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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hello Lover

"Love means never having to say you're sorry."

Isn't that nice?
Lots of people think so...

But not me.
I think that's a bunch of shit.

I think what love means is that we extend forgiveness without ever needing to hear the words, "I'm sorry." to do so.

It's letting go, and not using the past as a weapon in the future.

It also means making sure that a "sorry" is sincerely extended by us.

Because apologies aren't always about wrong or right as much as they might be about preserving the relationship at the expense of our pride.

Love means giving our best, doing our best, always assuming, trusting, hoping that the other person is as well. Whatever that best may be on any given day.

It's also helping others to realize their best for themselves, when they cannot find it within themselves.

Love is about extending the benefit of the doubt and love...really, it's about a lot of things.

But love certainly does not mean never having to say ,"I'm sorry".

To the contrary, it means always having to say, "I'm sorry", even and especially when it really sucks.

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.