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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A Positive Rhino Review

Over the past 23 ½ years the focus of my employment has been in that of both Employee and Client relations in multiple capacities. Starting in the Fall of 1989 I joined Rhino Arizona, following 6 ½ years of experience and education, employing people in the construction industry, as well as training other satellite offices in standard HR policies and procedures and the fair treatment of field employees.

My passion is people and over the course of my time in that industry I had seen workers taken advantage of in regard to pay / hours, job site accidents (including those resulting in death) from a consistent failure to adhere to standard PPE education / enforcement, and little to no instruction in regard to job skills or safety training.

As a person of conviction, with respect for life, to put it lightly, I had become increasingly dismayed with the practices and pay involved. I had barely begun looking elsewhere for work, hoping to work in some other capacity and in some other industry when I received a call from a friend of mine that worked for Rhino, with the invitation to work for Rhino in the same capacity. 
Given my experiences I was more than a little apprehensive, but took the job. 16 years later, I find myself happily working in that same capacity for Rhino Staging, as a company that is the very  antithesis of every source of my previous discontent.

As it turns out, it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made as I have found Rhino to be the exception rather than the rule when it comes to raising the bar in regard to their respect and concern for employee treatment. This is clearly exemplified in the following:
  • ·         Rhino’s mentoring practice for newer & less experienced employees helps to ensure guidance and consistency in best workplace practices.
  • ·         Rhino’s Online & In Person Educational Courses are made available for anyone expressing the desire to develop and improve in their industry & skill development.
  • ·         Safety Training is not isolated to safety specific courses but incorporated and emphasized within all of the Rhino courses.
  • ·         The provision of PPE for use on the job, available to use for free and for purchase as well at a minimal cost and without the need for payment up front on most items.
  • ·         The use of a point accumulation system as a guideline for employee assessment & reviews helps ensure that all employees are treated as fairly and equally as possible without personal bias. That said however, it is not so stringent and rigid in application that allowance for unusual or extenuating / emergency circumstances cannot be accommodated. Which bring me to the point of our…
  • ·         Flexibility in Job Assignment & Acceptance  Rhino Arizona works with many employees to accommodate personal schedules by providing allowances, within reason, to accept or decline work without the concern that it may affect future opportunities if handled professionally. In fact we work closely with the Conservatory of Recording Arts & Sciences to assist their student in meeting their required internship hours while being paid!
I could easily go on about the many ways that Rhino is continually striving to ensure their employees not only a living, but a longevity in our industry.

Allow me to close by saying this: Having worked with many people in a wide variety of circumstances in both a personal and professional capacity over the years, I know and understand that wherever there are people, even the happiest of people, there are bound to be discontent people as well. Such is the nature of people in general. The approach and resolve of these issues is the defining difference that elevates Rhino above many other companies within our industry.

I mention this only to say that I would never suggest that (here or anywhere) there is to be found an honest group of people that doesn’t have at least some discontent among them, which is necessarily a bad thing depending on the approach and source of it. The difference here at Rhino however is the collective and individual willingness to listen to the issues to find and understand the source of individual and collective discontent, in order to address and act on them to improve as a company for the benefit of all.

 David A Baker

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