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Monday, October 24, 2016

Volume and Velocity

If we believe that suicide is a sin then we need to ask ourselves, "What is suicide?"

Sometimes suicide is a trip to the convenience mart, or bite at a burger joint.

Sometimes suicide is a cigarette, or the obligation to finish that drink or meal.

Sometimes suicide is just unnecessary risk, hasty decisions or flippant regard for consequence.

Sometimes suicide is a slow bullet called love, or quitting your dreams.

Suicide is any decision made in a moment of time because we've lost sight of even the possibility of hope for all moments of time.

It is easy for the living to judge the actions of the dead.
To condemn the person who in a single moment pulled the trigger takes no real efforts, sacrifice or empathy.

It is difficult for the living to refrain from judging the actions of the living.
Not to condemn the person who, in every moment pulls the trigger takes real effort, sacrifice & empathy.

We are all sinners none of us more or less deserving of either mercy or judgement, Heaven or Hell.

Think about it as though something very big depends on it... because it does.

Solo Cristo Salva

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.