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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

12pm West Coast Time

You won't find true respect for authority among those people who have that authority lorded over them, that is simply forced submission.
This is prison.

True respect for authority is found in those who willingly submit to it. They will do so when they can trust those in authority, knowing they are working for the collective and the individual not against or in spite of them.
This is a team.

The exercise of power simply for the display of dominance will produce no good result for anyone and is usually counter productive for everyone. Doing so is childish, and it serves only to appeal to pride.

This is the thinking that will undermine authority and destroy a cohesive team.
It breeds resentment.

Changing a decision by listening to reason is not at all undermining your authority. All though it may not serve your pride well to admit your short coming, it is a pill worth swallowing.

In fact having made a decision which is then altered by listening reason, really only serves to underscore why that respect for it exists, by showing a rational thought process at work.

Think about it.

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.