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Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Enemy is Within (part 2 of 2)

There are people that are often inclined to disagree with my perspective on social and (only incidentally) political views. They are intelligent, articulate and thorough in making their points, and I appreciate their input and viewpoints. However, while I appreciate all these things it seems by their approach that often times the concern is not as much about correction as it is about exemplifying that they are correct. Perhaps better stated, doing right is a lesser concern than being right.

I say this because often I feel that their responses come before they have considered the entirety of the issue or question that I am addressing, and often I am forced to address issues that were never my intention to address in the first place and are often totally irrelevant to my point.

It is frustrating to say the least.

I understand that each of has a natural tendency to view the world through our own lenses of experience and understanding. Then I thought perhaps I too am guilty of the same though I might not see it in myself.

As I considered all of this, as I took my view on them and turned it inward, this is what I thought...

It is delusional for any of us to believe that our particular brand of spiritual self destruction is practiced with any less enthusiasm, frequency, self justification or impending judgement than that of anyone else.

We would be foolish to believe that our sins are somehow "better", that our faults are so minor that they should be envied by those whose faults and shortcomings are clearly worse than our own.

They certainly are not. They are different only in that they are our own and so more understood by us, but that is where the differences end. At their root, and in the end the offenses are the same and all exact the very same price.

It seems however that our words and actions betray us as somehow believing it to be so. That we ourselves do not see it, does not indicate that it is not seen by others, though they may not feel inclined to rebuke us.

I have to wonder if our tolerance for their existence within us can become so great that we are slowly blinded by them to the point that we no longer recognize the divine bestowal of grace and mercy that is generously bestowed upon us which was once so obvious and convicting.

I wonder of failing to recognize ourselves as the unmerited recipients thereof, we them become reserved in our dispensing of it as well. Feeling as though we require little ourselves we then afford little to others as well.

Lord have mercy on us all.
Solo Cristo Salva!


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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.