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Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Off Ended Off Ender

When speaking truth one should expect that some offense will occur. That much should not surprise us...

(Sadly) Even and especially among those professing to believe that same truth. 

I find however that most of the time, people (who should probably should be very offended), are not at all offended for the reasons that they should be. 

The focus in those cases is usually placed on self, pride, insecurities, and self righteous thinking. I see it in others because I see it in myself.

That's OK too I suppose. 

Offense too can have its purpose. 
Embrace it, but question its nature within yourself as well



  1. I don't know when America decided that we as Americans have a RIGHT to be free from being offended. You have a right to publish what you wish I have a right to either read or ignore it. If you publish something that offends me it is my responsibility to either; ignore it, learn from it, or bug the crap out of you with my own offensive points of view. (Or any combination thereof)


You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.