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Friday, May 9, 2014

Two Wrongs Don't Make It Right


I'm no different than anyone else,
I mean when you get down to it.
So, why should I feel bad or say sorry?

Everyone does the same things I do.
Even if they don't admit it.

That's just people doing what people do to get by.
There' nothing wrong in that is there?


Well If you think I'm so bad you ought to look around this place.
If you did that you'd see that other people are much worse than I am!

Look at the kind of stuff they they do!
I don't do half that stuff.

Not on that level.
Not like they do.

I'm very different from anyone else
I mean when you get down to it.
So, why should I feel bad or say sorry?


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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.