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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Haters Gonna Hate, Proverbs 98

You certainly don't have to be a bible scholar to know there were very definitely people that Jesus didn't like.
He made it pretty clear.

But lately I've asked myself (and wondered if anyone else ever asks themselves),"Am I perhaps the sort of person Jesus actually wouldn't have liked?"

I don't think many people overall would set out to be the bad guy, and I'll bet even of those that did, they wouldn't consider themselves to be so (or at least admit it.)

Of course no one wants to consider that they may actually even if unwittingly, be the bad guy. I'm certain Judas didn't think that he would be. But I have to imagine some of us, and probably a lot of just might be and we don't even know it.

Then again, I guess I don't know.
Maybe we really are we just better people overall now and Jesus is much cooler, so he'd be cool with everyone doing their thing.

I mean since it always seems to be someone else and their choices that Jesus wouldn't have liked...

...certainly he would have approved us though...


Solo Cristo Salva
d (-_-) b

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.