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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Good News For Bad People

I hear about it all the time.

Good things happen to bad people.
Bad things happen to good people.

Good people make bad choices.
Bad people make good choices.


That's always the next question.


It seems like a fair question, but I  thinks it's the wrong question.


Let's face it, in this application the terms good and bad simply mean that which we approve or disapprove of by virtue of our own understanding. Fair by our own standards of such.

So, since there is no unanimous collective standard, and no one knows everything about anyone, or any situation, let's remove those words, and this is what we get:

Things happen to people.
People make choices.

At the heart of it that is all that is really happening.

Everything else then is just perspective.

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.