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Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Rhino Chase

It does not take a good deal of time to do a good deal of living, however that we have simply  not chosen to die does not at all indicate that we have chosen to live.

While I've not lived a great number of years I have lived a great deal of life. Among many other things I have learned to pay attention and ask questions .

Believing there is a purpose and a plan orchestrating this mess we call life, I also believe that there is a far bigger picture that we are not afforded a full understanding of from our vantage point. However we may choose to do it, we do it none the less.

So when life takes unexpected turns, as it often will, I have found great value in asking,"What does this mean? " and "What does it matter?" as things matter to some degree if we are meant to get anything out of them at all.

That life does not often go as planned, is not uncommon, and often times it is for the better, which is not to say easier. However, these are the times we will later refer to as memories, and these are the times which both define and refine our character.

This being the case,  it is a mistaken notion to perceive the life of adversity as being bad and the life of prosperity as being good. Often it is the unavoidable consequence of leading a good life that we face many of life's greatest difficulties. So, if there is any personal tragedy in our lives to be found it is not the result of our trials and adversities, but more often the result of our responses to them.

A mere acceptance of what we cannot change does not afford the depth and nature of  introspection and growth required in honestly facing and changing those things, which were always there but deep within ourselves .

However, if  we choose to not merely to accept those things that we cannot change, but  instead choose to embrace them as our catalyst to  change for the better, we might then find the blessing in the curse and watch certain failure turn into unimaginable success.

Between blessings and curses, successes and failures the difference is most often found in the lenses by which they are seen, for this is the  reality which will shape our response and determine our path. 

Faith makes all the difference...

Solo Cristo Salva

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