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Friday, October 24, 2014

Guess Who Got Breakfast in Bed Today?!

If you weren't already aware by now,  I went to the hospital last night. (Oct 23rd)
I'm much better today.
In a nutshell... I was about to eat dinner, and began feeling hot, then started sweating profusely, vomiting. I couldn't speak coherently. I couldn't move most my body.
I have some foggy memories in there somewhere but next thing I know I'm being taken in an ambulance to the hopsital primarily because of low blood pressure.
On arrival it was 70/48. That's up from when they picked me up at the house. Later they told me it was pretty amazing I was even concious at all.
My temperature was at 90°, almost 8° below normal. 
Potassium was at 3 and apparently the lowest it should be is 4. Electrolytes were low.
White blood cell count was high.
I was in a bad place. I truly thought yesterday was my last day. Guess not.
All vitals are back to normal and I'm home now with the diagnosis of Heat Stroke along with Dehydration complicated (if not caused) by generally not taking good care of myself in regard to my eating and sleeping, and stress management habits. Also probably fighting some sort of ailment judging by the elevated white blood cell count.
So a whole mess of things at once basically. I'll work on it. For now though I'm going to bed.

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