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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Finite Moving Toward the Infinite

The struggle of the finite to pursue and understand the infinite...

True the Christian faith it is paradoxical in that it is both futile and worthy, optional and required.

However where most people fail or fall short is in their comprehension of the multifaceted depth and meaning when applying the truth of God.

Our understanding of any given biblical text changes as we do. It takes divine revelation to go beyond an understanding based solely in our own experiences and apply truths to circumstances beyond our own.

That's what make the word alive though, its application is not limited to our own situation alone but all situations, and makes itself available to seen in many lights. When we believe our truth is God's truth we begin to make God in our image, a task far easier that allowing ourselves to conform to his.

Some answers are done a disservice by being casually dispensed, and cannot be fully comprehended without the benefit of having arrived at them in our own experiences and through our own reasoning.

It is difficult to judge the shape of things by the shadows they cast, although we may see them in relation to their source of light. So we who know that the reality of any given situation is more like varying shades of grey, should reserve any tendency toward judgement and pray for those whose perspective is limited to black and white.

There's a reason Jesus was known as a friend of sinners and had a reputation that preceded him.
He met people where they were at.

As one of my favorite movie quotes goes, "God loves you just the way you are, but He loves you too much to let you stay that way."

Life is a beautiful struggle whose answers cannot be reduced to bullets points and regimented formulas with blanket applications.


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