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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The House of Bricks

Sometimes we must be the people we're made to be rather than the people we simply are, in order to avoid further damage.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Observations of the American Jesus

I am the god of the American "christian".
I am America found in the balancing point,
created in the hearts of you who will not choose, bound by fear.
I am the common religion.
You worship at my altars morning, noon and night.

If you ever awakened from your american dreams,
you would need only open your eyes to see my presence
deeply rooted and intertwined within your lives.

Like a cancer, you dare not remove, I will kill you.
Do not confuse me with actual Jesus,
for I am the substitute that you have created and chosen over him.

I am not the Jesus you profess in polite conversations,
or the one talked about in the bible.
I am rather, the Jesus our culture shows me to be in practice.
You love me, because you first loved yourself.

I am not concerned with principals for living, 
for I work in the practicalities of life.

Yes, I am the Jesus you will find lurking just under the surface of good intentions.
I am the underlying motive.

I will wait out your convictions borne of guilt.
I will show you their folly and increase their burden,
and when you grow tired of them, I will offer relief, 
and remove their purpose from your memories.

I can be found among the religious,
the congregations,
and among your leaders,
but I am not biblical Jesus.

I am the $5 cup of coffee
in a world that dies from lack of water.
I am gluttony in a starving world.

Yes, I am the Jesus of prosperity and comfortable living.
The Jesus of self-gratification and qualifiers.
I am the Jesus of personal and political agendas.
I am the Jesus of big business and bottom lines, of profits over people.

I am everywhere....
and I am not concerned about being hidden
except to those who would look,
but in fear of facing themselves, very few dare to.

Yes, I am the American Jesus...
              …the one that people who don't know biblical Jesus experience everyday.

I am not a servant, 
neither am I humble or meek, 
I am loud and self serving.

You do not choose to see me,
but I am seen and heard quite clearly 
by those who do not pretend to fear.

It is the memory of me that will last far beyond that of actual Jesus for most...
American Jesus…
the one that people will recall most vividly,
for I am their last impression, 
their most recent interaction.
I am the idle chatter, 
the gossip, 
the slander.

I am the latest headline.

Should anyone dare to recall the biblical Jesus,
it is my bitter memory that will stop them from seeking him further.

I am the Jesus of fictional literature, and well written movies.
I am the distraction. 

I will not bore you, 
I will entertain you.

And when you cannot recall his teachings, 
you may use mine instead.

I am the Jesus that chooses the path of least resistance.

I preach equality, but choose prosperity.
I proclaims to have faith, but chooses security.

I am the magical granter of wishes, for whatever your heart desires.

I will put you on the guest list, and get you in the club.

I will give you elite and intellectual social circles, 
so you can flatter yourselves, by trading wisdom with knowledge.

I will provide for you the keys to success, 
instant integrity, and a built in client base...

             ...and for all of this, you need only mention my name in passing.

Neither repentance, forgiveness, or sacrifice do I ask you to extend,
except that it may further your own cause,
and I will not frighten you by speaking of hell,
except as a place for those that you can not pardon.
Your neighbors, your enemies,
anyone who may infringe upon your rights, your comforts and your feelings.

For I am not grace and mercy, I am justice and revenge.
I will justify your hate, as you speak of love.

I will tell you that all truth is subjective, all views are valid,
and all paths lead to God, but that yours alone is correct.
I will endorse the assertions of your bias and opinions as truth,
you need only attribute them to me.

I allow you to judge while condemning judgment.

I will allow you to lie, cheat, steal, and exploit the hardships of others, 
whatever benefits you,
while at the same time allowing you to be shocked and amazed 
when others do the same.

Yes, I am the American Jesus...
you passively protest my presence,
on blogs and Facebook notes, in the lives of others, 

...and yet the thought of a life without me will strike a deep unshakeable, paralyzing fear.

I offer no conviction by imposing absolute standards in the matters of morals and ethics.

So, I will allow you to rest easy,
knowing that you are as good 
if not better than those around you,
and that is good enough.

I will tell you that you are wise, and self sufficient,
but lacking in the material objects that will bring you happiness and beauty.
I will turn your desires in to necessities,
and you will sacrifice your life and relationships to meet those needs.

But if you feel you are lacking or become discouraged,
I will remind you of your riches, 
by showing you pictures of people in far away places,
people who suffer so that you may prosper,
and I will ease your conscience when you give sparingly to their cause.

I will offer the security of salvation,
and will satisfy your pride by allowing you to earn it.

No, I am not biblical Jesus, I'm better,
for I require nothing and yet everything,
while offering everything and yet nothing.

I am the dream Jesus. 
The one that you wish existed,
the only one you desire enough to pursue.
I will tell you the lies you so wish to hear...

Make no mistake, for I am your real religion, 
and I will tell you that you can have it both ways.

I am the American Jesus, 
the one who's glory you seek foremost, 
for we are one.

Yes, I am the one whose will you fulfill...

                                                           ...for I am you.

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Friday, December 1, 2023


A current lack of confidence can almost always be traced to some previous overconfidence.

Two Can Sam

You're never too old. 
It's never too late.
Both untrue, and when they are true, they are most often intertwined.

I Mist Again

I truly regret all the life I've missed while I was figuring out how to live.

It's True

People say I have a certain Gen X sais quoi.


What is the sound of one hand washing?  

Yoda Pants

I hate it when girls wear yoga pants because I know I could never have that kind of self confidence.

Going The Distance

The distance between souls cannot be measured by the distance between bodies.