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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Just One Pepsi

The longer a person lives with any dysfunction, the more normal it seems. Especially if they have, in their own world, nothing to base normal off of.

My youth afforded me plenty of dysfunction...

As I began, I started to realize that my own dysfunctions were just that, (my own) and as I started to see what healthy people lived like, looked like. I could begin to change.

In other words, in order to understand just how messed up I was, I had to understand just how it was that I was so messed up.

That journey began long ago, however changing doesn't get easier over time, the surface symptoms simply become less apparent that's all.

So that in my journey I find that the greater my understanding about the nature of my depravity, the greater my realization of its depth as well.

As time goes on, I find I am able to move beyond the lesser but more obvious problems, but consequently I then become all the more aware of far  greater and yet less obvious problems.

The more I come to know really only serves to underscore how very little I know.

It is by God's grace alone am I able to continue on in what I would otherwise regard as a pointless and unwinnable fight.

As I have said on the past, I will say again now:

What's gone is gone
What's done is done
The battle rages
But the war is won


1 comment:

  1. What's gone is gone
    What's done is done
    The battle rages
    But the war is won

    How so very true.
    I'd love to have you visit and follow my blog, I'm already following you.


You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.