause.
Even if at the outset a politician has the best of intentions toward serving Christ's cause, the success of one area will generally come at the expense of the other.
I have to believe that reasoning, in part, might be why Jesus himself might have been so stringent in specifically not taking up the kingly (political) Messiah as the Jewish people had anticipated and longed for and why He very carefully avoided the pitfalls in addressing inquiries of that nature.
Politics was the path to the cross.
Let's then not look to our own standards, but make Christ our standard, so that we can move beyond applying the labels of conservative and liberal and address what matters in the way that it matters.
If we are then to be liberal or conservative, let us pray that it is the very manner which Christ himself exemplified, without reducing His agendas to ours.
Liberal in grace and mercy. Liberal in compassion and forgiveness.
Conservative in judgment regarding matters we have no business judging for we cannot know the heart of another or the path God had planned for them even if we find that we are in many ways remarkably similar.
We are all remarkably similar, in one way, we are all sinners, some perhaps less offensive to our senses than others, but all of us offensive beyond hope without Christ himself intervening to do for us that which we could never do for ourselves.
If we reduce the compassion of Jesus for the reconciliation of men's souls to mere politics or religion, we will not achieve the whole of his purpose and we will have accomplished nothing.
In doing so I think we will find that at the heart of the matter there is a good deal of heart in very little that matters.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Napoleon Complex
Life Begins at Conception
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Art is Conceptual
If you must explain your art for it to be understood,
perhaps it does you a disservice.
The English Interpreter of English
False Hope
What the world needs now...
Song of the Moment: Love is Stronger than Death (the The)
Me and my friend were walking, in the cold light of mourning
Tears may blind the eyes but the soul is not deceived
In this world even winter ain't what it seems
Song if the Moment: Shine (Rollins Band)
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Law Abiding Citizens
For Mr. Vonk pt 1 of 2
Listening to Disconnect by Rollins Band - sent via Motorola
Monday, August 20, 2012
Don't post about it, man. DO IT!
Listen: HERE
Lyrics here:
Don't think about it, do it
Don't talk about it, do it
Do it, do it
Don't lie about it, do it
Do it, do it
Talk about your sick man
So good, you got to do it, do it
Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it
Do it, do it, do it, do it
Don't lie about it, do it
Why give a fuck about it, man?
Do it, do it
There's a law but who cares
Do it, do it
Don't rip me off, man, just do it
Do it, do it, do it
Do it, do it, do it, do it
Do it, do it, do it, do it
Don't talk about it, do it, do it
Don't lie about it, do it, do it
Don't cover it with a lie, man
Do it do it, just do it, just do it
Do it, do it, do it, do it
Do it, do it, do it, do it
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Better wear a tux...
Signs of Life?
More like signs of decreasing literacy.... |
Keeping It Real
It think this is one ambition that achieves both:
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Who's going to kill you ?
Cameras don't shoot people, people shoot people, but to be a photographer requires a camera...
Friday, August 17, 2012
Song Of The Moment: Damien Jurado – Tornado
She spends her time with other boys
He spends his time fixing cars
She doesn't mind that he's gone
It gives her more time to talk
He'll come around when he's bored
And she'll pay him no mind
"We must stop meeting like this,"
He said with a grin while walking in
And she just slammed the door in his face
I'll see you around sometime
She hangs her coat on the door
He hangs his head on her hopes
She sleeps alone with her thoughts
She dreams of good times
He'll come around when he's old
She'll pay him no mind
"We must stop meeting like this,
Coming to bed with no words said
Makes it tougher on both of us."
And I'll see you around sometime
It used to be much better than this
Say What
The louder the better.
It really couldn't be loud enough.
Nothing has really changed much about that through the years, except that now it can't be loud enough for very different reasons.
Well I Guess It's Working
For some reason I've been getting these weather alerts on my phone.
I don't t recall signing up for them.
The good news is since I've been getting them I haven't been caught in a flash flood.
I suppose if I'd ever been caught on one before, I'd have a much greater appreciation for that.
Thanks...I guess...
Truth In Advertising
Thursday, August 16, 2012
The Process of Recovery
How To Make a Facebook Post
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
What If
People who made donations to elect candidates also had to match those donations by giving them to a charity that is actually helping the problems in the world right now.
That's a lot of money...
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
What do you imagine him thinking?
Be Still, and know that I am God
Monday, August 13, 2012
One of my favorites
God is God.
It's good to take a position, it's a starting point, but in equating our position as that of God's, we make that starting point our ending point as well.
That is a methodology rooted in insecurity, fear, and pride, and it is contrary to everything that Christ taught. What is there to fear, for in the end truth will prevail.
It is not making one's self available and teachable to have a faith that glorifies God's strength through our weakness.
Those who maintain views steeped in ignorance, are hiding something (or from something), if not from others at least from themselves.
It is a method that seeks to glorify ourselves so that we don't have to actually face either God or ourselves.
It is not the relationship God created us for, it is the religion he speaks against.
Be not deceived, for God is not mocked...and one day every knee will bow, every tongue confess, God is God.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name
Thursday, August 9, 2012
The Evil in my Heart
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
In a NutsHell
I am discouraged to think of all those folks who will never know the Jesus of the Bible, simply because they could not see past the American Jesus. That people would fail to consider Jesus before or more than his followers, and thus leaving the condition of their humanity unresolved.
That God allows people like me to be associated as one of his, I believe is an evidence of sorts that he is bigger than any of our problems individually or collectively. But it is the very reason I no longer attend church. Although I still maintain my faith, what the term Christian has come to represent in the world is honestly quite shameful and I'm afraid too often a warranted reputation.
I address this in many of my posts, and have been accused of not loving the church. The real problem though is that I do love the church, so much that I am willing to tell them how much they need to change instead of just walking away.
I'm afraid it's made me less than popular among many.
To them, and to you I would say and close with this line, one of my all time favorite movie quotes:
(> piece out
I think that's it in a nut shell.
I'm not voting for anyone
But that's not what this is's simply what inspired it.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Coming Together for Ed and Sandy
Monday, August 6, 2012
The God of Science and the Science of God
On Consumerism and Happiness
On Consumerism and Happiness
(Status): If money can't buy happiness and is, thus, not happiness, why is the insatiable desire for it and the avaricious mentality that often comes with it so prevalent in so many people today?
Here they come again...and here I go
Here they come again...and here I go.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Celebrating Diversity! (oh stop that nonsense in your head right now)
It's a labor of love.
I don't know how often, when or what they'll post about, but you'll know it's them (and not me) when and if they post, because they'll probably exercise they mastery of the language by being much more concise and insightful with their posts.
That said though, (and I hate to disappoint you by saying so) I can't speak for the offense level they'll bring to the table, I've set that bar pretty high, but they're both talking the talk and walking the walk and they're both very honest and loving folks with a heart for the sorts of folks that Jesus had a heart for.
They get it and that's enough for me!
Matt and Jonathon, welcome to the team!
I love you bring it boys!
To you who may be new, I suggest strongly once more, if you haven't already, reading these two things:
These two (possibly redundant) pages may help your perspective of what happens here by lending some insight as to what it is I'm doing here.
(But may in fact lend no insight as to what Matt and Jonathon are doing here.)
I'm excited...
Things are gonna change, I can feel it.
Rule # 1: You are NEVER wrong
Haters gonna hate
First and Second Aid
Friday, August 3, 2012
Love on the cross, ain't no big surprise...
Thursday, August 2, 2012
You Can't Handle the Truth...
No disrespect, but after some consideration of the larger issue, I'm afraid I have to disagree.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Let's Get Fiscal
In business the bottom line is the bottom line, and the media (whatever the form) is quite simply, in business.
Classic Rock
tired old song,
tired old song,
tired old song,
a song you used to like,