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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Black Tea Matters

I'm sorry.
Allow me to clarify.
I am NOT condoning or condemning the Tea Party or the riots.
Between the two neither is "right" but both are understandable to me.

The Boston Tea party was a carefully organized protest with a select number of chosen participants & with a clear singular objective, in which white people disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians and destroyed a shitload of tea.
That no deaths occurred in that process is situationally incidental.

BLM riots have reprehensible collateral damage, the blame falling under mob mentality as I can see.
They have one singular motivating agenda, but the problems are vast in nature and deeply rooted in culture.
They are meant to address globally what peaceful protest has not accomplished individually.
I have not, will not, condone or condemn either, but I understand them both.
And let's be real at the time the tea party was pretty fucking radical.

Allow me to add that:
[1] The tea party addressed financial and political issues.
[2] The riots are primarily addressing the cultural and moral issues that have begotten the political issues
[3] Both address ethical issues.
[4] The Tea Party folks were a long way off from their ruling government & none of them were ever caught. But let's be real, if they had real balls they wouldn't have tried to give the Mohawk's the blame. But you know, Red privilege and all, they probably had it coming.

The Tea Party's object

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.