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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Breathe The Breath of Life

Breathe The Breath of Life

by Roberto Esponja on Saturday, July 9, 2011 at 11:16am ·
Albert Einstein once said something along the lines of,"How could I see all this and NOT believe in God?" That's my world.

Here is the story of Blythe Day 1 (Long story short)

During labor, we lost the heartbeat in the monitor a few times, but figured that was due to it being in the wrong position, or movement, and so weren't too worried. When she was born, she was white and limp without a heartbeat, although I saw her eyes moving, she was simply, at that point, waiting for death.

(I still see it in my mind's eye in slow motion, with those piercing eyes looking directly at me, helpless...It was the worst feeling.)

That is until a nurse ran in and said,"Wait! I just read about this in a magazine!" Basically, she was born without blood as the umbilical cord had somehow suctioned it out. Life threatening to both mother and child. Until recently (at that point) children born in this state, were handed to their parents to say their final good byes.

The nurse told us there was no heart beat because the heart had nothing to pump. They pumped her full of saline and BINGO Heartbeat!

A few transfusions and some time in ICU later, and she was ready to go home.

They said they didn't know how long she had been without oxygen, or blood, so they didn't know the extent of the damage, nor would they possibly, until she was older. They told us to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

13 years later and she's doing just great, not apparently any worse than the rest of us. Probably even better!

The name Blythe, which we had picked previously, we learned means "Filled with the Spirit of God", the breath of life.

I have lead a miraculous life, it is probably the only reason I trust God, even as little as I seem to.
..So, how could I see all this and NOT believe in God?


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