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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Shadow Boxing

There are, as I have noted in the past, two positions that people may be in that will render them unpredictable because all logic is lost and any course of action might seem just as reasonable as any other.

There is the person who stands to lose everything by not acting. They are motivated by fear above all, prone to hasty and irrational decisions.

Then there is the one who has everything to gain. They stand to lose nothing, and all fear is gone for they have already lost whatever had previously motivated them to reasonable actions.

Until recently however occasion had never arisen for me to believe that they are not necessarily two mutually exclusive positions and that they infact could possibly be one and the same person.

It is an interesting thing to consider, as no one who is insane believes themselves to be so. Every, and in this case almost any, course of action would seem perfectly rational and logical to them...

Anything is possible now.

So we wait to see what exactly plays out and in what moment insanity can no longer be restrained from action.

Who knows what lurks in the shadows of men's hearts? No one can truly know their own capabilities and capacities until they have arrived at the edge of their own limits and find themselves at the point  of testing who they might really be.

Perhaps capable of acting with unimaginable beauty and grace or with horrific ugliness, but either beyond what they thought they may be capable of previously.

Of this much I am certain though, that both fear and the lack thereof make anything possible in the right circumstances at the right moment.

What will we be when that moment comes? That is the question.

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