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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mosquitos make mosquitos

The other day Maddy had a friend over.

They were playing in the front yard and we were out there with them, when the friend asked if I would shut of the hose (which was watering the tree). I asked why and she told me that her mom said that water makes mosquitos.

I was confused as to why anyone would mislead their children by telling them something that was, if not untrue, certainly a misrepresentation of the truth?

Thinking about it, I thought it was somewhat cruel because having been misinformed by what should have been a reliable source,  that girl would now have to rethink every factor in that situation.

So I told her, "Water doesn't make mosquitos. Mosquitos make mosquitos, and they use water."

So, did I overstep my bounds? Maybe, but I have to think a greater service was done for the child than possible offense to the parent, so I'll take it.

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.