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Monday, November 18, 2013

The Stuff of Dreams

What follows is a dream that I had this past Friday night.
It is as detailed and as vague as I recall it.

In a modern day setting, in a normal middle-upper class neighborhood, Jesus buzzes the owner of a gated high security house. The owner answers and comes out and asks Jesus what it is he wants.
Jesus replies by telling the owner that he is in need and asks if perhaps he might help.
The owner of the house, offers up an impressive list of the material possessions at his disposal.
Jesus shakes his head, apologizes for bothering him and walks away.

Later Jesus knocks at the door of what might be most anyone's house.
There is no gate, nor cameras, no security, but there is really no need for those things either.
The owner of this house answers and invites Jesus in.
After sitting for a while the question comes up...,"Why are you here Jesus?"
Again, Jesus replies by telling the owner that he is need and asks if perhaps he might help.
A gracious host, he offers Jesus a place to sleep, some food, etc.
He goes on to explain that he doesn't have much but what he has he owns and Jesus is welcome to it.
Once more Jesus shakes his head, apologizes for bothering him and walks away.

He barely reaches the end of the walk, when a man in front of the house he's just left approaches him.
He asks Jesus what brings him to the neighborhood.
Jesus explains that he has been looking for help.
The man expresses interest and Jesus asks the man what he has to offer.
The man shakes his head, and says,"Literally nothing, only me."
He apologizes for bothering Jesus and begins to walk away.
As he turns to leave, Jesus stopped him and said, "That's the only thing I've ever wanted."

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.