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Thursday, November 19, 2015


I used to try.
I did.

I would try with every ounce.

To be normal.
To be understood.

Inevitably I would fall short and fail.

The efforts toward any good thing always undone by the weight of every resulting bad thing.

Eventually I came to see, I would never be the expected.

I would never be the norm.

I would be mostly dismissed and misunderstood.

I would be barely needed and rarely wanted.

I began to understand that I would without question, always fail, no matter how hard I tried.

The greater my efforts to succeed, the greater the resulting failures.

The one thing I was certain never to fail at was failing.

So I began to question what exactly failure meant and how it was measured.

Once I could accept that, well then I was set free from the burden of even trying.

There was no longer any reason, outside of my own desire or conviction, to be anything more or less than what I was for myself, now that I knew what I would always be to others.

It's really not the worst thing that could happen.

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.