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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Burning Desire

So, nothing set in stone, but I was thinking about having a small fire tonight.
Might start a little late, and it's usually an open invite.
Let me know if you're interested 

There are a few rules though....

1) Mostly guys come to these, rarely women, and more rarely kids. I'm not sure why but allow me to say this...

Foremost, my wife and kids are allergic to smoke, so me even having these fires is a little rude. Now that you know I'm rude it gets worse...This was never intended to be an event that forced my wife to do housework in order to entertain guests. That said, don't anticipate that you'll be visiting anything except the exterior of my house. I know what you're thinking, and we have an alley if needed.

2) These fires are spontaneous. There's no planning involved and so there's no commitment involved either. Not on my end, and not on yours. If it happens it happens no pressure since that's contrary to the whole point of the fire.

I do them in front (instead of in back) of my house as it was my hope that it be conducive to the feeling of an open invite. In other words, it's not a private party.

3) I have a very intelligent and diverse group of friends and there's large potential for offense but no one's going be "that guy" right? Be cool.

4) I don't have much money, and besides that it promotes a more communal feeling to have the following rule: If you want to drink it, eat it smoke it, bring it, and bring enough to share.

5) You can bring wood if you want, but I usually foot the bill for that. I figure I'm burning stuff whether or not anyone shows up, so that's entirely my obligation.


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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.