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Thursday, September 22, 2016

You Say Tomato

Although almost no one notices it, it is far more likely, and far more common, for a man to die slowly over the course of his life from the sufferings of a million pin pricks, than being allowed to die in a single moment by the blow of a sword.

Onlookers will marvel and admire the man who dies dramatically in a single moment and yet scratch their heads trying to comprehend a man's mundane lifetime of endurance while they continue to stick even more pins into him.

Between what is right and what is wrong in my life, what is wrong is probably very minor comparably, and in the grand scheme, inconsequential without a doubt...

But still, I'll be damned if those little pin pricks don't hurt like hell. They take their toll those tiny drops of blood.

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.