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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Let's Get Fiscal

In business the bottom line is the bottom line, and the media (whatever the form) is quite simply, in business. 

They are competing for a market to sell advertising. 
They will tell you whatever they need to, to loosen those purse strings.

Rallying people, calling them to arms, dividing them against each other, by sensationalizing extremisms (or extremists), whatever the subject matter, perpetuates those sales. 

Consequently, the "news" too has become little more than another form of entertainment, catering their stories to a select view point (or market). 

Unfortunately reasonable, intellectual, loving Christians who do live out their convictions with Christ like love and grace (and there are more than you might imagine), aren't stories that promote self serving materialism.

They don't get your adrenalin pumping, because they aren't in fact doing anything that you couldn't do.

They aren't exciting at all unless you're interested in their motivations more than what it is they are motivated to do, and their stories aren't those that can be easily presented in the short spans between commercials. 

Consequently they don't sell products, or increase profit margins. 
A most unprofitable market, unworthy of pursuing or reporting.
Perhaps doing so might be counter productive to their cause....

However, consider this:

More than any religion, or the opposition there of, individual and personal cruelties, and atrocities on a horrific level and depth, are committed in the name the name of financial gain. 

So where are the protests against financial gain? 
Who can afford such a fight? 

Perhaps we could if we simply stopped buying the lies....

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