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Friday, August 23, 2013

Gandhi Is Laughing at You

Text with a graphic, who could argue it?

So here we have some words that Gandhi is supposed to have said. People love to say,"Oh, that Gandhi was so profound! What a great guy. I almost watched that whole movie." when they hear this little snippet.

In reality we don't have any context surrounding this statement. Enamored by his greatness, we are left to do what we always do to each other anyway, and apply our perception as his reality.

If I've learned anything about how people communicate I've learned this: Don't hear what isn't being said, but certainly listen for it.

People like to imagine Gandhi a lot like they imagine Jesus, always so nice and lovely, never angry or hostile toward anything or anyone.

But anyone who knows about either of those guys knows those are bogus notions. Both of them, they got down right angry. They were passionate about their faith.

Now, it's well known that Gandhi wasn't a Christian and in fact right here he's saying "I don't like Christians". Forget about the justification he offers, this is what he's literally saying, I can't stand Christians... all Christians. Jesus, although I reject the notion of his claims, was a nice enough dude.

People love Gandhi, he can't stand Christians and we love it everytime someone reminds us of that. Do you get it?

Gandhi was a master of language. He didn't say some, or most, he was all inclusive. So this broad stereo type about ALL Christians was no "mistake".

So, Gandhi doesn't like Christians. Why?
They have nothing in common with Jesus... and so consider what if, just what if, at the heart of Gandhi's profound statement that we like to ooh and aah at, was actually this: We got rid of Jesus, why can't we get rid of these people too?

Hey, I'm just thinking.
I could certainly be wrong.

All that said, it's certainly ironic that this meme was shared by "The Christian Left". If that's the case then where did they go?

Gandhi sure would be happy.

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.