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Saturday, November 2, 2013

America The Poorest Nation on the Planet

If a mighty oak grew 6 inches in a day we would hardly notice, but if our grass grew 3 inches in a week we would notice right away...

 Let's face it, if you grew up in America, in many ways you've grown up with advantages that many parts of the world can't even begin to fathom. Regardless of how you may feel you compare to other Americans you have more options and available resources than most of the world. In other places poor is where you end up, here it's a starting point.

The biggest mistake we make however is to think that the material luxuries and and social advantages that come by way of money is the indicator of how well off we are. It is engrained in us from our youth, that the "less fortunate" are to be pitied for being without and that they envy and covet our well being. That is nothing short of a lie designed to keep us fearfully and gratefully enslaved to materialism.

 The blessing is most often the curse and those of us who have had the option of placing our faith in our own resources (ie money) tend to place it there foremost. Of the many options that money affords us we seem to feel that faith in God is among them. We don't need God, we have money. Not to say that people with money can't have faith in God, but when God somehow becomes plan A, money is almost always plan B, and let's face it, if you have a plan B you don't really have faith, you have insurance.

The poor however aren't afforded that option. There is no plan B and God is the option if only because money is not.

Consequently, God moving in the busy lives of the rich becomes hardly noticeable and barely acknowledged.

Experience has taught me this much: When you have very little, even a little becomes a very big deal. You become grateful for receiving even that much, and so God's moving even in the smallest ways is very noticeable and the gratitude for his blessing increases proportionately.

Each cycle perpetuates itself until eventually the rich become spiritually poor, and the poor spiritually rich.

The truth is, at its core, the problem of the poor and the problem of the rich are really the very same problem...

... they both want more money.

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