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Wednesday, September 5, 2012


One of the wonderful and very terrible things about Facebook is that although anyone could be anything, or at least appear to be anything, most people are perfectly content to unashamedly and without apology, simply be themselves. Either that or they just can't seem to muster the energy, consideration and self discipline to be anything except themselves. And so they remain...

Most people, unaware of particular traits within themselves, are also unaware of just how deeply revealing their words and actions are of the true nature behind these words and actions. And so they carry on...

In my experience, (and history shows) any character trait, if ignored and indulged enough, will eventually become the character trait you embody.

For as a man thinks, so he is.

So that, people who start out in small proportion as being jerks (or kind), eventually (without conscious effort or awareness) spiral into being total jerks (or kind).

It can get ugly.
But it can be good too.


Let people be themselves, give it time, and eventually they will show you exactly who they are whether they mean to or not.



1 comment:

  1. See also:


You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.