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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Suffer The Children Unto Me…

Sometimes it’s good to be alone with one’s thoughts, but never for too long, and generally speaking, in my experience, the toughest part usually comes at the times that we should probably be talking to someone the most, but when we actually feel like talking least.

Words often fail us in our most desperate hours, for they alone are unable to fully express the depth of our emotions at our darkest hours, in our most vulnerable states.

Often our solitary contemplation leads to an anticipation which far exceeds the actuality of the circumstance, and we really just need some one to remind us, that we’re not crazy for thinking the thoughts we do and bring us back into the light from the solitude of our darkest places, so that we can keep moving forward through “it”, whatever “it” is.

In those times, I have found and would ask you to remember this: If you’ve thought it or experienced it, so have countless others, either now or in the past. Whatever the situation, I have found that getting through it, however we do that, in turn strengthens us and puts us in the place to help others by merely relating, if nothing else.

Never underestimate the bonds that are born of mutual affliction.

So talk, even and especially when you least feel like it, but even more important, listen; not as much to what’s being said, but considering more so what isn’t being said at all. Someone may be looking to you while you are looking to them.

An answer isn’t always what’s required, just someone who cares. Those people exist, and you may find that you could be that person for someone else if you just take the time look around.

Most suffering cannot be seen with the eye, but is seen from the heart.
It is not often to be heard with the ears, but rather it is heard by the spirit, and it is only ever understood by experience.

You are not alone.


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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.