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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Tired and Awake

Famous Last (regrettable) Words... befor drifting off to sleep:

Wow, that's a great idea I just had. Tomorrow morning I'm going write that down, but for now I'm going to sleep....

I should as suggested, do what Seinfeld does and keep a notebook by the bed.

I have a phone, and sometimes I di just that. Using the phone avoids the Seinfeld problem of being illegible the following morning.

In spite of my history however, somehow I believe "this time" I really will remember and expound or act on that thought the next day.

I write this because I had a great idea last night, or so I thought. Now for the life of me I have no idea what it was.

It's a recurring problem for me, and being an overthinker, I have to wonder if it's really only that level of tired which makes me too lazy to write such great things down, that made whatever I was thinking seem so great in the first place.

It's difficult and dangerous to be the speaker and the audience, the author and the editor.

So maybe some ideas should be forgotten.

At least, that's how I console myself.

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.