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Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Buying and Selling of America

The media by careful marketing techniques capitalize and sensationalise those things that may or may not be the case.

They are in business and business need to generate profits.

While we cannot assume the actuality or any certainty of a situation based on the entertainment presented as news, we cannot entirely dismiss it either.

We are left to our own devices and discretion in discerning the truth.

This is exactly the confusion and uncertainty that religious leaders and politicians prey upon in swaying opinion and in gaining unmerited favor and credibility.

The tactic is to polarize us in order that we would do to each other what they know they alone cannot do.

So we are inundated with conflicting information and perpetuate it by passing along information  we are uncertain is accurate further escalating the tension and widening the expanse in the division.

It is a divide and conquer technique based on their need to gather the single greatest resource we have, the one resource that they know they require, the strength and support found in the unity of the people compelled to action in an us against them mentality.

Never underestimate the strength and power found in the unity born of those believing they suffer mutual affliction especially when it is presented in the guise of some greater moral cause.

We must examine our own convictions to think and decide for ourselves or suffer the consequences of others who would gladly do it for us.

This is one of the greatest fears I have regarding what I see to be declining literacy in a culture of self entitled people so used indulged in immediate gratification.


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