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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Madame Blueberry

That's what we call her, and she's home.

It's too bad car insurance doesn't work like health insurance. We're about $1,600 in to it, half of which we have to come up with in a month. That should prove interesting.

Not to mention that after four years of sitting in the driveway, the tires are dry rotted as well, and she can sound like an old sailing vessel. I suppose that's to be expected.

Based on a promise of a loan, we had her towed to the mechanic, only to find at the end of it it all, oops, that money no longer exists.

We had the brother of a good friend of ours working on it, and he cut us some really good deals. I can't imagine how much it would have been otherwise.

No one particular thing was wrong but a myriad of little things.

We took her home last Thursday, with the instruction that we'd need to drive her for a week so the computer could cycle through all its tests. So far we're good as no check engine light had come on yet.

Now we just need to figure it how we're going to pay for emissions and tags as well.

For now though, I haven't driven the 64' Ford in the last week which has really cut back on gas costs.

It'll be nice to be able to return the Ford that or friend Don and his wife, as they've been so generous to let us borrow for quite a long time now, since I totaled the Honda in a wreck last year.

Not only has it cost them quite a bit, since they've also been picking up the insurance, but its been a stress to drive someone else's car, all the while waiting for some big problem to occur and really screw me.

The Ford's been a champ though, and it's been the impetus to meet quite a few people I wouldn't have otherwise had occasion to talk to. The down side it's that misty of those people think I should know all about trucks. I get it, but I don't know squat.

Thanks Don and Debbie.
You're truly faithful servants.
You've been a blessing more than you can imagine.

Hope to have truck back to you soon.


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