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Friday, November 27, 2015

Wholly, Holey, Holy

I will not point you out, but for those whom this rings true... well this is for you.

It always helps me in times like these, to consider that when Jesus wept he wept for the grief of those who remained behind, not for the joy of those who had moved on.

As I've gotten older I've come to a sad realization. If we live well and love well, when someday our turn comes, we too will leave these holes in the lives of others.

Ironic isn't it?

The Stronger Your Certainty Is The Lesser Mine Is

The purpose of serving any greater good is generally lost on those who are not simply content to believe they are right but also feel the need to ensure that everyone else knows they're right as well.

This is to their shame, although they will rarely recognize it as so, as the loss suffered by the narrator does not exceed the damage inflicted to their audience.

Everyone believes to some degree they are right, this should be expected. The true nature of their need to loudly declare their certainty really only serves to reveal the lesser degree of certainty in actually being so. For them this rarely comes to light as they fail to see the greater value to be found by leading people to answers rather than dragging them.

It is okay to think you might be right, it is not okay to believe that only you are right, or worse, in thinking you cannot be wrong.

Such are the blinders of inexperience as the measure for espousing absolutes.

The key is to listen as though listening were your only and best option. Listening to learn and understand the perspective you would otherwise never have considered, listening as though it will never be your turn to speak, and that is fair enough.

Doing otherwise is adversarial.

While our inherent limitation of listening through our own lens of understanding and experience may, to some lesser or greater measure, be unavoidable, we must make certain that it does not confuse us into hearing those things which have not been said.

That you may not have experienced the same does not at all suffice as an argument against the truthfulness and honesty to be found in the experiences of others.

We may learn much from this one single life we have lead, but we would be all the more wise for taking the time to learn from the lives of others too.

Many would tell you otherwise, but the truth stands alone and is not subject to our desires for it to be otherwise. Regardless of our inherent need to blur it with feelings and perspectives, there is not your truth or my truth, there simply truth and it waits to be found.

It is our choice, each day, if we will make the effort to seek it.

Let the security of knowing you are right, allow you to remain silent about it long enough for others to be intrigued and ask.

Then consider that your cue to speak, and until then just listen.

You may learn a thing or two, and spare yourself some shame in the process.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Thanks Giving

I find it sadly revealing when I read some  meme, intended to point out all the homeless and homeless veterans in our country as the justification for denying refugees from another, as though to imply those problems previously existing were simply for lack of resources.

One has little to do with the other.

It seems to me, one needn't look all that long or hard to see that a lack of resources can't really be the problem at all. We clearly have plenty, what is lacking, is only that which is lacking in us... character.

That mythological Christian American character that should afford us without fear or hesitation the conscience, convictions, voices and actions to right injustices that would have and should have, made the difference all along.

We have succumbed to a culture of fear and the argument is a very thin veil to mask it. If anyone stopped for a minute, it wouldn't take a lot of introspection to see what it's really trying to mask is that same lacking that has continued to ensure we have homeless veterans.

Why does so much of the world hate us?
Should we really be so surprised?

Let's face it, housing refugees won't really take any resources from veterans, just as denying refugees won't provide anymore resources to them.

The problem, the real underlying problem, at both ends is the same... it's us.

Do all things as unto the Lord, and in all things be thankful... give thanks.

It should probably be much more difficult for us to enjoy our upcoming feasts with a starving world just outside our door as our reasoning for turning away those we might have saved but turn away, just beyond our borders.

Nonetheless, we'll say our prayers and be thankful for God's blessings to us and His divine approval of the "my will be done" mentality.

All the while conveniently forgetting those uncomfortable words," As you have done it unto the least of these, so you have done it unto me.".

God forgive America, and God forgive me the worst of them all...

Solo Cristo Salva

Tell me I'm wrong, it's OK...

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Winner of my Discontent

How long can my best self continue to hold back my worst self? This is not worst self...

The Better Part of a Decade

I literally cannot recall what it feels like to kiss someone.

Knot Now

Not knowing what you want and not wanting what you know can make for a very long and difficult life.


I used to try.
I did.

I would try with every ounce.

To be normal.
To be understood.

Inevitably I would fall short and fail.

The efforts toward any good thing always undone by the weight of every resulting bad thing.

Eventually I came to see, I would never be the expected.

I would never be the norm.

I would be mostly dismissed and misunderstood.

I would be barely needed and rarely wanted.

I began to understand that I would without question, always fail, no matter how hard I tried.

The greater my efforts to succeed, the greater the resulting failures.

The one thing I was certain never to fail at was failing.

So I began to question what exactly failure meant and how it was measured.

Once I could accept that, well then I was set free from the burden of even trying.

There was no longer any reason, outside of my own desire or conviction, to be anything more or less than what I was for myself, now that I knew what I would always be to others.

It's really not the worst thing that could happen.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Business Time

Below is the dialogue in response to Kermit minding his own business.

I am identified as (ME)

(AP) In my judgment, that's not even a relevant comparison. My guess would be none of the refugees are Emanuel. There has to be a better way to handle it than one extreme or the other. Banning them vs letting them come willy nilly. The book of Numbers is one great lesson in mixing of peoples. When we get right down to it, have the open gates of America really made us stronger? Our faith as a nation has continually degraded. Why is that? Surely NOT from an influx of Christians.

(ME) As you have done it unto to the least of these, you have done it unto me... so no...
(ME) Faith as a nation is a contradiction. There is no national faith, by design.

Leviticus 19:33-34 ESV “When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.

Matthew 25:35 ESV For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,

Exodus 22:21 ESV “You shall not wrong a sojourner or oppress him, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.

Malachi 3:5 ESV “Then I will draw near to you for judgment. I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, against the adulterers, against those who swear falsely, against those who oppress the hired worker in his wages, the widow and the fatherless, against those who thrust aside the sojourner, and do not fear me, says the Lord of hosts.

Deuteronomy 27:19 ESV “‘Cursed be anyone who perverts the justice due to the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’

Hebrews 13:2 ESV Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Zechariah 7:9-10 ESV “Thus says the Lord of hosts, Render true judgments, show kindness and mercy to one another, do not oppress the widow, the fatherless, the sojourner, or the poor, and let none of you devise evil against another in your heart.”

Ezekiel 47:22 ESV You shall allot it as an inheritance for yourselves and for the sojourners who reside among you and have had children among you. They shall be to you as native-born children of Israel. With you they shall be allotted an inheritance among the tribes of Israel.

Jeremiah 7:5-7 ESV “For if you truly amend your ways and your deeds, if you truly execute justice one with another, if you do not oppress the sojourner, the fatherless, or the widow, or shed innocent blood in this place, and if you do not go after other gods to your own harm, then I will let you dwell in this place, in the land that I gave of old to your fathers forever.

Leviticus 25:35 ESV “If your brother becomes poor and cannot maintain himself with you, you shall support him as though he were a stranger and a sojourner, and he shall live with you.

 Proverbs 31:8-9 ESV Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Deuteronomy 10:18 ESV  He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing.

Philippians 3:20 ESV But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,

Matthew 5:46-47 ESV For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?

Exodus 23:9 ESV “You shall not oppress a sojourner. You know the heart of a sojourner, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.

Deuteronomy 26:5 ESV “And you shall make response before the Lord your God, ‘A wandering Aramean was my father. And he went down into Egypt and sojourned there, few in number, and there he became a nation, great, mighty, and populous.

Luke 13:29-30 ESV And people will come from east and west, and from north and south, and recline at table in the kingdom of God. And behold, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last.”

Deuteronomy 10:18-19 ESV He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing. Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.

Mark 12:30-31 ESV And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Isaiah 16:3-4 ESV “Give counsel; grant justice; make your shade like night at the height of noon; shelter the outcasts; do not reveal the fugitive; let the outcasts of Moab sojourn among you; be a shelter to them from the destroyer. When the oppressor is no more, and destruction has ceased, and he who tramples underfoot has vanished from the land,

Leviticus 19:10 ESV And you shall not strip your vineyard bare, neither shall you gather the fallen grapes of your vineyard. You shall leave them for the poor and for the sojourner: I am the Lord your God.

"Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had arrogance, abundant food and careless ease, but she did not help the poor and needy. Ezekiel 16:49

(ME) Need more for your national faith?
(ME) The weak faith of the "American Christian" has NOTHING to do with the strength of faith that foreigners have. That my friend is bald faced racist fear and blameshifting.

(DB) Now see, Roberto? I knew I couldn't take you anywhere!!  AP is actually an awesome individual - as are you!

(ME) I'm sure he is, and he certainly motivated me to do a little research, for which I am thankful. My intention isn't to attack, my apologies if I have done so. As for the "as you are"... as a comedian once said. I wouldn't be a member of any club that would have me as a member. (thanks)

(AP) Roberto, I don't even get the point of all your posts on this? It seems you are arguing for mercy and acceptance for the refugees, but missing my points completely. So, in passionate pursuit of Christ's love let me try again.

1. The meme Don posted is NOT relevant, it's silly to me. It seems to reference Joseph and Mary, who were NOT refugees, not fleeing persecution and anyone who reads Luke will note they were not turned away for any other reason than lack of space.

2. I never said NOT to help the refugees, my point is we need to be smart about it. Like it or not, not all people are going to serve the Lord or be open to the message of salvation. Demon controlled people are everywhere. Even in some churches.

3. I don't agree that we have never had a national faith. The Great Seal of the United States bears two affirmations: Novus ordo seclorum, “A new society for this world,” and Annuit Coeptis, “our undertaking is favored.”

They both suggest the American dream and self-understanding. This was to be a new nation. Here people would begin anew. A new type of society would emerge, one that had not existed since the original creation. This was to be Zion. Here men would realize all earthly hopes. Our favorite patriotic hymn has said it for generations. This was the place of sunlit purple hills and of winds rustling the tall golden grain and fruited plains. “America, America, God shed his grace on thee and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.”

We are now a nation of chaos, we have religious freedom that is unprecedented...and we are worse off for it.

(ME) You make some very valid points. let me get home, eat something, tuck the kidsin and hit you back in a bit. thanks for replying though.

(ME) So let's start at the beginning... In a narrow sense you are correct about certain technicalities of what is said in the meme. It is by virtue of semantics incorrect. However, with the focus of being correct, the larger point is being missed, plus there are some fundamental issues with your arguments as well.

In the Nativity story, you are correct in that no one was in that moment fleeing persecution, but only in that moment, as persecution was impending.

What drove the people to return to their hometowns was certainly not matter of convenience or melancholy but one of fear.

So while no one was being persecuted per se, at least not at that point in the story had Joseph and Mary not returned to Joseph's hometown for the "census" they most certainly would have been persecuted. So the greater show of grace in hospitality is exemplified here in that much and the attempted point here proves far less relevant, if not irrelevant all together.

I would have to agree with your keen senses, that in all likelihood none of the refugees intent on coming to America are Emmanuel. However neither was Emmanual seeking refuge in the nativity narrative either.

That would in point of fact have been Joseph and Mary, not Emmanual, since he had not yet been born. Consequently that logic truly bears no relevance to the argument presented as such here.

As for the justification of being turned away for lack of accommodations or resource, those were decisions made by business owners and driven by money.

America also being business and money driven lacks neither resources or accommodation, and under the guise of divine approval seems to be making the same choice. This argument seems to fly in the face of any supposed undefined national faith, even one vaguely alluded to in the dead language of Latin.

If semantics alone is to be considered then the statements as such could be Christian or Muslim or Jewish or anything for that matter.

Taken at face value however they could also be very reasonably attributed as being statments based more in egocentricity and self-righteousness rather than being religious or faith based.

If we are to use the argument of national heritage to justify our reasoning of why we should keep out foreigners, or site books of the Old Testament as a justification for refraining from the intermingling of persons from varying cultures and religions, both of those arguments are very easily refutable as well, each within their own context.

The very nature and birth of America is founded in violence and bloodshed, driven by greed under the guise of the "American Dream".

So the degradation of any national faith seems inherent to its origin and any personal choices to proclaim or deny one's faith certainly can't be blamed on anyone but the individual making those choices.

Blaming other cultures for diluting your faith means deciphering a fair amount of the Old Testament as much of its content and indeed the development of the Jewish faith is owed to other cultures.

So America is without argument, a land of immigrants, founded in the very essence of intermingling of people of various cultures. If we are prone to quote American rhetoric, allow me to present this, and perhaps you may be able to reconcile how this fits within the logic: "Inscription on the Statue of Liberty" "Give me your tired, your poor,  Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door." - Emma Lazarus

The purpose of my many posts of both Old and New Testament Scriptures is primarily to exemplify that the Bible clearly has a great deal to say about the treatment that the followers of his word should exemplify to foreigners, sojourners and strangers alike, all underscored with Jesus stating point blank as we have treated the LEAST of these, so we have treated Him.

Scripture also has a great deal to say about defending the defenseless and providing for those who cannot provide for themselves. If required I could cite many of those verses too, however it doesn't seem that it would be required here.

I'm sincerely not trying to be argumentative. I'm only stating what I see here. If you can enlighten and correct my thinking I welcome it.

That said thought, let's face it there's always a good reason not to do the right thing and generally far more logical arguments are found in support of not doing the right thing.

Consider how long it took the church to speak out for the Jews in WWII.

I suppose this is where (we) rely on our illogical faith, since there are many examples in the New Testament where logic of this world if followed would have disallowed many of the miracles that Jesus performed.

There is a part of me that would love to agree with you. The problem however is one inherent to Christianity, but not exclusively so. As I see it, it is this:

Applying the standards of the next life in this one, it is logical that one will not make sense in the context of the other since they are contrary in nature.

So allow me to digress for one moment when I say, if one claims only the title of human there are certain answers to certain questions, if one only claims the title of American then there are different questions and different answers to be found, but if one claims the title of Christian then there is almost no question and only one answer.

It seems to me that the fundamental issues then to be rectified, and those which I wrestle with myself, is where does the greater loyalty lie within that triangle and how do we reconcile living for another world while trapped in this one?

I understand clearly that you didn't say a good number of things, but in terms of how to help, that too was unsaid.

I hope this all makes sense.
It's been a long day and I'm beat.

(ME) I just realized that you stated the national faith is the American Dream and Self-Understanding. My apologies you may be very correct indeed.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Lady Liberty and the I Fell Towering Inferno

I suppose it is much easier to share the virtues of peace when machine gun splatter across the front of your house, and mustard gas bombs are a reality from which we are separated by thousands of miles.

And I suppose it's much easier to talk about the forgiveness of our enemies, when we don't have to look our enemy in the eye every day, seeing them face to face, watching them walk our streets and  outside our homes, armed to the teeth, while wondering if it will be our family's turn next chosen for torture, execution and rape.

That much is easy... easy is the only life most of us know.

We are free to speak out as we feel the inclination to do so. 

We reject any faith based worldviews, and deny our Creator, choosing depravity as our entertainment. We celebrate it and pay homage with our wages, while another world away they despise it and us.

We change religions freely, on a whim and have the liberty to mishmash ideologies which only marginal logic would reveal to as not running parallel, all at our leisure.

With the turn of the tide we make decisions which weigh far more heavily in the rest of the world and carry far greater consequence.

We speak freely against the government, freely against the church, and freely against our neighbors, with no fear of any real repercussions. It is not so elsewhere.

We watch safely in HD, from our homes the terror invoked by terrorists, and the greatest course of protest and support we can seem to make is by virtue of technology through social media.

There is a storm coming for us, and I fear we may perhaps be ill-prepared.

Not in terms of weaponry, for the war at hand is not one of flesh and bone.

We are illequipped spiritually, intellectually, for it is war of ideology, of faith. It is waged by a people that do not enjoy the luxury of declining a faith in God, such that our affluence and freedoms easily affords us.

Faith is all they have.

It is what they have live for...
  ... it is what they will gladly die for.

So we watch, and wait, for the enemy to come to us, and the extent of our support for most, is barely more than changing our profile photo to incorporate the flag of a nation, that a faceless corporation has chosen for us.

So we are allowed to feel we have done something when all we have done is actually nothing at all.

God forgive America, and God forgive me, the worst sinner of all.

Solo Cristo Salva


Monday, November 16, 2015

Write or Wrong

The fewer the likes, the fewer the shares, and the fewer the comments, the greater I feel that what I've shared of my own thinking must bear at least some relevance, and a relevance which probably proves contrary to the popular concensus (which I have never lent much credence or cedibility  to anyway).

So, I am left to deicide for myself which is the case, whether I am either so indisputably correct, or so indisputably wrong, that no one cares to make the effort to comment whichever the case may be, I must decide.

In thinking the best of others and admittedly myself, I would prefer to think that I am am not so far beyond the effort of correction by those much wiser than myself, that being correct is what I am left with as resolution.

If it were otherwise I'm certain the people I know would have told to me.
I trust those around me to be bold enough to gently lead me to correction with compassion rather public chastisement for simply being wrong.

Solo Cristo Salva

Stay Tuned

With increasing frequency it seems my faith's greatest strengths and weaknesses violently collide in the exact same moment and I have to wonder how much longer I can endure watching such a brutal fight with no clear winner before I arrive at the point that I simply have to turn the channel.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Monday, November 9, 2015

For Telling

As I have said in the past:

Tell me what you are for, and I will know what you are against. Tell me what you are against, and that is all I will know....

So tonight I wonder, with such ease and convenience, if social media, being used with so little discretion and being conducive to creating disproportionate levels of misdirected anger along with an endless cycle of perpetuating increasingly overwhelming amounts of misinformation, isn't as a result creating a fear based, confused culture prone to cynicism and apathy.

A culture inclined to simply shrug it's shoulders and walk away, disbelieving and demotivated to discern what is and isn't real anymore.

After all, it takes a lot of energy to be angry, and when we find out our energies are for naught we become decreasingly enthusiastic to engage again.

So why do we waste  the energy we can muster on stupid bullshit that ultimately doesn't matter... for instance which people like Starbucks cups and which groups don't. Protesting the protesters.

As much as people would like to fool themselves into thinking otherwise, simply clicking the share button doesn't really affect much (if any) change in the world toward a cause. It's not really action, it's information.

Nothing actually happens.

That is of course, nothing beyond the guilt relieving feelings of having done something as a result of sharing the thoughts of others rather than formulating our own thoughts.

However what can happen with the content of what we share is the resulting  positive or negative impact on the people we would call friends and who otherwise might (or might not) go on to affect change in the world for the greater good.

So, if somehow your real, your actual life affords you the energy for action beyond that much, why not direct it toward the bigger battles.

The ones that actually matter.

In the end, it seems to me that very few things in life truly matter all that much. But those things in life that do matter, matter infinitely.

Be good to yourselves, and of greater importance, be good to eachother.

Solo Cristo Salva,

d (-_-)b

Speck and Log

Check yourself...

Sunday, November 8, 2015

No old goat is sheepish about telling ewe what it was like when they were a kid, unless they're on the lamb.

When I was a Kid

Every generation laments the simple joys of youth and impeccable ethical integrities they carried into adulthood that kept this planet spinning, soon to be lost forever with their passing. How will the next generation manage to go on?

Friday, November 6, 2015

Knock Knock, Who's There

Those who feel they have nothing to lose.
Those who feel they have everything to lose.

The most unpredictable types of people.
With their backs to the wall, they are trapped.

Friend or enemy does not exist.
They are both and neither.

For them, every option is valid.
The end will justify the means.

In All Things be Thankful

If every day were a good day, then no day would be a good day.

The Truth is Rarely the Problem...

Truth isn't usually the problem, as much as discovering it is.

Finding a truth however can be as addictive as mystery solving and treasure hunts.

It can be as taxing as it is rewarding.

The greatest challenge being that those tiny, rare diamonds of truth are usually only found by sorting through the overwhelming amounts that sewage we call perception and presentation.

But when you find one... oh the joy. Uncovered, it's multifaceted beauty is revealed in light, and the former misery and disgust by being covered in all that rot and stench seems to fade, if only for a small while... and then we're diving back in it for more...

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Lie Berry

Wake up and crank up an audio book so loud the kids are forced into learning...
That's the Dewey Decibel system.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Con Text

Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments" (John 14:15)

He also said, "You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)


... I guess no one loves Jesus?

... Or maybe people might be quoting verses out of context?

If only there were some way to know.

Monday, November 2, 2015

First Place Loser

If the second best band in the world sounds like the first best band in the world why don't I just listen to the first best band?

The Unholy 9

Below is my assessment and response to The Nine Satanic Statements by Anton Szandor LaVey (originally found in The Satanic Bible, © 1969)

Know this much in advance ... I have addressed each claim on a case by case basis, and the responses here are only the initial and immediate responses as they came to mind. I'm sure better arguments can be had, by people more knowledgeable than myself. However you aren't reading their blog right now....

The statements addressed are those of declaration, about the stances of Satan. They are not, and do no claim to be neutral. In fact, in addition to stating what they are for, they include what they are in opposition to. Consequently, I felt they could not be approached with any lesser bias in my scrutiny and in contrasting them to my own views.

As I read them for analysis and critique, there are a few things I kept in mind as the arguments presented to me for doing so were twofold as follows below.

A) That in doing so I would find that satanism is not really so different from Christianity.
B) That many people have remarked that Satanists are more Christ like than many of the Christians they have met. (This much I cannot argue since we haven't met the same people.)

If these were the merits for my motive in reading, it seemed logical then that these too should be the merits by which I contrasted them and so I have.With these merits the outset, it seems to me that both arguments being contrasts to Christianity can really only validate the MO of Satan/Satanism, as an intentional counterfeit of Christianity, purposefully meant to deceive and distract those who might seek that which Satanism seeks to imitate.

After all if the sole measure of quality for any counterfeit is in its closeness of appearance to that which it is not at all, Satanism is a poor counterfeit for anyone with moderate amount of scrutiny.

It is important to note too that the practices of Satanism are by design meant only to address and appeal to the issues and logic of this world. This much is stated within them. As such, it avoids the necessary  difficulties inherent to Christianity, of somehow reconciling a life in this finite fallen reality with the standards set forth by an infinite and perfect God.

Satanism seeks pragmatic self interest which stands in direct contrast to the command of God to consider self least.

Basically, Satanism will logically make a certain sense in this world at the surface, but only at the surface and only with this world in mind, will it make sense at all.
That said here we go...

1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!
Christianity endorses both. 
Indulgence in the grace and blessings of God with thanks to Him as well. However indulgence is certainly not to be confused with overindulgence or gluttony (which is unhealthy even if considered only in a worldly sense). Any indulgence in God's goodness is to be exercised with a certain level of healthy restraint and within the context of right motivation and thus right action rather than mere indulgence for one's own gratification. It most certainly cannot be enjoyed at the expense of others, as enjoying a feast while the starving watch. 
Whatever grace God has afforded us should also overflow to the benefit of those in proximity. It is a gift not meant to be gorged upon in self indulgence but shared with others as well.

Abstinence too falls within those same constraints and limits. It is not so much or simply the void of some desired object or activity as generally applied and absolute as represented here.

So, both indulgence and abstinence are to  the glory of God rather than self. Knowing that we are not given what we may request or desire, but those things we could not know to request and yet require.

2. Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams!

Existence in this world is not at all vital to those who know their citizenship to be in that of the next.
If there is no next life, then there is no Satan and every other notion that Satanism lays claim to representing is thus invalid since it is founded in lies. However since the very term Satanism in fact does, to suggest the notion of Satan is then to acknowledge the source of his origin and Creator, God. 

In so doing then, these "pipe dreams", as they are called, are not dreams at all. To then say "pipe dreams" as a slander to the Christian faith is simply the means of providing distracting terminology in lieu of the reality of  the issue, which is the authority that Satan has made very clear as standing against. 

3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit!

There is not undefiled wisdom outside of God. Believing otherwise might be also be called self deceit as well then and God too can be shown to be against hypocritical self deceit. 

4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates!

The fundamental appeal of Satanism, as evidenced in the garden of Eden, has never changed. It is the appeal to pride and the promise of power through the misrepresentation of truth.

The notion that we may discern of our own accord and on an eternal level, those who may "deserve" kindness, is a transparent, direct appeal to both pride and power once more. It stands in direct contrast to the teaching and example of Christ.

As for Love wasted on ingrates... Love is never wasted regardless of gratitude, it takes no account of gratitude. The very suggestion that it could be wasted in its giving, points to the origin of the motive as self serving. The use of the term love then is a very incorrect application of it. Deception once more.

This is (again) an appeal to pride and power. By corrupting the definition of love as that which should be given selectively, what might otherwise be seen as an act of love is turned into the counterfeit and exact opposite of it. 

The appearance of love is the weapon wielded for persuading and move others in the direction we would choose to have them go in. Even with the best of intentions, it is thereby given for the purpose of serving our ego and our needs. 

This is not love, at least not any love beyond the love of self.

5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek!

There is almost nothing that needs to be pointed out here for anyone that knows Christ's teachings even at a very surface level. So nothing it what I will point out.

6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires!

Responsible to whom? Accountable to whom?

God too sets forth standards for accountability on the part of man, however He also bestows blessings on the believers and non believers alike. 

Responsibility for our own actions in this world however is, again, different from getting our just desserts accordingly in the next. Our actions however "good" we may deem them,  could never merit salvation. Faith alone affords us the opportunity to be recipients of the unmerited grace required in the forgiveness of offenses to God. 
As a side note.... Let me say here, that I find it interesting that so much of what Satanism claims to stand for so far has been presented as not solely capable of standing on its own merit as any good teaching or argument should, since it is accompanied by that which it is contrast to, or that which it opposes.

Shadows are the absence of light. They cannot exist on their own, and require light if they are to exist at all.

This is need to contrast is counter to the acts and teachings of Christ as I understand them. They are not concerned to point out what it is they are not, only that which they are. They stand in their own merit, period, without qualification or justification outside of their authorship and origin. This again underscores my belief of Satanism's standings as being invalid.

Only love can serve as both it's own motive and reward. 
Any acts motivated otherwise are done so with ulterior motive.

Presented with a perceived and misrepresented opposing claim or practice of the Christian faith, the very claims in their context as such, really serves to undermine their authority by exposing their motive.

7. Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all!

By which standards are we judging "better" and "worse" here is unclear. How are we to define those terms? It seems to be a standard undefinable in light of the former statements about vengeance to offest personal offenses endured and the distribution of help only to those "worthy/ deserving" of it in our estimation.

Also, Satan in this claim of man as mere animal, thus denies the Creator, God, once more, by disregarding man's point of origin, the charge given to man, as decreed by God and being created in God's image set apart from all others.

So I while I would not disagree with the notion that man has become the most vicious animal of all, in light of what we have done to each other, and in how we handle the charge to care for the planet, man does have a greater responsibility as ordained at the start, and thus cannot be regarded as simply another animal.

So too in the telling of the story of involving the flooding of the earth, I think we can find mutual agreement with God about the fallen state of humanity and his discontent with it.

8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!

Allow me to restate with emphasis: ALL of the so called sins... ALL OF THEM. Every single one. Murder, Adultery, Theft, Bearing false witness, on and on. ALL of them...

Any brief delve into psychology would reveal that indulgence without restraint in any of these gratifications is unhealthy, self-destructive and destructive to others.

Any life lived solely for its own sake especially with this purpose becomes void of any greater purpose or meaning, and is an exercise of futility.

9. Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years!

The destruction of the church and of man by his separation from God, has always been Satan's recourse against God. So  "friend" is hardly the case. 

Saying this is intentional deception and tantamount to saying that it is our enemy that enables us to have an army. It is simply untrue, in fact it is our enemy that forces us to have an army by engaging us in battle.

That's it, I'm done.
Comment as you will.

The Cost of Living

Those who place the highest value on innocence are usually those who least posses it, and there is good reason for that.

The certainty that only youth affords would have us condemn this as hypocrisy, but that is the last thing it should be called.

Innocence comes by virtue of ignorance, ignorance by virtue of inexperience, and inexperience by age.

Finally with age comes wisdom by virtue of experience but that same lifetime of  experience also lends itself to bias. Though we would like to think otherwise bias is inherent to experience.

If we are to retain innocence it will be at the cost of experience, and experience is how most of us seem to learn best.

So it seems unrealistic to think while we could not retain innocence for ourselves, we might think we could help others to retain theirs.

It's simply not how it works.

When we are young and inexperienced, we cannot know the value of what we have simply because we have always had it and  no other experience to contrast it by to find its true value.

But then it is gone, for innocence lost is never regained.

Then, we are compelled to exercise the futility of warning the innocents what the cost of their loss will be.

It will of course be to little avail.

Everything costs something and this is simply cost of living.

Let's Get Physicals... Later

I got a reminder call from my doctor last Friday about my physical on Monday.

Turns out the physical appointment is actually for next Monday not this Monday.

I knew that... but I assumed incorrectly that I surely wasn't getting a reminder more than a week in advance. Who does that?

As it turns out I couldn't really afford to get a physical. So not spending the money is a plus, but I also had to drive the van with expired tags so it could have wound up costing a whole lot more than a copay.

Plus I fasted, and changed up my whole schedule only to arrive on the wrong date, a mistake easily enough avoided...

Now I'm stuck in traffic trying to get home and all I can think about is how tired and hungry I am.

I wonder if I can request that my doctor's office not call me a over a week in advance to remind me of appointments?

I wonder if I shouldn't stop assuming that I'm the one in the wrong and double check on what the actuality of things is before I assume that someone else is correct.

It's ironic that I'm usually such an a****** about such things. I usually feel like I'm pretty doggone correct, and wind up double checking in things just to find out that I'm wrong. I usually am.

Not this time though...


Sunday, November 1, 2015

Testing, One, Two... Testing

There seems to be a disconnect and  double standard in our culture about the use of language to convey accurately our thoughts and ideas.

It seems there's a great disregard for the use of language in conveying a message followed by a great perplexity about the misunderstanding of the message.

Here's the only way I can think of to point out the fault here.

Just like English or any other tongue, math is a language like any other. Just as words are not things themselves but the representation thereof so two numbers are not things themselves but represent things.

It is language of scientists and engineers used to convey the accuracy of their thinking and theories.

That said any sane person or so I believe would not trust or employee safety engineer who upon being shown the fault of their math in proving their concept, simply said, "Oh well you know what I meant."

That would be sheer lunacy. However is a very logic we employee when we carelessly choose our words and disregard their meaning and origin in conveying our own thoughts and ideas as valid.

We expect that the person using a language has a reasonable mastery of that language if they are employing it to convey a message.

So please understand that the message lies with the recipient when you're making your points.

As a wise man once said to me that  perception is more important than truth because it doesn't matter what truth you're trying to convey if it isn't properly perceived.

If you want your point to be properly perceived and understood as valid then you absolutely must convey your thoughts and ideas by properly using the language which you employ to do so, so there is a mutual understanding of the terminology being used.

Othwrwise, STFU.

I hope that clears things up for you.

Tired and Awake

Famous Last (regrettable) Words... befor drifting off to sleep:

Wow, that's a great idea I just had. Tomorrow morning I'm going write that down, but for now I'm going to sleep....

I should as suggested, do what Seinfeld does and keep a notebook by the bed.

I have a phone, and sometimes I di just that. Using the phone avoids the Seinfeld problem of being illegible the following morning.

In spite of my history however, somehow I believe "this time" I really will remember and expound or act on that thought the next day.

I write this because I had a great idea last night, or so I thought. Now for the life of me I have no idea what it was.

It's a recurring problem for me, and being an overthinker, I have to wonder if it's really only that level of tired which makes me too lazy to write such great things down, that made whatever I was thinking seem so great in the first place.

It's difficult and dangerous to be the speaker and the audience, the author and the editor.

So maybe some ideas should be forgotten.

At least, that's how I console myself.

People Are the Worst

As it is with the church, it is with so many other institutions: People are the problem and people are the solution.

As necessary as it is though, it's usually difficult to endure the former to achieve the latter, and no one wants to consider they may  actually be a part of the latter.

Unlike every other institution however this is complicated in the church all the more so, when the objective fails to consider its objectivity, and it fails to comorehend that is ultimately that of the created over that of the Creator.

Know yourself, know your God.

Solo Cristo Salva!
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