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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Any Given Sunday

Try this:

On any given  Sunday, walk in to a crowded church service, and loudly proclaim something (hopefully untrue) horrible about yourself. I mean something shameful and potentially life ruining.

Now, go back in a couple of Sundays and loudly retract it.
Everything should be fine now, right?

Why not?
You know exactly why not.

People who perpetuate misinformation, without validating its accuracy simply because it seems to support their agenda do this very thing, except they do it to someone else.
So please, if you have any consideration for the aftermath of it, or any degree of self respect, PLEASE stop publicly perpetuating misinformation because it fits your agenda.

Even if you have the ethics uncommon to most in this day and age, to retract it publicly , it won't matter.

It's like trying to stop a ripple in a pond.
It's out there. It can't be undone.

You are screwing with the people who have the misfortune of knowing you, who have to endure your endless propaganda, and bearing false witness of the lives of those you don't.

Perpetuating a untruth is lying.

So now, try this:

Shut the fuck up.
(it's easy. Try it.)

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.